[mcclim-devel] arglist, tester-arglist, and doc-arglist for presentation translators

Max-Gerd Retzlaff m.retzlaff at gmx.net
Thu Sep 15 21:16:40 UTC 2005

On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 10:43:47PM +0200, Timothy Moore wrote:
> On Sep 15, 2005, at 10:08 PM, Max-Gerd Retzlaff wrote:
> >Personally I think the requirement that the arglists have always to be
> >at least the list (object) (if I interpret the spec correctly) is
> >
> ...
> >The "canonical" argument list should be the following in my opinion:
> >  (&key object presentation context-type frame event window x y)
> >And also the empty list should be considered to match it.
> >
> >
> >What do you think? Should we just CLIMI::MAKE-TRANSLATOR-LL leave as
> >it is, and add this to a list of known but wanted nonconformances to
> >the CLIM specification?
> >
> I believe the code implements the description of translator arglists on 
> page 156 of the Franz CLIM User's guide, which is the closest thing to 
> a reasonable revision of the spec:
> "An argument list that must be a subset (using STRING-EQUAL ...) of the 
> canonical argument list: (object presentation context-type frame event 
> window x y)"
> In other words, nothing is special about object. Code written to the 
> older definition in the Spec should be compatible with this too.

Yes, exactly. I think it would be rather stupid to enforce the exact
behaviour the specification prescribes in this case. I've also had a
look at Franz' CLIM 2 User Guide earlier, as in several cases it has
more reasonable definitions.

Especially in this case as conforming code to the original
specification still works without a problem.

Perhaps we should add an annotation to Gilbert's version of the spec
that McCLIM actually implements what Franz proposes.


Max-Gerd Retzlaff <m.retzlaff at gmx.net>

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