[mcclim-devel] arglist, tester-arglist, and doc-arglist for presentation translators

Timothy Moore moore at bricoworks.com
Thu Sep 15 20:43:47 UTC 2005

On Sep 15, 2005, at 10:08 PM, Max-Gerd Retzlaff wrote:

> Hello,
> please have a look at 23.7.1 of the CLIM 2.0 specification. In the 
> section
> If my interpretation is correct, you have not only to use theses names
> *literally* (because of the STRING-EQUAL requirement), but also the
> empty list is not allowed and the first argument is always required
> and has to be (STRING-EQUAL to) OBJECT.
> I added an ASSERT to beginning of CLIMI::MAKE-TRANSLATOR-LL because
> I've made the error earlier to try to bind the object to a symbol
> non-equal to OBJECT, and I've seen that there are presentation
> translators in beirc that just try to bind PRESENTATION. The ASSERT is:
> Well, afterwards McCLIM doesn't compile anymore. There are two
> presentation to command translators in dialog.lisp: COM-EXIT-BUTTON
> Personally I think the requirement that the arglists have always to be
> at least the list (object) (if I interpret the spec correctly) is
> The "canonical" argument list should be the following in my opinion:
>   (&key object presentation context-type frame event window x y)
> And also the empty list should be considered to match it.
> What do you think? Should we just CLIMI::MAKE-TRANSLATOR-LL leave as
> it is, and add this to a list of known but wanted nonconformances to
> the CLIM specification?
I believe the code implements the description of translator arglists on 
page 156 of the Franz CLIM User's guide, which is the closest thing to 
a reasonable revision of the spec:

"An argument list that must be a subset (using STRING-EQUAL ...) of the 
canonical argument list: (object presentation context-type frame event 
window x y)"

In other words, nothing is special about object. Code written to the 
older definition in the Spec should be compatible with this too.


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