[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Wed Feb 13 21:58:50 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv15222/Drei

Modified Files:
	drei-redisplay.lisp views.lisp 
Log Message:
Some general cleanups in Drei redisplay.
No functionality changes.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/02/12 19:22:37	1.63
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/02/13 21:58:50	1.64
@@ -272,37 +272,6 @@
      do (invalidate-line-strokes line
          :modified modified :cleared cleared)))
-(defun invalidate-strokes-in-region (view start-offset end-offset
-                                     &key modified cleared)
-  "Invalidate all the strokes of `view' that overlap the region
-`start-offset'/`end-offset' by setting their dirty-bit to
-true. If `modified' or `cleared' is true, also set their
-modified-bit to true. If `cleared' is true, inform the strokes
-that their previous output has been cleared by someone, and that
-they do not need to clear it themselves during their next
-  ;; If the region is outside the visible region, no-op.
-  (when (overlaps start-offset end-offset
-                  (offset (top view)) (offset (bot view)))
-    (let ((line1-index (index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset view start-offset))
-          (line2-index (index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset view end-offset)))
-      (loop for line = (line-information view line1-index)
-            when (<= start-offset
-                     (line-start-offset line) (line-end-offset line)
-                     end-offset)
-            ;; The entire line is within the region.
-            do (invalidate-line-strokes line :modified modified
-                                             :cleared cleared)
-            ;; Only part of the line is within the region.
-            else do (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
-                      (when (overlaps start-offset end-offset
-                                      (stroke-start-offset stroke)
-                                      (stroke-end-offset stroke))
-                        (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified modified
-                                                  :cleared cleared)))
-            if (= line1-index line2-index) do (loop-finish)
-            else do (incf line1-index)))))
 (defmacro do-displayed-lines ((line-sym view) &body body)
   "Loop over lines on display for `view', evaluating `body' with
 `line-sym' bound to the `displayed-line' object for each line."
@@ -348,6 +317,39 @@
                                    (+ (line-stroke-count ,line) ,stroke-index))))
            , at body)))))
+(defun invalidate-strokes-in-region (view start-offset end-offset
+                                     &key modified cleared)
+  "Invalidate all the strokes of `view' that overlap the region
+`start-offset'/`end-offset' by setting their dirty-bit to
+true. If `modified' or `cleared' is true, also set their
+modified-bit to true. If `cleared' is true, inform the strokes
+that their previous output has been cleared by someone, and that
+they do not need to clear it themselves during their next
+  (as-region (start-offset end-offset)
+    ;; If the region is outside the visible region, no-op.
+    (when (and (plusp (displayed-lines-count view)) ; If there is any display...
+               (overlaps start-offset end-offset
+                         (offset (top view)) (offset (bot view))))
+      (let ((line1-index (index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset view start-offset))
+            (line2-index (index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset view end-offset)))
+        (loop for line = (line-information view line1-index)
+              when (<= start-offset
+                       (line-start-offset line) (line-end-offset line)
+                       end-offset)
+              ;; The entire line is within the region.
+              do (invalidate-line-strokes line :modified modified
+                                               :cleared cleared)
+              ;; Only part of the line is within the region.
+              else do (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
+                        (when (overlaps start-offset end-offset
+                                        (stroke-start-offset stroke)
+                                        (stroke-end-offset stroke))
+                          (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified modified
+                                                    :cleared cleared)))
+              if (= line1-index line2-index) do (loop-finish)
+              else do (incf line1-index))))))
 (defun find-stroke-containing-offset (view offset)
   "Find the stroke of `view' that displays the buffer offset
 `offset'. If no such stroke can be found, this function returns
@@ -430,7 +432,8 @@
 `view', and add it to the sequence of displayed strokes in
 `line'. `Line-change' should be a relative offset specifying how
 much the start-offset of `line' has changed since the last time
-it was redisplayed."
+it was redisplayed. `Offset' is the offset at which the next
+stroke will start."
   (let* ((stroke (line-stroke-information line (line-stroke-count line)))
          (old-start-offset (stroke-start-offset stroke))
          (old-end-offset (stroke-end-offset stroke))
@@ -678,19 +681,21 @@
     ;; ugly, just complex.
     (multiple-value-bind (line-width baseline descent pump-state)
         ;; Pump all the line strokes and calculate their dimensions.
-        (loop for index from 0
-           for stroke = (line-stroke-information line index)
-           for stroke-dimensions = (stroke-dimensions stroke)
-           for pump-state = (put-stroke view line initial-pump-state offset-change) then
-           (put-stroke view line pump-state offset-change)
-           do (update-stroke-dimensions pane view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
-           (setf cursor-x (x2 stroke-dimensions))
-           maximizing (- (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions)
-                         (center stroke-dimensions)) into descent
-           maximizing (+ (center stroke-dimensions) cursor-y) into baseline
-           summing (dimensions-width stroke-dimensions) into line-width
-           when (stroke-at-end-of-line (buffer view) stroke)
-           return (values line-width baseline descent pump-state))
+        (loop with offset = start-offset
+              for index from 0
+              for stroke = (line-stroke-information line index)
+              for stroke-dimensions = (stroke-dimensions stroke)
+              for pump-state = (put-stroke view line initial-pump-state offset-change)
+              then (put-stroke view line pump-state offset-change)
+              do (update-stroke-dimensions pane view stroke cursor-x cursor-y)
+              (setf cursor-x (x2 stroke-dimensions))
+              (setf offset (stroke-end-offset stroke))
+              maximizing (- (dimensions-height stroke-dimensions)
+                            (center stroke-dimensions)) into descent
+              maximizing (+ (center stroke-dimensions) cursor-y) into baseline
+              summing (dimensions-width stroke-dimensions) into line-width
+              when (stroke-at-end-of-line (buffer view) stroke)
+              return (values line-width baseline descent pump-state))
       (let ((line-height (- (+ baseline descent) cursor-y)))
         ;; Loop over the strokes and clear the parts of the pane that
         ;; has to be redrawn, trying to minimise the number of calls to
@@ -783,16 +788,19 @@
 (defmethod display-drei-view-contents ((pane basic-pane) (view drei-buffer-view))
   (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) view
-    (let ((old-width (- x2 x1))
-          (old-height (- y2 y1)))
+    (let* ((old-width (- x2 x1))
+           (old-height (- y2 y1))
+           (start-offset (offset (beginning-of-line (top view))))
+           (pump-state (pump-state-for-offset view start-offset))
+           (pane-height (bounding-rectangle-height (or (pane-viewport pane) pane))))
+      ;; For invalidation of the parts of the display that have
+      ;; changed.
+      (synchronize-view view :begin (offset (top view)) :end (offset (bot view)))
       (setf (displayed-lines-count view) 0
             (max-line-width view) 0)
       (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y) (stream-cursor-position pane)
         (with-output-recording-options (pane :record nil :draw t)
-          (loop with start-offset = (offset (beginning-of-line (top view)))
-                with pump-state = (pump-state-for-offset view start-offset)
-                with pane-height = (bounding-rectangle-height (or (pane-viewport pane) pane))
-                for line = (line-information view (displayed-lines-count view))
+          (loop for line = (line-information view (displayed-lines-count view))
                 do (multiple-value-bind (new-pump-state line-height)
                        (draw-line-strokes pane view pump-state start-offset
                                           cursor-x cursor-y old-width)
@@ -823,17 +831,19 @@
   "Return a pump state usable for pumpting strokes for `view' (a
 `drei-buffer-view') from `offset'."
   ;; Perform binary search looking for line starting with `offset'.
+  (synchronize-view view :begin offset)
   (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
     (loop with low-index = 0
           with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
           for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
-          for line-start = (start-mark (element* lines middle))
-          do (cond ((mark> offset line-start)
+          for this-line = (element* lines middle)
+          for line-start = (start-mark this-line)
+          do (cond ((offset-in-line-p this-line offset)
+                      (loop-finish))
+                   ((mark> offset line-start)
                     (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
                    ((mark< offset line-start)
-                    (setf high-index middle))
-                   ((mark= offset line-start)
-                    (loop-finish)))
+                    (setf high-index middle)))
           finally (return (make-pump-state middle offset 0)))))
 (defun fetch-chunk (line chunk-index)
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/02/12 19:22:37	1.36
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/02/13 21:58:50	1.37
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
 the string is accessed through the reader.")
    (%displayed-lines :accessor displayed-lines
                      :initform (make-array 0 :element-type 'displayed-line
-                                           :initial-element (make-displayed-line))
+                                             :initial-element (make-displayed-line))
                      :type array
                      :documentation "An array of the
 `displayed-line' objects displayed by the view. Not all of these
@@ -594,10 +594,18 @@
                     :type number
                     :documentation "The width of the longest
 displayed line in device units.")
-   (lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain)
-          :reader lines
-          :documentation "The lines of the buffer, stored in a
-format that makes it easy to retrieve information about them."))
+   (%lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain)
+           :reader lines
+           :documentation "The lines of the buffer, stored in a
+format that makes it easy to retrieve information about them.")
+   (%lines-prefix :accessor lines-prefix-size
+                  :documentation "The number of unchanged
+objects at the start of the buffer since the list of lines was
+last updated.")
+   (%lines-suffix :accessor lines-suffix-size
+                  :documentation "The number of unchanged objects
+at the end of the buffer since since the list of lines was last
   (:metaclass modual-class)
   (:documentation "A view that contains a `drei-buffer'
 object. The buffer is displayed on a simple line-by-line basis,
@@ -608,7 +616,9 @@
                                        &key buffer single-line read-only
   (declare (ignore initargs))
-  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)) view
+  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)
+                   (lines-prefix lines-prefix-size)
+                   (lines-suffix lines-suffix-size)) view
     (unless buffer
       ;; So many fun things are defined on (setf buffer) that we use
       ;; slot-value here. This is just a glorified initform anyway.
@@ -617,8 +627,9 @@
                                         :read-only read-only
                                         :initial-contents initial-contents)))
     (setf top (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) 0 :left)
-          bot (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) (size (buffer view)) :right))
-    (update-line-data view 0 (size (buffer view)))))
+          bot (clone-mark top :right)
+          lines-prefix 0
+          lines-suffix 0)))
 (defmethod (setf top) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
   (invalidate-all-strokes view))
@@ -628,12 +639,13 @@
 (defmethod (setf buffer) :after (buffer (view drei-buffer-view))
   (invalidate-all-strokes view)
-  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)) view
-      (setf top (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left)
-            bot (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right))))
-(defmethod (setf syntax) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
-  (invalidate-all-strokes view :modified t))
+  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)
+                   (lines-prefix lines-prefix-size)
+                   (lines-suffix lines-suffix-size)) view
+    (setf top (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left)
+          bot (clone-mark top :right)
+          lines-prefix 0
+          lines-suffix 0)))
 (defmethod cache-string :around ((view drei-buffer-view))
   (let ((string (call-next-method)))
@@ -713,55 +725,59 @@
            (cons (- (1+ chunk-end-offset)
                     line-start-offset) t)))))
-(defun update-line-data (view start end)
+(defun update-line-data (view)
   "Update the sequence of lines stored by the `drei-buffer-view'
-`view'. `Start' and `end' are buffer offsets delimiting the
-region that has changed since the last update."
-  (let ((low-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) start :left))
-        (high-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) end :left)))
-    (when (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
-      (beginning-of-line low-mark)
-      (end-of-line high-mark)
-      (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
-        (let ((low-index 0)
-              (high-index (nb-elements lines)))
-          ;; Binary search for the start of changed lines.
-          (loop while (< low-index high-index)
-                do (let* ((middle (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2))
-                          (line-start (start-mark (element* lines middle))))
-                     (cond ((mark> low-mark line-start)
-                            (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                           (t
-                            (setf high-index middle)))))
-          ;; Discard lines that have to be re-analyzed.
-          (loop while (and (< low-index (nb-elements lines))
-                           (mark<= (start-mark (element* lines low-index))
-                                   high-mark))
-                do (delete* lines low-index))
-          ;; Analyze new lines.
-          (loop while (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
-                for i from low-index
-                do (progn (let ((line-start-mark (clone-mark low-mark)))
-                            (insert* lines i (make-instance
-                                              'buffer-line
-                                              :start-mark line-start-mark
-                                              :line-length (- (offset (end-of-line low-mark))
-                                                              (offset line-start-mark))))
-                            (if (end-of-buffer-p low-mark)
-                                (loop-finish)
-                                ;; skip newline
-                                (forward-object low-mark))))))))))
+  (with-accessors ((prefix-size lines-prefix-size)
+                   (suffix-size lines-suffix-size)) view
+    (when (<= prefix-size (- (size (buffer view)) suffix-size))
+      (let ((low-mark (make-buffer-mark (buffer view) prefix-size :left))
+            (high-mark (make-buffer-mark
+                        (buffer view) (- (size (buffer view)) suffix-size) :left)))
+        (beginning-of-line low-mark)
+        (end-of-line high-mark)
+        (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
+          (let ((low-index 0)
+                (high-index (nb-elements lines)))
+            ;; Binary search for the start of changed lines.
+            (loop while (< low-index high-index)
+                  do (let* ((middle (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2))
+                            (line-start (start-mark (element* lines middle))))
+                       (cond ((mark> low-mark line-start)
+                              (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                             (t
+                              (setf high-index middle)))))
+            ;; Discard lines that have to be re-analyzed.
+            (loop while (and (< low-index (nb-elements lines))
+                             (mark<= (start-mark (element* lines low-index))
+                                     high-mark))
+                  do (delete* lines low-index))
+            ;; Analyze new lines.
+            (loop while (mark<= low-mark high-mark)
+                  for i from low-index
+                  do (progn (let ((line-start-mark (clone-mark low-mark)))
+                              (insert* lines i (make-instance
+                                                'buffer-line
+                                                :start-mark line-start-mark
+                                                :line-length (- (offset (end-of-line low-mark))
+                                                                (offset line-start-mark))))
+                              (if (end-of-buffer-p low-mark)
+                                  (loop-finish)
+                                  ;; skip newline
+                                  (forward-object low-mark)))))))))
+    (setf prefix-size (size (buffer view))
+          suffix-size (size (buffer view)))))
 (defmethod observer-notified ((view drei-buffer-view) (buffer drei-buffer)
   (destructuring-bind (start-offset . end-offset) changed-region
-    ;; If something has been redisplayed, and there have been changes
-    ;; to some of those strokes, mark them as dirty.
-    (invalidate-strokes-in-region
-     view start-offset end-offset :modified t)
-    ;; I suspect it's most efficient to keep this always up to date,
-    ;; even for small changes.
-    (update-line-data view start-offset end-offset)))
+    (with-accessors ((prefix-size lines-prefix-size)
+                     (suffix-size lines-suffix-size)) view
+      (setf prefix-size (min start-offset prefix-size)
+            suffix-size (min (- (size buffer) end-offset) suffix-size)))))
+(defmethod synchronize-view ((view drei-buffer-view) &key)
+  (update-line-data view))
 ;;; Exploit the stored line information.
@@ -771,24 +787,32 @@
   (<= (offset (start-mark line)) offset
       (end-offset line)))
+(defun index-of-line-containing-offset (view mark-or-offset)
+  "Return the index of the line `mark-or-offset' is in for
+`view'. `View' must be a `drei-buffer-view'."
+  ;; Perform binary search looking for line containing `offset1'.
+  (as-offsets ((offset mark-or-offset))
+    (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
+      (loop with low-index = 0
+            with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
+            for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
+            for this-line = (element* lines middle)
+            for line-start = (start-mark this-line)
+            do (cond ((offset-in-line-p this-line offset)
+                      (loop-finish))
+                     ((mark> offset line-start)
+                      (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                     ((mark< offset line-start)
+                      (setf high-index middle)))
+            finally (return middle)))))
 (defun line-containing-offset (view mark-or-offset)
   "Return the line `mark-or-offset' is in for `view'. `View'
 must be a `drei-buffer-view'."
   ;; Perform binary search looking for line containing `offset1'.
   (as-offsets ((offset mark-or-offset))
     (with-accessors ((lines lines)) view
-      (loop with low-index = 0
-         with high-index = (nb-elements lines)
-         for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
-         for this-line = (element* lines middle)
-         for line-start = (start-mark this-line)
-         do (cond ((offset-in-line-p this-line offset)
-                   (loop-finish))
-                  ((mark> offset line-start)
-                   (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                  ((mark< offset line-start)
-                   (setf high-index middle)))
-         finally (return this-line)))))
+      (element* lines (index-of-line-containing-offset view offset)))))
@@ -838,11 +862,7 @@
   (add-observer buffer view)
   ;; We need a new syntax object of the same type as the old one, and
   ;; to zero out the unchanged-prefix-values.
-  (with-accessors ((view-syntax syntax)
-                   (suffix-size suffix-size)
-                   (prefix-size prefix-size)
-                   (buffer-size buffer-size)
-                   (bot bot) (top top)) view
+  (with-accessors ((view-syntax syntax)) view
     (setf view-syntax (make-syntax-for-view view (class-of view-syntax)))))
 (defmethod (setf syntax) :after (syntax (view drei-syntax-view))
@@ -869,17 +889,18 @@
 (defmethod observer-notified ((view drei-syntax-view) (buffer drei-buffer)
-  (with-accessors ((prefix-size prefix-size)
-                   (suffix-size suffix-size)) view
-    (setf prefix-size (min (car changed-region) prefix-size)
-          suffix-size (min (- (size buffer) (cdr changed-region))
-                           suffix-size)
-          (modified-p view) t))
+  (destructuring-bind (start-offset . end-offset) changed-region
+    (with-accessors ((prefix-size prefix-size)
+                     (suffix-size suffix-size)
+                     (modified-p modified-p)) view
+      (setf prefix-size (min start-offset prefix-size)
+            suffix-size (min (- (size buffer) end-offset) suffix-size)
+            modified-p t)))
 (defun needs-resynchronization (view)
   "Return true if the the view of the buffer of `view' is
-potentially out of date. Return false otherwise."
+potentially out of date. Return false otherwise."  
   (not (= (prefix-size view) (suffix-size view)
           (buffer-size view) (size (buffer view)))))

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