[mcclim-cvs] CVS mcclim/Drei

thenriksen thenriksen at common-lisp.net
Tue Feb 12 19:22:38 UTC 2008

Update of /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv20991/Drei

Modified Files:
	drei-redisplay.lisp views.lisp 
Log Message:
Changed how buffer changes are registered by the redisplay module.

--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/02/11 23:05:21	1.62
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/drei-redisplay.lisp	2008/02/12 19:22:37	1.63
@@ -272,6 +272,37 @@
      do (invalidate-line-strokes line
          :modified modified :cleared cleared)))
+(defun invalidate-strokes-in-region (view start-offset end-offset
+                                     &key modified cleared)
+  "Invalidate all the strokes of `view' that overlap the region
+`start-offset'/`end-offset' by setting their dirty-bit to
+true. If `modified' or `cleared' is true, also set their
+modified-bit to true. If `cleared' is true, inform the strokes
+that their previous output has been cleared by someone, and that
+they do not need to clear it themselves during their next
+  ;; If the region is outside the visible region, no-op.
+  (when (overlaps start-offset end-offset
+                  (offset (top view)) (offset (bot view)))
+    (let ((line1-index (index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset view start-offset))
+          (line2-index (index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset view end-offset)))
+      (loop for line = (line-information view line1-index)
+            when (<= start-offset
+                     (line-start-offset line) (line-end-offset line)
+                     end-offset)
+            ;; The entire line is within the region.
+            do (invalidate-line-strokes line :modified modified
+                                             :cleared cleared)
+            ;; Only part of the line is within the region.
+            else do (do-displayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
+                      (when (overlaps start-offset end-offset
+                                      (stroke-start-offset stroke)
+                                      (stroke-end-offset stroke))
+                        (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified modified
+                                                  :cleared cleared)))
+            if (= line1-index line2-index) do (loop-finish)
+            else do (incf line1-index)))))
 (defmacro do-displayed-lines ((line-sym view) &body body)
   "Loop over lines on display for `view', evaluating `body' with
 `line-sym' bound to the `displayed-line' object for each line."
@@ -328,10 +359,11 @@
                        (end-offset (stroke-end-offset stroke))))
           (return stroke))))))
-(defun find-index-of-line-containing-offset (view offset)
-  "Return the index of the line containing `offset'. If `offset'
-is before the displayed lines, return 0. If `offset' is after the
-displayed lines, return the index of the last line."
+(defun index-of-displayed-line-containing-offset (view offset)
+  "Return the index of the `displayed-line' object containing
+`offset'. If `offset' is before the displayed lines, return 0. If
+`offset' is after the displayed lines, return the index of the
+last line."
   (with-accessors ((lines displayed-lines)) view
     (cond ((< offset (line-start-offset (aref lines 0)))
@@ -340,18 +372,18 @@
            ;; Binary search for the line.
            (loop with low-index = 0
-              with high-index = (displayed-lines-count view)
-              for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
-              for this-line = (aref lines middle)
-              for line-start = (line-start-offset this-line)
-              for line-end = (line-end-offset this-line)
-              do (cond ((<= line-start offset line-end)
-                        (loop-finish))
-                       ((mark> offset line-start)
-                        (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
-                       ((mark< offset line-start)
-                        (setf high-index middle)))
-              finally (return middle))))))
+                 with high-index = (displayed-lines-count view)
+                 for middle = (floor (+ low-index high-index) 2)
+                 for this-line = (aref lines middle)
+                 for line-start = (line-start-offset this-line)
+                 for line-end = (line-end-offset this-line)
+                 do (cond ((<= line-start offset line-end)
+                           (loop-finish))
+                          ((> offset line-start)
+                           (setf low-index (1+ middle)))
+                          ((< offset line-start)
+                           (setf high-index middle)))
+                 finally (return middle))))))
 (defun ensure-line-information-size (view min-size)
   "Ensure that the array of lines for `view' contains at least
@@ -402,24 +434,14 @@
   (let* ((stroke (line-stroke-information line (line-stroke-count line)))
          (old-start-offset (stroke-start-offset stroke))
          (old-end-offset (stroke-end-offset stroke))
-         (old-drawing-options (stroke-drawing-options stroke))
-         (changed-region (first (changed-regions view))))
+         (old-drawing-options (stroke-drawing-options stroke)))
     (prog1 (stroke-pump view stroke pump-state)
       (unless (and old-start-offset
                    (= (+ old-start-offset line-change) (stroke-start-offset stroke))
                    (= (+ old-end-offset line-change) (stroke-end-offset stroke))
                    (drawing-options-equal old-drawing-options
-                                          (stroke-drawing-options stroke))
-                   (or (null changed-region)
-                       (not (overlaps (stroke-start-offset stroke) (stroke-end-offset stroke)
-                                      (car changed-region) (cdr changed-region)))))
+                                          (stroke-drawing-options stroke)))
         (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t))
-      ;; Move to the next changed region, if it is not possible for
-      ;; more stroks to overlap with the current one.
-      (loop while (and (first (changed-regions view))
-                       (>= (stroke-end-offset stroke)
-                           (cdr (first (changed-regions view)))))
-            do (pop (changed-regions view)))
       (incf (line-stroke-count line))
       (setf (line-end-offset line) (stroke-end-offset stroke)))))
@@ -634,7 +656,8 @@
   (do-undisplayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
     (if (null (stroke-start-offset stroke))
-        (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) nil))))
+        (progn (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) nil)
+               (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t)))))
 (defun draw-line-strokes (pane view initial-pump-state
                           start-offset cursor-x cursor-y
@@ -711,7 +734,8 @@
     (do-undisplayed-line-strokes (stroke line)
       (if (null (stroke-start-offset stroke))
-          (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) nil))))
+          (progn (setf (stroke-start-offset stroke) nil)
+                 (invalidate-stroke stroke :modified t)))))
   (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) view
     (declare (ignore x2))
     (when (> old-height (- y2 y1))
--- /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/02/11 22:50:05	1.35
+++ /project/mcclim/cvsroot/mcclim/Drei/views.lisp	2008/02/12 19:22:37	1.36
@@ -594,12 +594,6 @@
                     :type number
                     :documentation "The width of the longest
 displayed line in device units.")
-   (%changed-regions :accessor changed-regions
-                     :initform nil
-                     :documentation "A list of (start . end) conses
-of buffer offsets, delimiting the regions of the buffer that have
-changed since the last redisplay. The regions are not
-overlapping, and are sorted in ascending order.")
    (lines :initform (make-instance 'standard-flexichain)
           :reader lines
           :documentation "The lines of the buffer, stored in a
@@ -632,8 +626,11 @@
 (defmethod (setf bot) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
   (invalidate-all-strokes view))
-(defmethod (setf buffer) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
-  (invalidate-all-strokes view))
+(defmethod (setf buffer) :after (buffer (view drei-buffer-view))
+  (invalidate-all-strokes view)
+  (with-accessors ((top top) (bot bot)) view
+      (setf top (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left)
+            bot (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right))))
 (defmethod (setf syntax) :after (new-value (view drei-buffer-view))
   (invalidate-all-strokes view :modified t))
@@ -657,32 +654,6 @@
       (<= y1 x1 x2 y2)
       (<= x1 y1 y1 x2)))
-(defun remember-changed-region (view start end)
-  "Note that the buffer region delimited by the offset `start'
-and `end' has been modified."
-  (labels ((worker (list)
-             ;; Return a new changed-regions list. Try to extend old
-             ;; regions instead of adding new ones.
-             (cond ((null list)
-                    (list (cons start end)))
-                   ;; If start/end overlaps with (first list), extend
-                   ;; (first list)
-                   ((overlaps start end (car (first list)) (cdr (first list)))
-                    (setf (car (first list)) (min start (car (first list)))
-                          (cdr (first list)) (max end (cdr (first list))))
-                    list)
-                   ;; If start/end is wholly before (first list), push
-                   ;; on a new region.
-                   ((< start (car (first list)))
-                    (cons (cons start end) list))
-                   ;; If start/end is wholly before (first list), go
-                   ;; further down list. If at end of list, add new
-                   ;; element.
-                   ((< (cdr (first list)) end)
-                    (setf (rest list) (worker (rest list)))
-                    list))))
-    (setf (changed-regions view) (worker (changed-regions view)))))
 (defclass buffer-line ()
   ((%start-mark :reader start-mark
                 :initarg :start-mark
@@ -783,12 +754,14 @@
 (defmethod observer-notified ((view drei-buffer-view) (buffer drei-buffer)
-  ;; If something has been redisplayed, and there have been changes to
-  ;; some of those lines, mark them as dirty.
-  (remember-changed-region view (car changed-region) (cdr changed-region))
-  ;; I suspect it's most efficient to keep this always up to date,
-  ;; even for small changes.
-  (update-line-data view (car changed-region) (cdr changed-region)))
+  (destructuring-bind (start-offset . end-offset) changed-region
+    ;; If something has been redisplayed, and there have been changes
+    ;; to some of those strokes, mark them as dirty.
+    (invalidate-strokes-in-region
+     view start-offset end-offset :modified t)
+    ;; I suspect it's most efficient to keep this always up to date,
+    ;; even for small changes.
+    (update-line-data view start-offset end-offset)))
 ;;; Exploit the stored line information.
@@ -866,21 +839,11 @@
   ;; We need a new syntax object of the same type as the old one, and
   ;; to zero out the unchanged-prefix-values.
   (with-accessors ((view-syntax syntax)
-                   (point point) (mark mark)
                    (suffix-size suffix-size)
                    (prefix-size prefix-size)
                    (buffer-size buffer-size)
                    (bot bot) (top top)) view
-    (setf point (clone-mark (point buffer))
-          mark (clone-mark (point buffer) :right)
-          (offset mark) 0
-          view-syntax (make-syntax-for-view view (class-of view-syntax))
-          prefix-size 0
-          suffix-size 0
-          buffer-size -1 ; For reparse even if buffer is empty.
-          ;; Also set the top and bot marks.
-          top (make-buffer-mark buffer 0 :left)
-          bot (make-buffer-mark buffer (size buffer) :right))))
+    (setf view-syntax (make-syntax-for-view view (class-of view-syntax)))))
 (defmethod (setf syntax) :after (syntax (view drei-syntax-view))
   (setf (prefix-size view) 0

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