[mac-lisp-ide] Moving forward...

Gary Byers gb at clozure.com
Tue Feb 10 17:03:10 UTC 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Brian Mastenbrook wrote:

> On Feb 10, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Gary Byers wrote:
> > Just to clarify: we didn't get methods integrated (yet).  There's a
> > terse (but hopefully correct) description of what works (and known
> > limitations) in <http://openmcl.clozure.com/Doc/cocoa.html>.
> >
> > Hopefully, the new release will be out later today.
> Very nice! Are there plans to export the relevant symbols from CCL, so
> that it's easy to write cocoa code outside of the CCL package? That
> bothers my sense of aesthetics :-)
> Brian
> --

If we do this right, most Cocoa code will be written using symbols
exported from the CL package, with occasional references to predefined
Cocoa things exported from the NS package.  Exactly what set of other
infrastructure-layer things will need to be publicly accessible isn't
yet clear.

I understand that people with delicate sensibilities might be offended
by the fact that a large part of this still isn't done right and is
still a random hodgepodge of internal CCL package stuff.  I don't
believe that that concern justifies exporting a lot of randomness;
people -should- view this as a moving target (at least until it stops
moving as much as it has in the near past and is likely to in the near

Since it was documented (if not exported), the demise of
CCL::DEF-OBJC-CLASS should probably be noted somewhere.  (Ah,
CCL::DEF-OBJC-CLASS, we hardly knew ye.)  Having observed that moment
of silence, it seems appropriate to move forward.

Gary Byers
gb at clozure.com

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