ltk examples

Jason Miller jason at
Thu Apr 8 20:49:14 UTC 2021

On Thu, 08 Apr 2021 00:44:26 +0100 Peter Lane <peterlane at> wrote:
> Hi list,
> This is a very quiet list, so I hope someone's out there!
> I have spent the last couple of weeks in LTk-land, and having a lot of
> fun on the way.
> ...
> ...

Hi Peter,

This is great!  I only wish this had existed when I started using LTK.

I notice in a few places you show falling back on format-wish; given that these
examples are cribbed from tkdocs, I would expect people coming to LTK to expect
them to work.  So I guess a question from the list: if I were to ensure that
everything in ltk-examples worked without format-wish, would that be a welcome


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