[local-time-devel] corrupt darcs repository

Daniel Herring dherring at tentpost.com
Fri Jan 30 03:05:48 UTC 2009

It appears that local-time was bitten by a bug in darcs:

# darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/local-time/darcs/local-time
# cd local-time/_darcs/patches/
# for f in *.gz; do gzip -t $f; done
gzip: 20081118013329-6b9e8-9f7f4ba94037a7eb528efa308b08f2ac362ba614.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error
gzip: 20081118104321-6b9e8-e90fc24d2dfc017c48e274504828f1793617f093.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error

The above bugreport includes two ways to repair this damage, the easiest 

# cd local-time
# gzip -t _darcs/patches/*.gz 2>&1 | grep crc | cut -f2 -d: | \
while read a ; do zcat <$a >${a%.gz} ; rm $a ; gzip ${a%.gz} ; done

- Daniel

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