[local-time-devel] one more patch with two new functions

Denys Rtveliashvili rtvd at mail.ru
Thu Oct 11 16:50:52 UTC 2007


Here is another patch with two functions I find useful. The first one 
returns number the of days in month and another one 
(modified-local-time) returns the local-time object with a required 
modification made. It is similar to adjusted-local-time. However, 
adjusted-local-time shifts the date when the modified-local-time sets 
the specified field to the required value.

The functions modified-local-time and adjusted-local-time resemble the 
*|set(f, value)|* and *|add(f, delta)|* methods in Java's Calendar 
class. The main difference is that the former functions do not modify 
the original time.

Denys Rtveliashvili

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