[lift-devel] lift setup questions ...

Nicolas Lamirault nlamirault at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 16:46:40 UTC 2008

i would like to use lift with cl-selenium to perform unit test 

to launch and manage my website i use :

(defparameter *website* (make-web-site 'ut))
(start-website *website*)
(stop-website *website*)

how can i setup a unit tests suite which could contains all unit tests ?

i try this :

(lift:deftestsuite web-test (main-test) 
  ((website (make-web-site 'ut))) 
  (:run-setup :once-per-session) 
  (:setup (start-website website)) 
  (:teardown (stop-website website)) 
  (:documentation "Unit Test web suite."))

;; Test selenium
(lift:addtest (ovorost-web-test) 
  (:documentation "Test Selenium"       ) 
  (let* ((selenium:*selenium-driver-url* "http://localhost:4444/selenium-server/driver") 
           (selenium:do-get-new-browser-session "*firefox" "http://www.google.com"))) 
    (selenium:do-open "http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en") 
    (selenium:do-type "q" "hello world") 
    (selenium:do-click "btnG") 
    (selenium:do-wait-for-page-to-load "5000") 
    (lift:ensure (string= (selenium:do-get-title) "hello world - Google Search"))))

but i've got an error (ERROR \"not implemented\") and web site doesn't
start / stop 

someone could help me on this feature ?

thanks for any help.

Nicolas Lamirault

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