[lift-devel] Environment mixup

Vyacheslav Akhmechet coffeemug at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 17:36:02 UTC 2008


I ran into the following issue:

(deftestsuite foo () ()
  (:dynamic-variables *some-var*))

(deftestsuite bar (foo)
  ((some-slot *some-var*)))

(addtest some-test
  (+ 1 2))

The test SOME-TEST fails because the variable *some-var* isn't bound
at the time some-slot is defined. However, if I were to change the
definition of BAR, things would work:

(deftestsuite bar (foo)
  (:setup (setf some-slot *some-var*)))

Should the environment set up by FOO be available to BAR at the time
of slot initialization? Is this a bug or a feature?

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