[lift-devel] Dynamic Variables?
Vyacheslav Akhmechet
coffeemug at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 22:02:40 UTC 2008
I have the latest asdf-installable version of Lift. I am trying the
following example:
(deftestsuite my-test-suite ()
(*foo* t)))
(defun foo ()
(declare (special *foo*))
(addtest (my-test-suite)
(ensure-same (foo) t))
When I run the test with (describe (run-test)) I get the following result:
Test Report for MY-TEST-SUITE: 1 test run, 1 Error.
ERROR : my-test-suite : some-test
Condition: The variable *FOO* is unbound.
Code : "
Test Report for MY-TEST-SUITE: 1 test run, 1 Error.; No value
Why is *foo* unbound? Am I doing something wrong?
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