[isidorus-cvs] r368 - in trunk/src: TM-SPARQL base-tools unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Fri Dec 17 11:55:26 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Fri Dec 17 06:55:25 2010
New Revision: 368

TM-SPARQL: fixed a bug with ||, &&, \!, unary + and - operators => when these operators are contained within literal-strings they are not evaluated anymore => extended the corresponding unit-tests.


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	Fri Dec 17 06:55:25 2010
@@ -57,7 +57,11 @@
 	    (set-unary-operators construct filter-string))
-	    (set-or-and-operators construct filter-string-unary-ops))
+	    (set-or-and-operators construct filter-string-unary-ops
+				  filter-string-unary-ops))
+	   (filter-string-binary-ops
+	    (set-binary-operators construct filter-string-or-and-ops))
   ;;TODO: implement
   ;; **replace () by (progn )
@@ -76,11 +80,21 @@
   ;; *create and store this filter object
-(defgeneric set-or-and-operators (construct filter-string)
+(defgeneric set-binary-operators (construct filter-string)
+  (:documentation "Transforms the =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, / operators
+                   in the filter string to the the lisp =, /=, <, >, <=, >=,
+                   +, -, * and / functions.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter-string String))
+    ;TODO: implement
+    ))
+(defgeneric set-or-and-operators (construct filter-string original-filter-string)
   (:documentation "Transforms the || and && operators in the filter string to
                    the the lisp or and and functions.")
-  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter-string String))
-    (let ((op-pos (search-first (list "||" "&&") filter-string)))
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter-string String)
+	    (original-filter-string String))
+    (let ((op-pos (search-first-ignore-literals (list "||" "&&") filter-string)))
       (if (not op-pos)
 	  (let* ((op-str (subseq filter-string op-pos (+ 2 op-pos)))
@@ -94,7 +108,12 @@
 			       "(" (if (string= op-str "||") "or" "and") " "
 			       "(progn " left-scope ")" "(progn " right-scope ")) "
 			       (subseq right-str (length right-scope)))))
-	    (set-or-and-operators construct modified-str))))))
+	    (when (or (= (length (trim-whitespace left-scope)) 0)
+		      (= (length (trim-whitespace right-scope)) 0))
+	      (error (make-condition
+		      'sparql-parser-error
+		      :message (format nil "Invalid filter: \"~a\", expect an RDF term after and before: \"~a\"" original-filter-string op-str))))
+	    (set-or-and-operators construct modified-str original-filter-string))))))
 (defun find-binary-op-string (filter-string idx)
@@ -150,7 +169,7 @@
 (defun find-or-and-right-scope (right-string)
   "Returns the string that is the right part of the binary scope."
   (declare (String right-string))
-  (let* ((first-pos (search-first (list "||" "&&") right-string))
+  (let* ((first-pos (search-first-ignore-literals (list "||" "&&") right-string))
 	  (let ((inner-value (search-first-unopened-paranthesis right-string)))
 	    (when inner-value (1+ inner-value))))
@@ -200,6 +219,18 @@
 			 (setf idx (- (1- (length filter-string))
 				      (length (getf result :next-query)))))
 		       (push-string current-char result-string))))
+		((or (string= current-char "'")
+		     (string= current-char "\""))
+		 (let* ((sub-str (subseq filter-string idx))
+			(quotation (get-literal-quotation sub-str))
+			(literal
+			 (get-literal (subseq filter-string idx) :quotation quotation)))
+		   (if literal
+		       (progn
+			 (setf idx (- (1- (length filter-string))
+				      (length (getf literal :next-string))))
+			 (push-string (getf literal :literal) result-string))
+		       (push-string current-char result-string))))
 		 (push-string current-char result-string)))))
@@ -224,7 +255,7 @@
 		   :scope result)))
 	  ((string-starts-with cleaned-str "\"")
 	   (let ((result (get-literal cleaned-str)))
-	     (list :next-query (getf result :next-query)
+	     (list :next-query (getf result :next-string)
 		   :scope (getf result :literal))))
 	  ((string-starts-with-digit cleaned-str)
 	   (let ((result (separate-leading-digits cleaned-str)))
@@ -298,21 +329,13 @@
 	  (cond ((or (string= "'" current-char)
 		     (string= "\"" current-char))
 		 (let* ((sub-str (subseq str idx))
-			(quotation
-			 (cond ((string-starts-with sub-str "'''")
-				"'''")
-			       ((string-starts-with sub-str "\"\"\"")
-				"\"\"\"")
-			       ((string-starts-with sub-str "'")
-				"'")
-			       ((string-starts-with sub-str "\"")
-				"\"")))
+			(quotation (get-literal-quotation sub-str))
 			 (get-literal (subseq str idx) :quotation quotation)))
 		   (if literal
 			 (setf idx (- (1- (length str))
-				      (length (getf literal :next-query))))
+				      (length (getf literal :next-string))))
 			 (push-string (getf literal :literal) str))
 			 (setf result nil)
@@ -366,7 +389,7 @@
 			     (original-query construct)
 			     "a closing character for the given literal")))
 		   (setf idx (- (1- (length query-string))
-				(length (getf result :next-query))))
+				(length (getf result :next-string))))
 		   (push-string (getf result :literal) filter-string)))
 		((string= "#" current-char)
 		 (let ((comment-string
@@ -446,50 +469,4 @@
 	(if (find string-before *supported-functions* :test #'string=)
-	    t))))
-(defun get-literal (query-string &key (quotation "\""))
-  "Returns a list of the form (:next-query <string> :literal <string>
-   where next-query is the query after the found literal and literal
-   is the literal string."
-  (declare (String query-string)
-	   (String quotation))
-  (cond ((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"\"\"")
-	     (string-starts-with query-string "'''"))
-	 (let ((literal-end
-		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 3) (subseq query-string 0 3))))
-	   (when literal-end
-	     (list :next-query (subseq query-string (+ 3 literal-end))
-		   :literal (concatenate 'string quotation
-					 (subseq query-string 3 literal-end)
-					 quotation)))))
-	((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"")
-	     (string-starts-with query-string "'"))
-	 (let ((literal-end
-		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 1)
-				  (subseq query-string 0 1))))
-	   (when literal-end
-	     (let ((literal
-		    (escape-string (subseq query-string 1 literal-end) "\"")))
-	       (list :next-query (subseq query-string (+ 1 literal-end))
-		     :literal (concatenate 'string quotation literal
-					   quotation))))))))
-(defun find-literal-end (query-string delimiter &optional (overall-pos 0))
-  "Returns the end of the literal corresponding to the passed delimiter
-   string. The query-string must start after the opening literal delimiter.
-   The return value is an int that represents the start index of closing
-   delimiter. delimiter must be either \", ', or '''.
-   If the returns value is nil, there is no closing delimiter."
-  (declare (String query-string delimiter)
-	   (Integer overall-pos))
-  (let ((current-pos (search delimiter query-string)))
-    (if current-pos
-	(if (string-ends-with (subseq query-string 0 current-pos) "\\")
-	    (find-literal-end (subseq query-string (+ current-pos
-						      (length delimiter)))
-			      delimiter (+ overall-pos current-pos 1))
-	    (+ overall-pos current-pos (length delimiter)))
-	nil)))
\ No newline at end of file
+	    t))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Fri Dec 17 06:55:25 2010
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+	   :search-first-ignore-literals
@@ -35,7 +36,11 @@
-	   :search-first-unopened-paranthesis ))
+	   :search-first-unopened-paranthesis
+	   :in-literal-string-p
+	   :find-literal-end
+	   :get-literal-quotation
+	   :get-literal))
 (in-package :base-tools)
@@ -245,8 +250,7 @@
   "Returns the position of one of the search-strings. The returned position
    is the one closest to 0. If no search-string is found, nil is returned."
   (declare (String main-string)
-	   (List search-strings)
-	   (Boolean from-end))
+	   (List search-strings))
   (let ((positions
 	  (map 'list #'(lambda(search-str)
@@ -259,6 +263,81 @@
 	(first sorted-positions)))))
+(defun find-literal-end (query-string delimiter &optional (overall-pos 0))
+  "Returns the end of the literal corresponding to the passed delimiter
+   string. The query-string must start after the opening literal delimiter.
+   The return value is an int that represents the start index of closing
+   delimiter. delimiter must be either \", ', or '''.
+   If the returns value is nil, there is no closing delimiter."
+  (declare (String query-string delimiter)
+	   (Integer overall-pos))
+  (let ((current-pos (search delimiter query-string)))
+    (if current-pos
+	(if (string-ends-with (subseq query-string 0 current-pos) "\\")
+	    (find-literal-end (subseq query-string (+ current-pos
+						      (length delimiter)))
+			      delimiter (+ overall-pos current-pos 1))
+	    (+ overall-pos current-pos (length delimiter)))
+	nil)))
+(defun get-literal-quotation (str)
+  "Returns ', ''', \" or \"\"\" when the string starts with a literal delimiter."
+  (cond ((string-starts-with str "'''")
+	 "'")
+	((string-starts-with str "\"\"\"")
+	 "\"\"\"")
+	((string-starts-with str "'")
+	 "'")
+	((string-starts-with str "\"")
+	 "\"")))
+(defun get-literal (query-string &key (quotation "\""))
+  "Returns a list of the form (:next-string <string> :literal <string>
+   where next-query is the query after the found literal and literal
+   is the literal string."
+  (declare (String query-string)
+	   (String quotation))
+  (cond ((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"\"\"")
+	     (string-starts-with query-string "'''"))
+	 (let ((literal-end
+		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 3) (subseq query-string 0 3))))
+	   (when literal-end
+	     (list :next-string (subseq query-string (+ 3 literal-end))
+		   :literal (concatenate 'string quotation
+					 (subseq query-string 3 literal-end)
+					 quotation)))))
+	((or (string-starts-with query-string "\"")
+	     (string-starts-with query-string "'"))
+	 (let ((literal-end
+		(find-literal-end (subseq query-string 1)
+				  (subseq query-string 0 1))))
+	   (when literal-end
+	     (let ((literal
+		    (escape-string (subseq query-string 1 literal-end) "\"")))
+	       (list :next-string (subseq query-string (+ 1 literal-end))
+		     :literal (concatenate 'string quotation literal
+					   quotation))))))))
+(defun search-first-ignore-literals (search-strings main-string)
+  (declare (String main-string)
+	   (List search-strings))
+  (let ((first-pos (search-first search-strings main-string)))
+    (when first-pos
+      (if (not (in-literal-string-p main-string first-pos))
+	  first-pos
+	  (let* ((literal-start (search-first (list "\"" "'") main-string))
+		 (sub-str (subseq main-string literal-start))
+		 (literal-result (get-literal sub-str))
+		 (next-str (getf literal-result :next-string)))
+	    (let ((next-pos
+		   (search-first-ignore-literals search-strings next-str)))
+	      (when next-pos
+		(+ (- (length main-string) (length next-str)) next-pos))))))))
 (defun concatenate-uri (absolute-ns value)
   "Returns a string conctenated of the absolut namespace an the given value
    separated by either '#' or '/'."
@@ -325,38 +404,76 @@
-(defun search-first-unclosed-paranthesis (str)
+(defun in-literal-string-p(filter-string pos)
+  "Returns t if the passed pos is within a literal string value."
+  (declare (String filter-string)
+	   (Integer pos))
+  (let ((result nil))
+    (dotimes (idx (length filter-string) result)
+      (let ((current-char (subseq filter-string idx (1+ idx))))
+	(cond ((or (string= current-char "'")
+		   (string= current-char "\""))
+	       (let* ((l-result (get-literal (subseq filter-string idx)))
+		      (next-idx
+		       (when l-result
+			 (- (length filter-string)
+			    (length (getf l-result :next-query))))))
+		 (when (and next-idx (< pos next-idx))
+		   (setf result t)
+		   (setf idx (length filter-string)))
+		 (when (<= pos idx)
+		   (setf idx (length filter-string)))))
+	      (t
+	       (when (<= pos idx)
+		 (setf idx (length filter-string)))))))))
+(defun search-first-unclosed-paranthesis (str &key ignore-literals)
   "Returns the idx of the first ( that is not closed, the search is
-   started from the end of the string."
-  (declare (String str))
+   started from the end of the string.
+   If ignore-literals is set to t all mparanthesis that are within
+   \", \"\"\", ' and ''' are ignored."
+  (declare (String str)
+	   (Boolean ignore-literals))
   (let ((r-str (reverse str))
 	(open-brackets 0)
 	(result-idx nil))
     (dotimes (idx (length r-str))
       (let ((current-char (subseq r-str idx (1+ idx))))
 	(cond ((string= current-char ")")
-	       (decf open-brackets))
+	       (when (or ignore-literals
+			 (not (in-literal-string-p str idx)))
+		 (decf open-brackets)))
 	      ((string= current-char "(")
-	       (incf open-brackets)
-	       (when (> open-brackets 0)
-		 (setf result-idx idx)
-		 (setf idx (length r-str)))))))
+	       (when (or ignore-literals
+			 (not (in-literal-string-p str idx)))
+		 (incf open-brackets)
+		 (when (> open-brackets 0)
+		   (setf result-idx idx)
+		   (setf idx (length r-str))))))))
     (when result-idx
       (- (length str) (1+ result-idx)))))
-(defun search-first-unopened-paranthesis (str)
-  "Returns the idx of the first paranthesis that is not opened in str."
-  (declare (String str))
+(defun search-first-unopened-paranthesis (str &key ignore-literals)
+  "Returns the idx of the first paranthesis that is not opened in str.
+   If ignore-literals is set to t all mparanthesis that are within
+   \", \"\"\", ' and ''' are ignored."
+  (declare (String str)
+	   (Boolean ignore-literals))
   (let ((closed-brackets 0)
 	(result-idx nil))
     (dotimes (idx (length str))
       (let ((current-char (subseq str idx (1+ idx))))
 	(cond ((string= current-char "(")
-	       (decf closed-brackets))
+	       (when (or ignore-literals
+			 (not (in-literal-string-p str idx)))
+		 (decf closed-brackets)))
 	      ((string= current-char ")")
-	       (incf closed-brackets)
-	       (when (> closed-brackets 0)
-		 (setf result-idx idx)
-		 (setf idx (length str)))))))
+	       (when (or ignore-literals
+			 (not (in-literal-string-p str idx)))
+		 (incf closed-brackets)
+		 (when (> closed-brackets 0)
+		   (setf result-idx idx)
+		   (setf idx (length str))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	Fri Dec 17 06:55:25 2010
@@ -1084,6 +1084,8 @@
 	 (str-2 "!BOUND(?var1) = false}")
 	 (str-3 "+?var1=-$var2}")
 	 (str-4 "!'a\"b\"c' && (+12 = - 14)}")
+	 (str-5 "!'a(+c)' && (+12 = - 14)}")
+	 (str-6 "!'abc)def'}")
 	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-1) :filter-string))
 	 (result-1-1 (tm-sparql::set-unary-operators dummy-object result-1))
@@ -1097,7 +1099,15 @@
 	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-4) :filter-string))
-	  (tm-sparql::set-unary-operators dummy-object result-4)))
+	  (tm-sparql::set-unary-operators dummy-object result-4))
+	 (result-5
+	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-5) :filter-string))
+	 (result-5-1
+	  (tm-sparql::set-unary-operators dummy-object result-5))
+	 (result-6
+	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-6) :filter-string))
+	 (result-6-1
+	  (tm-sparql::set-unary-operators dummy-object result-6)))
     (is-true result-1)
     (is-true result-1-1)
     (is-true result-2)
@@ -1106,12 +1116,18 @@
     (is-true result-3-1)
     (is-true result-4)
     (is-true result-4-1)
+    (is-true result-5)
+    (is-true result-5-1)
+    (is-true result-6)
+    (is-true result-6-1)
     (is (string=
 	 "BOUND(?var1)||(progn (not (progn (1+ (progn (1- (progn ?var1)))))))"))
     (is (string= result-2-1 "(not BOUND(?var1)) = false"))
     (is (string= result-3-1 "(1+ ?var1)=(1- $var2)"))
-    (is (string= result-4-1 "(not \"a\\\"b\\\"c\") && (progn (1+ 12) = (1- 14))"))))
+    (is (string= result-4-1 "(not \"a\\\"b\\\"c\") && (progn (1+ 12) = (1- 14))"))
+    (is (string= result-5-1 "(not \"a(+c)\") && (progn (1+ 12) = (1- 14))"))
+    (is (string= result-6-1 "(not \"abc)def\")"))))
 (test test-set-or-and-operators
@@ -1119,20 +1135,28 @@
   (let* ((dummy-object (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL::SPARQL-Query :query "  "))
 	 (str-1 "isLITERAL(STR(?var))||?var = 12 && true}")
 	 (str-2 "(true != false || !false ) && 12 < 14 || !isLITERAL(?var)}")
+	 (str-3 "isLITERAL('a(bc||def') && 'abc)def'}")
 	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-1) :filter-string))
-	 (result-1-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-1))
+	 (result-1-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-1 result-1))
 	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-2) :filter-string))
-	 (result-2-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-2)))
+	 (result-2-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-2 result-2))
+	 (result-3
+	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-3) :filter-string))
+	 (result-3-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-3 result-3)))
     (is-true result-1)
     (is-true result-1-1)
     (is-true result-2)
     (is-true result-2-1)
+    (is-true result-3)
+    (is-true result-3-1)
     (is (string= (string-replace result-1-1 " " "")
     (is (string= (string-replace result-2-1 " " "")
-		 "(or(progn(and(progn(progn(or(progntrue!=false)(progn!false))))(progn12<14)))(progn!isLITERAL(?var)))"))))
+		 "(or(progn(and(progn(progn(or(progntrue!=false)(progn!false))))(progn12<14)))(progn!isLITERAL(?var)))"))
+    (is (string= (string-replace result-3-1 " " "")
+		 "(and(prognisLITERAL(\"a(bc||def\"))(progn\"abc)def\"))"))))
 (defun run-sparql-tests ()

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