[isidorus-cvs] r367 - in trunk/src: TM-SPARQL base-tools unit_tests

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Dec 16 21:07:41 UTC 2010

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Dec 16 16:07:40 2010
New Revision: 367

TM-SPARQL: adde the hanlding of || and && operators; added also some unit-tests for these cases


Modified: trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp
--- trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/TM-SPARQL/sparql_filter.lisp	Thu Dec 16 16:07:40 2010
@@ -15,10 +15,19 @@
   "Contains all supported SPARQL-functions")
-(defparameter *supported-operators*
-  (list "!" "||" "&&" "=" "!=" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "+" "-" "*" "/")
-  "Contains all supported operators, note some unary operators
-   are handled as functions, e.g. + and -")
+(defparameter *supported-binary-operators*
+  (list "||" "&&" "=" "!=" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "+" "-" "*" "/")
+  "Contains all supported binary operators.")
+(defparameter *supported-unary-operators*
+  (list "!" "+" "-") "Contains all supported unary operators")
+(defun *supported-operators* ()
+  (union *supported-binary-operators* *supported-unary-operators*
+	 :test #'string=))
 (defparameter *supported-brackets*
   (list "(" ")")
@@ -45,25 +54,115 @@
     (let* ((result-set-boundings (set-boundings construct query-string))
 	   (filter-string (getf result-set-boundings :filter-string))
 	   (next-query (getf result-set-boundings :next-query))
-	   (filter-string-unary-ops (set-unary-operators construct filter-string))
+	   (filter-string-unary-ops
+	    (set-unary-operators construct filter-string))
+	   (filter-string-or-and-ops
+	    (set-or-and-operators construct filter-string-unary-ops))
   ;;TODO: implement
-  ;; *replace #comment => in set boundings
   ;; **replace () by (progn )
-  ;; **replace ', """, ''' by '''
+  ;; **replace ', """, ''' by "
   ;; **replace !x by (not x)
   ;; **replace +x by (1+ x)
   ;; **replace -x by (1- x)
-  ;; *replace x operator y by (filter-operator x y)
-  ;;   *=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, ||, &&
+  ;; **||, &&
+  ;; *=, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /
   ;; *replace function(x), function(x, y), function(x, y, z)
   ;;   by filter-function(x), (filter-function(x, y), filter-function(x, y, z)
-  ;; check if all functions that will be invoked are allowed
-  ;; add a let with all variables that are used: every variable with $ and ? prefix
-  ;; add a let with (true t) and (false nil)
+  ;; *check if all functions that will be invoked are allowed
+  ;; *add a let with all variables that are used: every variable with $ and ? prefix
+  ;; *add a let with (true t) and (false nil)
+  ;; *embrace the final result uris in <> => unit-tests
   ;; *create and store this filter object
+(defgeneric set-or-and-operators (construct filter-string)
+  (:documentation "Transforms the || and && operators in the filter string to
+                   the the lisp or and and functions.")
+  (:method ((construct SPARQL-Query) (filter-string String))
+    (let ((op-pos (search-first (list "||" "&&") filter-string)))
+      (if (not op-pos)
+	  filter-string
+	  (let* ((op-str (subseq filter-string op-pos (+ 2 op-pos)))
+		 (left-str (subseq filter-string 0 op-pos))
+		 (right-str (subseq filter-string (+ 2 op-pos)))
+		 (left-scope (find-or-and-left-scope left-str))
+		 (right-scope (find-or-and-right-scope right-str))
+		 (modified-str
+		  (concatenate 'string (subseq left-str 0 (- (length left-str)
+							     (length left-scope)))
+			       "(" (if (string= op-str "||") "or" "and") " "
+			       "(progn " left-scope ")" "(progn " right-scope ")) "
+			       (subseq right-str (length right-scope)))))
+	    (set-or-and-operators construct modified-str))))))
+(defun find-binary-op-string (filter-string idx)
+  "Returns the operator as string that is placed on the position idx."
+  (let* ((2-ops
+	  (remove-null (map 'list #'(lambda(op-string)
+				      (when (= (length op-string) 2)
+					op-string))
+			    *supported-binary-operators*)))
+	 (operator-str (subseq filter-string idx)))
+    (if (string-starts-with-one-of operator-str 2-ops)
+	(subseq operator-str 0 2)
+	(subseq operator-str 0 1))))
+(defun find-or-and-left-scope (left-string)
+  "Returns the string that is the left part of the binary scope."
+  (declare (String left-string))
+  (let* ((first-bracket
+	  (let ((inner-value (search-first-unclosed-paranthesis left-string)))
+	    (when inner-value 
+	      (+ inner-value (1+ (length (name-after-paranthesis
+					  (subseq left-string inner-value))))))))
+	 (start-idx (if first-bracket
+			first-bracket
+			0)))
+    (subseq left-string start-idx)))
+(defun name-after-paranthesis (str)
+  "Returns the substring that is contained after the paranthesis.
+   str must start with a ( otherwise the returnvalue is nil."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (let ((result "")
+	(non-whitespace-found nil))
+  (when (string-starts-with str "(")
+    (let ((cleaned-str (subseq str 1)))
+      (dotimes (idx (length cleaned-str))
+	(let ((current-char (subseq cleaned-str idx (1+ idx))))
+	  (cond ((string-starts-with-one-of current-char (list "(" ")"))
+		 (setf idx (length cleaned-str)))
+		((and non-whitespace-found
+		      (white-space-p current-char))
+		 (setf idx (length cleaned-str)))
+		((white-space-p current-char)
+		 (push-string current-char result))
+		(t
+		 (push-string current-char result)
+		 (setf non-whitespace-found t)))))
+      result))))
+(defun find-or-and-right-scope (right-string)
+  "Returns the string that is the right part of the binary scope."
+  (declare (String right-string))
+  (let* ((first-pos (search-first (list "||" "&&") right-string))
+	 (first-bracket
+	  (let ((inner-value (search-first-unopened-paranthesis right-string)))
+	    (when inner-value (1+ inner-value))))
+	 (end-idx (cond ((and first-pos first-bracket)
+			 (min first-pos first-bracket))
+			(first-pos first-pos)
+			(first-bracket first-bracket)
+			(t (if (= (length right-string) 0)
+			       (1- (length right-string)))))))
+    (subseq right-string 0 end-idx)))
 (defgeneric set-unary-operators (construct filter-string)
   (:documentation "Transforms the unary operators !, +, - to (not ),
                    (1+ ) and (1- ). The return value is a modified filter
@@ -90,7 +189,7 @@
 		   (if (or (string= string-before "")
 			   (string-ends-with string-before "(progn")
 			   (string-ends-with-one-of string-before
-						    *supported-operators*))
+						    (*supported-operators*)))
 		       (let ((result (unary-operator-scope filter-string idx)))
 			 (push-string (concatenate 'string "(1" current-char " ")
@@ -179,7 +278,7 @@
   (declare (String str))
   (when (or (string-starts-with str "?")
 	    (string-starts-with str "$"))
-    (let ((found-end (search-first (append (white-space) *supported-operators*
+    (let ((found-end (search-first (append (white-space) (*supported-operators*)
 					   *supported-brackets* (list "?" "$"))
 				   (subseq str 1))))
       (if found-end
@@ -301,7 +400,7 @@
 	   (Integer idx))
   (let* ((delimiters (append (list " " (string #\Space) (string #\Tab)
 				   (string #\Newline) (string #\cr) "(" ")")
-			     *supported-operators*))
+			     (*supported-operators*)))
 	 (string-before (trim-whitespace-right (subseq query-string 0 idx)))
 	  (search-first delimiters string-before :from-end t))
@@ -323,7 +422,7 @@
 			     (> (length fragment-before) (length operator)))
 		    (setf fragment-before
 			  (string-after fragment-before operator))))
-	      (append *supported-operators* *supported-brackets*)))
+	      (append (*supported-operators*) *supported-brackets*)))
     (if fragment-before
 	  (when (or (string-starts-with fragment-before "?")

Modified: trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/base-tools/base-tools.lisp	Thu Dec 16 16:07:40 2010
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
   (:nicknames :tools)
   (:export :push-string
+	   :string-replace
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
+	   :string-starts-with-one-of
@@ -30,7 +32,10 @@
-	   :escape-string))
+	   :white-space-p
+	   :escape-string
+	   :search-first-unclosed-paranthesis 
+	   :search-first-unopened-paranthesis ))
 (in-package :base-tools)
@@ -63,6 +68,17 @@
+(defun white-space-p (str)
+  "Returns t if the passed str contains only white space characters."
+  (cond ((and (= (length str) 1)
+	      (string-starts-with-one-of str (white-space)))
+	 t)
+	((string-starts-with-one-of str (white-space))
+	 (white-space-p (subseq str 1)))
+	(t
+	 nil)))
 (defun remove-null (lst)
   "Removes all null values from the passed list."
   (remove-if #'null lst))
@@ -118,6 +134,16 @@
 		  (length str-i)))))
+(defun string-starts-with-one-of (str prefixes &key (ignore-case nil))
+  "Returns t if str ends with one of the string contained in suffixes."
+  (declare (String str)
+	   (List prefixes)
+	   (Boolean ignore-case))
+  (loop for prefix in prefixes
+     when (string-starts-with str prefix :ignore-case ignore-case)
+     return t))
 (defun string-ends-with (str suffix &key (ignore-case nil))
   "Checks if string str ends with a given suffix."
   (declare (String str suffix)
@@ -146,6 +172,23 @@
      return t))
+(defun string-replace (main-string string-to-replace new-string)
+  "Replaces every occurrence of string-to-replace by new-string
+   in main-string."
+  (declare (String main-string string-to-replace new-string))
+  (if (string= string-to-replace new-string)
+      main-string
+      (let ((search-idx (search-first (list string-to-replace) main-string)))
+	(if (not search-idx)
+	    main-string
+	    (let ((modified-string
+		   (concatenate 'string (subseq main-string 0 search-idx)
+				new-string (subseq main-string
+						   (+ search-idx (length string-to-replace))))))
+	      (string-replace modified-string string-to-replace new-string))))))
 (defun string-starts-with-digit (str)
   "Checks whether the passed string starts with a digit."
   (declare (String str))
@@ -153,6 +196,7 @@
      when (string-starts-with str (write-to-string item))
      return t))
 (defun string-after-number (str)
   "If str starts with a digit, there is returned the first
    substring after a character that is a non-digit.
@@ -278,4 +322,41 @@
 	       (push-string current-char result))
 	       (push-string current-char result)))))
-    result))
\ No newline at end of file
+    result))
+(defun search-first-unclosed-paranthesis (str)
+  "Returns the idx of the first ( that is not closed, the search is
+   started from the end of the string."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (let ((r-str (reverse str))
+	(open-brackets 0)
+	(result-idx nil))
+    (dotimes (idx (length r-str))
+      (let ((current-char (subseq r-str idx (1+ idx))))
+	(cond ((string= current-char ")")
+	       (decf open-brackets))
+	      ((string= current-char "(")
+	       (incf open-brackets)
+	       (when (> open-brackets 0)
+		 (setf result-idx idx)
+		 (setf idx (length r-str)))))))
+    (when result-idx
+      (- (length str) (1+ result-idx)))))
+(defun search-first-unopened-paranthesis (str)
+  "Returns the idx of the first paranthesis that is not opened in str."
+  (declare (String str))
+  (let ((closed-brackets 0)
+	(result-idx nil))
+    (dotimes (idx (length str))
+      (let ((current-char (subseq str idx (1+ idx))))
+	(cond ((string= current-char "(")
+	       (decf closed-brackets))
+	      ((string= current-char ")")
+	       (incf closed-brackets)
+	       (when (> closed-brackets 0)
+		 (setf result-idx idx)
+		 (setf idx (length str)))))))
+    result-idx))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/sparql_test.lisp	Thu Dec 16 16:07:40 2010
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 (defpackage :sparql-test
   (:use  :cl
+	 :base-tools
@@ -31,7 +32,8 @@
-	   :test-set-unary-operators))
+	   :test-set-unary-operators
+	   :test-set-or-and-operators))
 (in-package :sparql-test)
@@ -1112,6 +1114,26 @@
     (is (string= result-4-1 "(not \"a\\\"b\\\"c\") && (progn (1+ 12) = (1- 14))"))))
+(test test-set-or-and-operators
+  "Tests various cases of the function set-unary-operators."
+  (let* ((dummy-object (make-instance 'TM-SPARQL::SPARQL-Query :query "  "))
+	 (str-1 "isLITERAL(STR(?var))||?var = 12 && true}")
+	 (str-2 "(true != false || !false ) && 12 < 14 || !isLITERAL(?var)}")
+	 (result-1
+	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-1) :filter-string))
+	 (result-1-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-1))
+	 (result-2
+	  (getf (tm-sparql::set-boundings dummy-object str-2) :filter-string))
+	 (result-2-1 (tm-sparql::set-or-and-operators dummy-object result-2)))
+    (is-true result-1)
+    (is-true result-1-1)
+    (is-true result-2)
+    (is-true result-2-1)
+    (is (string= (string-replace result-1-1 " " "")
+		 "(and(progn(or(prognisLITERAL(STR(?var)))(progn?var=12)))(progntrue))"))
+    (is (string= (string-replace result-2-1 " " "")
+		 "(or(progn(and(progn(progn(or(progntrue!=false)(progn!false))))(progn12<14)))(progn!isLITERAL(?var)))"))))
 (defun run-sparql-tests ()
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'sparql-test:sparql-tests))

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