[isidorus-cvs] r98 - in trunk/src: unit_tests xml/rdf xml/xtm

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Thu Jul 30 12:26:36 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Thu Jul 30 08:26:23 2009
New Revision: 98

added more helpers and unit test ot the rdf-importer


Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	Thu Jul 30 08:26:23 2009
@@ -26,19 +26,26 @@
-  (:export :test-get-literals-of-node
+  (:export :rdf-importer-test
+	   :test-get-literals-of-node
-	   :run-rdf-importer-tests))
+	   :run-rdf-importer-tests
+	   :test-get-literals-of-property
+	   :test-parse-property
+	   :test-get-types
+	   :test-get-literals-of-content
+	   :test-get-super-classes-of-node-content
+	   :test-get-associations-of-node-content))
 (declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (safety 3) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
 (in-package :rdf-importer-test)
-(def-suite importer-test
+(def-suite rdf-importer-test
      :description "tests  various key functions of the importer")
-(in-suite importer-test)
+(in-suite rdf-importer-test)
 (test test-get-literals-of-node
@@ -351,7 +358,6 @@
 		      "<rdf:type rdf:ID=\"rdfID2\">"
 		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"c-about-type-2\"/>"
 		      "<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"c-nodeID-type-2\"/>"
@@ -361,7 +367,6 @@
 		      "<rdf:type rdf:ID=\"rdfID3\">"
 		      "<arcs:arc rdf:resource=\"anyArc\"/>"
 		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"anyResource\"/>"
@@ -390,57 +395,54 @@
 			  "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
 	  (is (= (length types) 10))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and
-				 (string= (getf x :value) 
-					  (concatenate
-					   'string *rdf-ns* "anyType"))
-				 (not (getf x :ID))))
-			    types))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and
-				 (string= (getf x :value) 
-					  (concatenate
-					   'string tm-id
-					   "/xml-base/first/attr-type"))
-				 (not (getf x :ID))))
-			    types))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and (string=
-				      (getf x :value) 
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) 
+				      (concatenate
+				       'string *rdf-ns* "anyType"))
+			     (not (getf x :ID))))
+		    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) 
 				       'string tm-id
-				       "/xml-base/first/content-type-1"))
-				     (string= (getf x :ID)
-					      "rdfID")))
-			    types))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and (string=
-				      (getf x :value) 
+				       "/xml-base/first/attr-type"))
+			     (not (getf x :ID))))
+		    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if 
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) 
+				      "http://test-tm/xml-base/first/content-type-1")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://test-tm/xml-base/first#rdfID")))
+		    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) 
 				       'string tm-id
-				     (string= (getf x :ID)
-					      "rdfID2")))
-			    types))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and
-				 (string= (getf x :value) 
-					  "c-nodeID-type-2")
-				 (not (getf x :ID))))
-			    types))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and
-				 (string= (getf x :value) 
-					  "http://new-base#c-ID-type-2")
-				 (not (getf x :ID))))
-			    types))
-	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
-				(and
-				 (string= (getf x :value) node-uuid)
-				 (string= (getf x :ID)
-					  "rdfID3")))
-			    types))
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://test-tm/xml-base/first#rdfID2")))
+		    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) "c-nodeID-type-2")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))))
+		    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if 
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) 
+				      "http://new-base#c-ID-type-2")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))))
+		    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if 
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) node-uuid)
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://test-tm/xml-base/first#rdfID3")))
+		    types))
 	  (is-true (= 10 (count-if #'(lambda(x)
 				      (> (length (getf x :value)) 0))
@@ -534,7 +536,8 @@
 				      "<root><child>childText5</child>   </root>")
 			     (string= (getf x :type)
-			     (string= (getf x :ID) "rdfID")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://test-tm/base/first#rdfID")
 			     (string= (getf x :lang) "de")
 			     (string= (getf x :datatype) *xml-string*)))
@@ -549,10 +552,234 @@
+(test test-get-super-classes-of-node-content
+  (let ((doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:Description xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:isi=\"" *rdf2tm-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:rdfs=\"" *rdfs-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:arcs=\"http://test/arcs/\" "
+                      "xml:base=\"xml-base/first\" "
+		      "rdf:about=\"resource\" rdf:type=\"attr-type\">"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:ID=\"rdfID\" "
+		      "rdf:resource=\"content-type-1\"/>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf /><!-- blank_node -->"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf arcs:arc=\"literalArc\"/>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:parseType=\"Collection\" "
+		      "          xml:base=\"http://xml-base/absolute/\">"
+		      "<!-- blank_node that is a list -->"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"c-about-type\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:ID=\"c-id-type\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"c-nodeID-type\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description/><!-- blank_node -->"
+		      "</rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:ID=\"rdfID2\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"c-about-type-2\"/>"
+		      "</rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"c-nodeID-type-2\"/>"
+		      "</rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf xml:base=\"http://new-base/\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:ID=\"c-ID-type-2\"/>"
+		      "</rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:ID=\"rdfID3\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description/>"
+		      "</rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<arcs:arc rdf:resource=\"anyArc\"/>"
+		      "<rdfs:arc>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"anyResource\"/>"
+		      "</rdfs:arc>"
+		      "</rdf:Description>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+      (is-true dom-1)
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1))))
+      (let ((node (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0))
+	    (tm-id "http://test-tm")
+	    (xml-base "/base/initial"))
+	(is-true node)
+	(is-true (rdf-importer::parse-node node))
+	(loop for property across (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text node)
+	   do (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property property)))
+	(let ((super-classes (rdf-importer::get-super-classes-of-node-content
+			      node tm-id xml-base)))
+	  (is (= (length super-classes) 8))
+	  (is-true (find-if 
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(string= (getf x :ID)
+				 "http://test-tm/base/initial/xml-base/first#rdfID"))
+		    super-classes))
+	  (is-true (map 'list
+			#'(lambda(x)
+			    (and
+			     (> (length (getf x :value)) 0)
+			     (string=
+			      (getf x :ID)
+			      (concatenate 'string tm-id xml-base 
+					   "/xml-base/first/c-about-type-2"))))
+			super-classes))
+	  (is-true (map 'list
+			#'(lambda(x)
+			    (and (string= (getf x :value) "c-nodeID-type-2")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			super-classes))
+	  (is-true (map 'list
+			#'(lambda(x)
+			    (and (string= (getf x :value)
+					  "http://new/base#c-ID-type-2")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			super-classes))
+	  (is (= (count-if  #'(lambda(x) (> (length (getf x :value)) 0))
+			    super-classes)
+		 8))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(string= (getf x :ID)
+					 "http://test-tm/base/initial/xml-base/first#rdfID3"))
+			    super-classes))
+	  (dom:append-child (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text node) 1)
+			    (dom:create-text-node dom-1 "new text"))
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property
+			  (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text node) 1))))))))
+(test test-get-associations-of-node-content
+  (let ((doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:Description xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:isi=\"" *rdf2tm-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:rdfs=\"" *rdfs-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:arcs=\"http://test/arcs/\" "
+                      "xml:base=\"http://xml-base/first\" "
+		      "rdf:about=\"resource\" rdf:type=\"attr-type\">"
+		      "<rdf:type rdf:resource=\"anyType\" />"
+		      "<rdf:type>   </rdf:type>"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:nodeID=\"anyClass\" />"
+		      "<rdfs:subClassOf>   </rdfs:subClassOf>"
+		      "<rdf:unknown rdf:resource=\"assoc-1\"/>"
+		      "<rdfs:unknown rdf:type=\"assoc-2-type\">"
+		      "   </rdfs:unknown>"
+		      "<arcs:arc1 rdf:ID=\"rdfID-1\" "
+		      "rdf:nodeID=\"arc1-nodeID\"/>"
+		      "<arcs:arc2 rdf:parseType=\"Collection\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"col\" />"
+		      "</arcs:arc2>"
+		      "<arcs:arc3 rdf:parseType=\"Resource\" "
+		      "rdf:ID=\"rdfID-2\" />"
+		      "<arcs:lit rdf:parseType=\"Literal\" />"
+		      "<arcs:arc4 arcs:arc5=\"text-arc5\" />"
+		      "<arcs:arc6 rdf:ID=\"rdfID-3\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"con-1\" />"
+		      "</arcs:arc6>"
+		      "<arcs:arc7>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"con-2\" />"
+		      "</arcs:arc7>"
+		      "<arcs:arc8>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:ID=\"rdfID-4\" />"
+		      "</arcs:arc8>"
+		      "<arcs:arc9 rdf:ID=\"rdfID-5\" xml:base=\"add\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description />"
+		      "</arcs:arc9>"
+		      "<rdfs:type rdf:resource=\"assoc-11\">   </rdfs:type>"
+		      "<rdf:subClassOf rdf:nodeID=\"assoc-12\" />"
+		      "</rdf:Description>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
+	  (tm-id "http://test-tm"))
+      (is-true dom-1)
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
+      (let ((node (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
+	(loop for property across (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text node)
+	   do (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property property)))
+	(let ((associations
+	       (rdf-importer::get-associations-of-node-content node tm-id nil)))
+	  (is (= (length associations) 12))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type)
+				      (concatenate 'string *rdf-ns* "unknown"))
+			     (string= (getf x :value)
+				      "http://xml-base/first/assoc-1")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc1")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID) "http://xml-base/first#rdfID-1")
+			     (string= (getf x :value) "arc1-nodeID")))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc2")
+			     (> (length (getf x :value)) 0)
+			     (not (getf x :ID))))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc3")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://xml-base/first#rdfID-2")
+			     (> (length (getf x :value)) 0)))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc4")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (> (length (getf x :value)) 0)))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc4")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (> (length (getf x :value)) 0)))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc6")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://xml-base/first#rdfID-3")
+			     (string= (getf x :value)
+				      "http://xml-base/first/con-1")))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc7")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :value) "con-2")))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc8")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :value)
+				      "http://xml-base/first#rdfID-4")))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type) "http://test/arcs/arc9")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID)
+				      "http://xml-base/first/add#rdfID-5")
+			     (> (length (getf x :value)))))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type)
+				      (concatenate 'string *rdfs-ns* "type"))
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :value)
+				      "http://xml-base/first/assoc-11")))
+		    associations))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :type)
+				      (concatenate 'string *rdf-ns*
+						   "subClassOf"))
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :value) "assoc-12")))
+		    associations)))))))
 (defun run-rdf-importer-tests()
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-node)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-parse-node)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-property)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-parse-property)
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-types)
-  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-content))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-content)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-super-classes-of-node-content)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-associations-of-node-content))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	Thu Jul 30 08:26:23 2009
@@ -45,9 +45,10 @@
     (if (and (string= elem-ns *rdf-ns*)
 	     (string= elem-name "RDF"))
 	(let ((children (child-nodes-or-text rdf-dom)))
-	  (loop for child across children
-	     do (import-node child tm-id :document-id document-id
-			     :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang)))
+	  (when children
+	    (loop for child across children
+	       do (import-node child tm-id :document-id document-id
+			       :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang))))
 	  (import-node rdf-dom tm-id :document-id document-id
 		       :xml-base xml-base :xml-lang xml-lang))))
@@ -58,24 +59,23 @@
   (tm-id-p tm-id "import-node")
   (parse-node elem)
   (let ((fn-xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base xml-base)))
-    (loop for property across (child-nodes-or-text elem)
-       do (parse-property property))
-    (let ((about
-	   (if (get-ns-attribute elem "about")
-	       (absolutize-value (get-ns-attribute elem "about")
-				 fn-xml-base tm-id)
-	       nil))
+    (when (child-nodes-or-text elem)
+      (loop for property across (child-nodes-or-text elem)
+	 do (parse-property property)))
+    (let ((about (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "about"))	   
 	  (nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
-	  (ID (get-ns-attribute elem "ID"))
+	  (ID (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id xml-base "ID"))
 	  (UUID (get-ns-attribute elem "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
 	  (literals (append (get-literals-of-node elem xml-lang)
 			    (get-literals-of-node-content elem tm-id
 							  xml-base xml-lang)))
-	  (associations nil)
+	  (associations (get-associations-of-node-content elem tm-id xml-base))
 	  (types (append (list
 			  (list :value (get-type-of-node-name elem) :ID nil))
 			 (get-types-of-node-content elem tm-id fn-xml-base)))
-	  (super-classes nil)) ;TODO: implement
+	  (super-classes (get-super-classes-of-node-content elem tm-id xml-base)))
+      ;TODO: create elephant-objects
+      ;TODO: recursion on all nodes/arcs
     (declare (ignorable about nodeID ID UUID literals associations ;TODO: remove
 			types super-classes)))))
@@ -88,14 +88,9 @@
 	(fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base))
 	(fn-xml-lang (get-xml-lang node :old-lang xml-lang)))
     (let ((literals
-	   (loop for property across properties
-	      when (let ((prp-xml-base (get-xml-base property
-						     :old-base fn-xml-base)))
-		     (let ((datatype
-			    (when (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
-			      (absolutize-value
-			       (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
-			       prp-xml-base tm-id)))
+	   (when properties
+	     (loop for property across properties
+		when (let ((datatype (get-ns-attribute property "datatype"))
 			   (parseType (get-ns-attribute property "parseType"))
 			   (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
 			   (resource (get-ns-attribute property "resource"))
@@ -103,41 +98,33 @@
 						   :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
 		       (or (or datatype
 			       (string= parseType "Literal"))
-			   (not (or nodeID resource UUID parseType)))))
-	      collect (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text property))
-			    (prp-xml-base (get-xml-base property
-							:old-base fn-xml-base))
-			    (ID (get-ns-attribute property "ID"))
-			    (prp-name (get-node-name property))
-			    (prp-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
-			    (child-xml-lang
-			     (get-xml-lang property :old-lang fn-xml-lang)))
-			(let ((full-name (concatenate-uri prp-ns prp-name))
-			      (datatype
-			       (if (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
-				   (absolutize-value
-				    (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
-				    prp-xml-base tm-id)
-				   *xml-string*))
-			      (text
-			       (cond
-				 ((= (length content) 0)
-				  "")
-				 ((not (stringp content)) ;must be an element
-				  (let ((text-val ""))
-				    (loop for content-node across
-					 (dom:child-nodes property)
-				       do (push-string
-					   (node-to-string content-node)
-					   text-val))
-				    text-val))
-				 (t content))))
-			  (list :type full-name
-				:value text
-				:ID ID
-				:lang child-xml-lang
-				:datatype datatype))))))
+			   (not (or nodeID resource UUID parseType))))
+		collect (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text property))
+			      (ID (get-absolute-attribute property tm-id
+							  fn-xml-base "ID"))
+			      (child-xml-lang
+			       (get-xml-lang property :old-lang fn-xml-lang)))
+			  (let ((full-name (get-type-of-node-name property))
+				(datatype (get-datatype property tm-id fn-xml-base))
+				(text
+				 (cond
+				   ((= (length content) 0)
+				    "")
+				   ((not (stringp content)) ;must be an element
+				    (let ((text-val ""))
+				      (when (dom:child-nodes property)
+					(loop for content-node across
+					     (dom:child-nodes property)
+					   do (push-string
+					       (node-to-string content-node)
+					       text-val)))
+				      text-val))
+				   (t content))))
+			    (list :type full-name
+				  :value text
+				  :ID ID
+				  :lang child-xml-lang
+				  :datatype datatype)))))))
@@ -151,6 +138,7 @@
 (defun get-types-of-node-content (node tm-id xml-base)
   "Returns a list of type-uris that corresponds to the node's content
    or attributes."
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "get-types-of-node-content")
   (let ((fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base)))
     (let ((attr-type
 	   (if (get-ns-attribute node "type")
@@ -160,27 +148,27 @@
 		      :ID nil))
-	   (loop for child across (child-nodes-or-text node)
-	      when (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri child) *rdf-ns*)
-			(string= (get-node-name child) "type"))
-	      collect (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute child "nodeID"))
-			    (resource (if (get-ns-attribute child "resource")
-					  (absolutize-value 
-					   (get-ns-attribute child "resource")
-					   fn-xml-base tm-id)))
-			    (UUID (get-ns-attribute child "UUID"
-						    :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
-			    (ID (get-ns-attribute child "ID")))
-			(if (or nodeID resource UUID)
-			    (list :value (or nodeID resource UUID)
-				  :ID ID)
-			    (let ((child-xml-base
-				   (get-xml-base child :old-base fn-xml-base)))
-			      (loop for ref in 
-				   (get-node-refs (child-nodes-or-text child)
-						  tm-id child-xml-base)
-				 append (list :value ref
-					      :ID ID))))))))
+	   (when (child-nodes-or-text node)
+	     (loop for child across (child-nodes-or-text node)
+		when (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri child) *rdf-ns*)
+			  (string= (get-node-name child) "type"))
+		collect (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute child "nodeID"))
+			      (resource (get-absolute-attribute
+					 child tm-id fn-xml-base "resource"))
+			      (UUID (get-ns-attribute child "UUID"
+						      :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
+			      (ID (get-absolute-attribute child tm-id
+							  fn-xml-base "ID")))
+			  (if (or nodeID resource UUID)
+			      (list :value (or nodeID resource UUID)
+				    :ID ID)
+			      (let ((child-xml-base
+				     (get-xml-base child :old-base fn-xml-base)))
+				(loop for ref in 
+				     (get-node-refs (child-nodes-or-text child)
+						    tm-id child-xml-base)
+				   append (list :value ref
+						:ID ID)))))))))
       (remove-if #'null (append attr-type content-types)))))
@@ -192,7 +180,7 @@
 	 (let ((attr-ns (dom:namespace-uri attr))
 	       (attr-name (get-node-name attr)))
-	   (let ((l-type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name))
+	   (let ((l-type (get-type-of-node-name attr))
 		 (l-value (if (get-ns-attribute property attr-name
 						:ns-uri attr-ns)
 			      (get-ns-attribute property attr-name
@@ -236,7 +224,7 @@
 	 (let ((attr-ns (dom:namespace-uri attr))
 	       (attr-name (get-node-name attr)))
-	   (let ((l-type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name))
+	   (let ((l-type (get-type-of-node-name attr))
 		 (l-value (if (get-ns-attribute node attr-name :ns-uri attr-ns)
 			      (get-ns-attribute node attr-name :ns-uri attr-ns)
@@ -268,3 +256,86 @@
+(defun get-super-classes-of-node-content (node tm-id xml-base)
+  "Returns a list of super-classes and IDs."
+  (declare (dom:element node))
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "get-super-classes-of-node-content")
+  (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text node))
+	(fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base)))
+    (when content
+      (loop for property across content
+	 when (let ((prop-name (get-node-name property))
+		    (prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property)))
+		(and (string= prop-name "subClassOf")
+		     (string= prop-ns *rdfs-ns*)))
+	 collect (let ((prop-xml-base (get-xml-base property
+						    :old-base fn-xml-base)))
+		   (let ((ID (get-absolute-attribute property tm-id
+						     fn-xml-base "ID"))
+			 (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+			 (resource
+			  (get-absolute-attribute property tm-id
+						  fn-xml-base "resource"))
+			 (UUID (get-ns-attribute property "UUID"
+						 :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
+		     (let ((value
+			    (if (or nodeID resource UUID)
+				(or nodeID resource UUID)
+				(let ((res-values
+				       (get-node-refs
+					(child-nodes-or-text property)
+					tm-id prop-xml-base)))
+				  (first res-values)))))
+		       (list :value value
+			     :ID ID))))))))
+(defun get-associations-of-node-content (node tm-id xml-base)
+  "Returns a list of associations with a type, value and ID member."
+  (declare (dom:element node))
+  (let ((properties (child-nodes-or-text node))
+	(fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base)))
+    (loop for property across properties
+       when (let ((prop-name (get-node-name property))
+		  (prop-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+		  (prop-content (child-nodes-or-text property))
+		  (resource (get-absolute-attribute property tm-id
+						    fn-xml-base "resource"))
+		  (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+		  (type (get-ns-attribute property "type"))
+		  (parseType (get-ns-attribute property "parseType"))
+		  (UUID (get-ns-attribute property "UUID"
+					  :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
+	      (and (or resource nodeID type UUID
+		       (and parseType
+			    (or (string= parseType "Collection")
+				(string= parseType "Resource")))
+		       (and (> (length prop-content) 0)
+			    (not (stringp prop-content)))
+		       (> (length (get-literals-of-property property nil)) 0))
+		   (not (and (string= prop-name "type")
+			     (string= prop-ns *rdf-ns*)))
+		   (not (and (string= prop-name "subClassOf")
+			     (string= prop-ns *rdfs-ns*)))))
+       collect (let ((prop-xml-base (get-xml-base property
+						  :old-base fn-xml-base)))
+		 (let ((resource
+			(get-absolute-attribute property tm-id
+						fn-xml-base "resource"))
+		       (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+		       (UUID (get-ns-attribute property "UUID"
+					       :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
+		       (ID (get-absolute-attribute property tm-id
+						   fn-xml-base "ID"))
+		       (full-name (get-type-of-node-name property)))
+		   (let ((value
+			  (if (or nodeID resource UUID)
+			      (or nodeID resource UUID)
+			      (let ((res-values
+				     (get-node-refs
+				      (child-nodes-or-text property)
+				      tm-id prop-xml-base)))
+				(first res-values)))))
+		     (list :type full-name
+			   :value value
+			   :ID ID)))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	Thu Jul 30 08:26:23 2009
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 	(error "~ardf:RDF not allowed here!"
       (unless (find property-name *rdf-properties* :test #'string=)
-	(format t "~aWarning: ~a is not a known RDF property!~%"
+	(format t "~aWarning: rdf:~a is not a known RDF property!~%"
 		err-pref property-name)))
     (when (string= property-ns *rdfs-ns*)
       (when (find property-name *rdfs-types* :test #'string=)
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@
 	(subClassOf (get-ns-attribute property "subClassOf" :ns-uri *rdfs-ns*))
 	(literals (get-literals-of-property property nil))
 	(content (child-nodes-or-text property :trim t)))
+    (parse-property-name property)
     (when (and parseType
 	       (or nodeID resource datatype type literals))
       (error "~awhen rdf:parseType is set the attributes: ~a => ~a are not allowed!"
@@ -264,7 +265,8 @@
     (when (and (or type
 		   (and (string= node-name "type")
-			(string= node-ns *rdf-ns*)))
+			(string= node-ns *rdf-ns*))
+		   (> (length literals) 0))
 	       (not (or nodeID resource))
 	       (not content))		    
       (dom:set-attribute-ns property *rdf2tm-ns* "UUID" (get-uuid)))
@@ -274,6 +276,21 @@
 	     (if about
 		 (concatenate 'string "rdf:about (" about ")")
 		 (concatenate 'string "rdfs:subClassOf (" subClassOf ")"))))
+    (when (and (string= node-name "subClassOf")
+	       (string= node-ns *rdfs-ns*)
+	       (not (or nodeID resource content)))
+      (dom:set-attribute-ns property *rdf2tm-ns* "UUID" (get-uuid)))
+    (when (and (or (and (string= node-name "type")
+			(string= node-ns *rdf-ns*))
+		   (and (string= node-name "subClassOf")
+			(string= node-ns *rdfs-ns*)))
+	       (and (> (length content) 0)
+		    (stringp content)))
+      (error "~awhen ~a not allowed to own literal content: ~a!"
+	     err-pref (if (string= node-name "type")
+			  "rdf:type"
+			  "rdfs:subClassOf")
+	     content))
     (dolist (item *rdf-types*)
       (when (get-ns-attribute property item)
 	(error "~ardf:~a is a type and not allowed here!"
@@ -284,3 +301,28 @@
 	       err-pref item))))
+(defun get-absolute-attribute (elem tm-id xml-base attr-name
+			       &key (ns-uri *rdf-ns*))
+  "Returns an absolute 'attribute' or nil."
+  (declare (dom:element elem))
+  (declare (string attr-name))
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "get-ID")
+  (let ((attr (get-ns-attribute elem attr-name :ns-uri ns-uri))
+	(fn-xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base xml-base)))
+    (when attr
+      (if (and (string= ns-uri *rdf-ns*)
+	       (string= attr-name "ID"))
+	  (absolutize-id attr fn-xml-base tm-id)
+	  (absolutize-value attr fn-xml-base tm-id)))))
+(defun get-datatype (elem tm-id xml-base)
+  "Returns a datatype value. The default is xml:string."
+  (let ((fn-xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base xml-base)))
+    (let ((datatype
+	   (get-absolute-attribute elem tm-id fn-xml-base "datatype")))
+      (if datatype
+	  datatype
+	  *xml-string*))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	Thu Jul 30 08:26:23 2009
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+	   :absolutize-id

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