[isidorus-cvs] r97 - in trunk: docs src src/unit_tests src/xml/rdf src/xml/xtm

Lukas Giessmann lgiessmann at common-lisp.net
Wed Jul 29 14:53:57 UTC 2009

Author: lgiessmann
Date: Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
New Revision: 97

added some basic functions and unit tests for the rdf-importer


Modified: trunk/docs/json.ebnf
--- trunk/docs/json.ebnf	(original)
+++ trunk/docs/json.ebnf	Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@
 Scope = "\"scopes\":" (DblList | Null)
 InstanceOf = "\"instanceOfs\":" (DblList | Null)
 Type = "\"type\":" List
-ID = "\id\":" string
+ID = "\id\":" String
 TopicRef = "\"topicRef\":" List
 Variant = "{" ItemIdentity "," Scope "," RData "}"
 Variants = "\"variants\":" (("[" Variant+ "]") | Null)
 Name = "{" ItemIdentity "," Type "," Scope "," Value "," Variants "}"
-Names = "\"names\":" ("[" Name+ "]") | Null
+Names = "\"names\":" (("[" Name+ "]") | Null)
 Occurrence = "{" ItemIdentity "," Type "," Scope "," RData "}"
 Occurrences = "\"occurrences\":" (("[" Occurrence+ "]") | Null)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 Roles = "\"roles\":" (("[" Role+ "]") | Null)
 Association = "{" ItemIdentity "," Type "," Scope "," Roles "}"
-Associations "\"associations\":" (("[" Association "]") | Null)
+Associations = "\"associations\":" (("[" Association "]") | Null)
 TopicStub = "{" ID "," ItemIdentity "," SubjectLocator "," SubjectIdentifier "}"
 TopicStubs = "\"topicStubs\":" (("[" TopicStub+ "]") | Null)

Modified: trunk/src/isidorus.asd
--- trunk/src/isidorus.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/isidorus.asd	Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@
 				     (:file "json_test"
 					    :depends-on ("fixtures"))
 				     (:file "threading_test")
-				     (:file "rdf_importer_test"))
+				     (:file "rdf_importer_test"
+					    :depends-on ("fixtures")))
 			:depends-on ("atom"

Modified: trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp
--- trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/unit_tests/rdf_importer_test.lisp	Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
@@ -13,17 +13,19 @@
-   :unittests-constants
   (:import-from :constants
-		*rdf2tm-ns*)
+		*rdf2tm-ns*
+		*xml-ns*
+		*xml-string*)
   (:import-from :xml-tools
-		get-ns-attribute)
+		get-ns-attribute
+		absolute-uri-p)
   (:export :test-get-literals-of-node
@@ -46,53 +48,97 @@
 		      "xmlns:isi=\"http://isidorus/test#\" "
 		      "rdf:type=\"rdfType\" rdf:ID=\"rdfID\" rdf:nodeID=\""
 		      "rdfNodeID\" rdf:unknown=\"rdfUnknown\" "
-		      "isi:ID=\"isiID\" isi:arc=\"isiArc\"/>"))
-	(doc-2
-	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:Description xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
-		      "xmlns:rdfs=\"" *rdfs-ns* "\" "
-		      "rdfs:subClassOf=\"rdfsSubClassOf\" />")))
-    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
-	  (dom-2 (cxml:parse doc-2 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+		      "isi:ID=\"isiID\" isi:arc=\"isiArc\" "
+		      "isi:empty=\"\"/>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
+      (let ((literals (rdf-importer::get-literals-of-node
+		       (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0) nil)))
+	(is-true literals)
+	(is (= (length literals) 4))
+	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+			      (and
+			       (string= (getf x :value) "rdfUnknown")
+			       (string= (getf x :type)
+					(concatenate 'string *rdf-ns* "unknown"))
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
+			      literals))
+	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+			      (and
+			       (string= (getf x :value) "isiID")
+			       (string= (getf x :type)
+					"http://isidorus/test#ID")
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
+			  literals))
+	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+			      (and 
+			       (string= (getf x :value) "isiArc")
+			       (string= (getf x :type)
+					"http://isidorus/test#arc")
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
+			  literals))
+	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+			      (and 
+			       (string= (getf x :value) "")
+			       (string= (getf x :type)
+					"http://isidorus/test#empty")
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
+			  literals))
+	(map 'list #'(lambda(x) (is-false (getf x :lang)))
+	     literals)))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
       (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
-      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-2)) 1))
+      (dom:set-attribute-ns (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)
+			    *xml-ns* "lang" "de")
       (let ((literals (rdf-importer::get-literals-of-node
-		       (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0))))
+		       (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0) "en")))
 	(is-true literals)
-	(is (= (length literals) 3))
+	(is (= (length literals) 4))
 	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
 			       (string= (getf x :value) "rdfUnknown")
 			       (string= (getf x :type)
-					(concatenate 'string *rdf-ns* "unknown"))))
+					(concatenate 'string *rdf-ns* "unknown"))
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
 	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
 			       (string= (getf x :value) "isiID")
 			       (string= (getf x :type)
-					"http://isidorus/test#ID")))
+					"http://isidorus/test#ID")
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
 	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
 			       (string= (getf x :value) "isiArc")
 			       (string= (getf x :type)
-					"http://isidorus/test#arc")))
-			  literals)))
-      (signals error (rdf-importer::get-literals-of-node
-		      (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-2) 0))))))
+					"http://isidorus/test#arc")
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
+			  literals))
+	(is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+			      (and 
+			       (string= (getf x :value) "")
+			       (string= (getf x :type)
+					"http://isidorus/test#empty")
+			       (not (getf x :ID))))
+			  literals))
+	(map 'list #'(lambda(x) (is-true (string= (getf x :lang) "de")))
+	     literals)))))
 (test test-parse-node
   "Tests the parse-node function."
   (let ((doc-1
-	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:Description xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:UnknownType xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
 		      "xmlns:isi=\"" *rdf2tm-ns* "\" "
 		      "xmlns:arcs=\"http://test/arcs/\" "
 		      "rdf:ID=\"rdfID\" xml:base=\"xmlBase\" "
-		      "<rdf:Element rdf:about=\"element\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"element\"/>"
-		      "</rdf:Description>")))
+		      "</rdf:UnknownType>")))
     (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
       (is (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1)
       (let ((node (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
@@ -113,16 +159,400 @@
 	(dom:remove-attribute-ns node *rdf-ns* "nodeID")
 	(is-true (rdf-importer::parse-node node))
 	(is-true (get-ns-attribute node "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
+	(dom:set-attribute-ns node *rdf-ns* "resource" "rdfResource")
+	(signals error (rdf-importer::parse-node node))
+	(dom:set-attribute-ns node *rdf-ns* "resource" "")
+	(is-true (rdf-importer::parse-node node))
 	(dom:replace-child node (dom:create-text-node dom-1 "anyText")
 			    node "http://test/arcs/" "rel"))
 	(signals error (rdf-importer::parse-node node))))))
+(test test-get-literals-of-property
+  "Tests the function get-literals-or-property."
+  (let ((doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<prop:property xmlns:prop=\"http://props/\" "
+		      "xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:rdfs=\"" *rdfs-ns* "\" "
+		      "rdf:type=\"rdfType\" rdf:resource=\"rdfResource\" "
+		      "rdf:nodeID=\"rdfNodeID\" "
+		      "prop:prop1=\"http://should/be/a/literal\" "
+		      "prop:prop2=\"prop-2\" "
+		      "prop:prop3=\"\">content-text</prop:property>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+      (is-true dom-1)
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
+      (let ((property (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
+	(let ((literals (rdf-importer::get-literals-of-property property nil)))
+	  (is (= (length literals) 3))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value)
+					  "http://should/be/a/literal")
+				 (string= (getf x :type) "http://props/prop1")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) "prop-2")
+				 (string= (getf x :type) "http://props/prop2")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) "")
+				 (string= (getf x :type) "http://props/prop3")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    literals)))))))
+(test test-parse-property
+  "Tests the function parse-property."
+  (let ((doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:Description xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:rdfs=\"" *rdfs-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:prop=\"http://isidorus/props/\">"
+		      "<prop:prop0 rdf:parseType=\"Resource\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop1 rdf:parseType=\"Resource\">"
+		      "<prop:prop1_0 rdf:resource=\"prop21\" />"
+		      "</prop:prop1>"
+		      "<prop:prop2 rdf:parseType=\"Literal\">"
+		      "<content_root>content-text</content_root>"
+		      "</prop:prop2>"
+		      "<prop:prop3 rdf:parseType=\"Collection\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop4 rdf:parseType=\"Collection\">"
+		      "<prop:prop4_0 rdf:resource=\"prop5_1\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop4_1 rdf:nodeID=\"prop5_2\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop4_2/>"
+		      "</prop:prop4>"
+		      "<prop:prop5 />"
+		      "<prop:prop6>prop6</prop:prop6>"
+		      "<prop:prop7 rdf:nodeID=\"prop7\"/>"
+		      "<prop:prop8 rdf:resource=\"prop8\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop9 rdf:type=\"typeProp9\">   </prop:prop9>"
+		      "<prop:prop10 rdf:datatype=\"datatypeProp10\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop11 rdf:ID=\"IDProp11\">   </prop:prop11>"
+		      "<prop:prop12 rdf:ID=\"IDprop12\" rdf:nodeID=\"prop12\">"
+		      "      </prop:prop12>"
+		      "<prop:prop13 />"
+		      "<prop:prop14>prop14</prop:prop14>"
+		      "<prop:prop15 rdf:nodeID=\"prop15\"/>"
+		      "<prop:prop16 rdf:resource=\"prop16\" />"
+		      "<prop:prop17 rdf:type=\"typeProp17\">   </prop:prop17>"
+		      "<prop:prop18 rdf:ID=\"IDprop18\" rdf:nodeID=\"prop18\">"
+		      "      </prop:prop18>"
+		      "</rdf:Description>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+      (is-true dom-1)
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
+      (let ((child (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
+	(let ((children (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text child))
+	      (text-node (dom:create-text-node dom-1 "new text node")))
+	(is (= (length children) 19))
+	(loop for property across children
+	   do (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property property)))
+	(dotimes (i (length children))
+	  (if (or (= i 0) (= i 1) (= i 3) (= i 4) (= i 9) (= i 17))
+	      (is-true (get-ns-attribute (elt children i) "UUID"
+					 :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
+	      (is-false (get-ns-attribute (elt children i) "UUID"
+					 :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))))
+	(let ((prop (elt children 0)))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "parseType" "Unknown")
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "parseType" "Resource")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "ID" "newID")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "bad" "bad")
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "bad")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:append-child prop text-node)
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-child prop text-node)
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop)))
+	(let ((prop (elt children 1)))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "nodeID" "bad")
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "nodeID")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "ID" "newID")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:append-child prop text-node)
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-child prop text-node)
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop)))
+	(let ((prop (elt children 3)))
+	  (dom:append-child prop text-node)
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-child prop text-node)
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop)))
+	(let ((prop (elt children 4)))
+	  (dom:append-child prop text-node)
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-child prop text-node)
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop)))
+	(let ((prop (elt children 5)))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "type" "newType")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "unknown" "unknown")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:append-child prop text-node)
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-child prop text-node)
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "unknown")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:append-child prop text-node)
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-child prop text-node)
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop)))
+	(let ((prop (elt children 10)))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "type" "newType")
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "type")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "nodeID" "newNodeID")
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "nodeID")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "resource" "newResource")
+	  (signals error (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:remove-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "resource")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))
+	  (dom:set-attribute-ns prop *rdf-ns* "ID" "newID")
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property prop))))))))
+(test test-get-types
+  "Tests the functions get-type-of-node-name, get-types-of-content,
+   get-node-rerfs, absolute-uri-p, absolutize-value and absolutize-id."
+  (let ((tm-id "http://test-tm")
+	(doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:anyType xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:isi=\"" *rdf2tm-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:arcs=\"http://test/arcs/\" "
+                      "xml:base=\"xml-base/first\" "
+		      "rdf:about=\"resource\" rdf:type=\"attr-type\">"
+		      "<rdf:type rdf:ID=\"rdfID\" "
+		      "rdf:resource=\"content-type-1\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:type /><!-- blank_node -->"
+		      "<rdf:type arcs:arc=\"literalArc\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:type rdf:parseType=\"Collection\" "
+		      "          xml:base=\"http://xml-base/absolute/\">"
+		      "<!-- blank_node that is a list -->"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"c-about-type\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:ID=\"c-id-type\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"c-nodeID-type\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:Description/><!-- blank_node -->"
+		      "</rdf:type>"
+		      "<rdf:type rdf:ID=\"rdfID2\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"c-about-type-2\"/>"
+		      "</rdf:type>"
+		      "<rdf:type>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=\"c-nodeID-type-2\"/>"
+		      "</rdf:type>"
+		      "<rdf:type xml:base=\"http://new-base/\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:ID=\"c-ID-type-2\"/>"
+		      "</rdf:type>"
+		      "<rdf:type rdf:ID=\"rdfID3\">"
+		      "<rdf:Description/>"
+		      "</rdf:type>"
+		      "<arcs:arc rdf:resource=\"anyArc\"/>"
+		      "<rdf:arc>"
+		      "<rdf:Description rdf:about=\"anyResource\"/>"
+		      "</rdf:arc>"
+		      "</rdf:anyType>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))))
+      (is-true dom-1)
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
+      (is-true (absolute-uri-p tm-id))
+      (is-false (absolute-uri-p "http//bad"))
+      (is-false (absolute-uri-p ""))
+      (is-false (absolute-uri-p "          "))
+      (is-false (absolute-uri-p nil))
+      (let ((node (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
+	(loop for property across (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text node)
+	   do (rdf-importer::parse-property property))
+	(let ((types
+	       (append
+		(list (list
+		       :value (rdf-importer::get-type-of-node-name node)
+		       :ID nil))
+		(rdf-importer::get-types-of-node-content node tm-id nil)))
+	      (node-uuid (get-ns-attribute
+			  (elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text
+				(elt (rdf-importer::child-nodes-or-text node) 7))
+			       0)
+			  "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
+	  (is (= (length types) 10))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) 
+					  (concatenate
+					   'string *rdf-ns* "anyType"))
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) 
+					  (concatenate
+					   'string tm-id
+					   "/xml-base/first/attr-type"))
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and (string=
+				      (getf x :value) 
+				      (concatenate
+				       'string tm-id
+				       "/xml-base/first/content-type-1"))
+				     (string= (getf x :ID)
+					      "rdfID")))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and (string=
+				      (getf x :value) 
+				      (concatenate
+				       'string tm-id
+				       "/xml-base/first/c-about-type-2"))
+				     (string= (getf x :ID)
+					      "rdfID2")))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) 
+					  "c-nodeID-type-2")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) 
+					  "http://new-base#c-ID-type-2")
+				 (not (getf x :ID))))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (find-if #'(lambda(x)
+				(and
+				 (string= (getf x :value) node-uuid)
+				 (string= (getf x :ID)
+					  "rdfID3")))
+			    types))
+	  (is-true (= 10 (count-if #'(lambda(x)
+				      (> (length (getf x :value)) 0))
+				  types))))))))
+(test test-get-literals-of-content
+  (let ((doc-1
+	 (concatenate 'string "<rdf:Description xmlns:rdf=\"" *rdf-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:rdfs=\"" *rdfs-ns* "\" "
+		      "xmlns:prop=\"http://isidorus/props/\" "
+                      "xml:base=\"base/first\" xml:lang=\"de\" >"
+		      "<prop:lit0>text0</prop:lit0>"
+		      "<prop:lit1 rdf:parseType=\"Literal\">text1</prop:lit1>"
+		      "<prop:lit2 xml:base=\"http://base/absolute\" "
+		      "rdf:datatype=\"dType1\">text2</prop:lit2>"
+		      "<prop:arc rdf:parseType=\"Collection\"/>"
+		      "<prop:lit3 xml:lang=\"en\" rdf:datatype=\"dType2\">"
+		      "<![CDATA[text3]]></prop:lit3>"
+		      "<prop:lit4 rdf:datatype=\"dType2\"><root><child/></root>"
+		      "  </prop:lit4>"
+		      "<prop:lit5 rdf:ID=\"rdfID\" "
+		      "rdf:parseType=\"Literal\"><root><child>"
+		      "childText5</child>   </root></prop:lit5>"
+		      "<prop:lit6 xml:lang=\"\" rdf:parseType=\"Literal\">"
+		      "   <![CDATA[text6]]>  abc "
+		      "</prop:lit6>"
+		      "</rdf:Description>")))
+    (let ((dom-1 (cxml:parse doc-1 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder)))
+	  (tm-id "http://test-tm"))
+      (is-true dom-1)
+      (is (= (length (dom:child-nodes dom-1)) 1))
+      (let ((node (elt (dom:child-nodes dom-1) 0)))
+	(dotimes (iter (length (dom:child-nodes node)))
+	  (is-true (rdf-importer::parse-property
+		    (elt (dom:child-nodes node) iter))))
+	(let ((literals (rdf-importer::get-literals-of-node-content
+			 node tm-id nil nil)))
+	  (is (= (length literals) 7))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) "text0")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit0")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :lang) "de")
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype) *xml-string*)))
+		    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) "text1")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit1")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :lang) "de")
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype) *xml-string*)))
+		    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) "text2")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit2")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :lang) "de")
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype)
+				      "http://base/absolute/dType1")))
+		    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) "text3")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit3")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :lang) "en")
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype)
+				      "http://test-tm/base/first/dType2")))
+		    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value)
+				      "<root><child></child></root>  ")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit4")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (string= (getf x :lang) "de")
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype)
+				      "http://test-tm/base/first/dType2")))
+		    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value)
+				      "<root><child>childText5</child>   </root>")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit5")
+			     (string= (getf x :ID) "rdfID")
+			     (string= (getf x :lang) "de")
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype) *xml-string*)))
+		    literals))
+	  (is-true (find-if
+		    #'(lambda(x)
+			(and (string= (getf x :value) "   text6  abc ")
+			     (string= (getf x :type)
+				      "http://isidorus/props/lit6")
+			     (not (getf x :ID))
+			     (not (getf x :lang))
+			     (string= (getf x :datatype) *xml-string*)))
+		    literals)))))))
 (defun run-rdf-importer-tests()
   (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-node)
-  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-parse-node))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-parse-node)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-property)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-parse-property)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-types)
+  (it.bese.fiveam:run! 'test-get-literals-of-content))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/importer.lisp	Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
@@ -54,5 +54,217 @@
 (defun import-node (elem tm-id &key (document-id *document-id*)
 		    (xml-base nil) (xml-lang nil))
+  (declare (ignorable document-id)) ;TODO: remove
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "import-node")
   (parse-node elem)
-  )
\ No newline at end of file
+  (let ((fn-xml-base (get-xml-base elem :old-base xml-base)))
+    (loop for property across (child-nodes-or-text elem)
+       do (parse-property property))
+    (let ((about
+	   (if (get-ns-attribute elem "about")
+	       (absolutize-value (get-ns-attribute elem "about")
+				 fn-xml-base tm-id)
+	       nil))
+	  (nodeID (get-ns-attribute elem "nodeID"))
+	  (ID (get-ns-attribute elem "ID"))
+	  (UUID (get-ns-attribute elem "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
+	  (literals (append (get-literals-of-node elem xml-lang)
+			    (get-literals-of-node-content elem tm-id
+							  xml-base xml-lang)))
+	  (associations nil)
+	  (types (append (list
+			  (list :value (get-type-of-node-name elem) :ID nil))
+			 (get-types-of-node-content elem tm-id fn-xml-base)))
+	  (super-classes nil)) ;TODO: implement
+    (declare (ignorable about nodeID ID UUID literals associations ;TODO: remove
+			types super-classes)))))
+(defun get-literals-of-node-content (node tm-id xml-base xml-lang)
+  "Returns a list of literals that is produced of a node's content."
+  (declare (dom:element node))
+  (tm-id-p tm-id "get-literals-of-content")
+  (let ((properties (child-nodes-or-text node))
+	(fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base))
+	(fn-xml-lang (get-xml-lang node :old-lang xml-lang)))
+    (let ((literals
+	   (loop for property across properties
+	      when (let ((prp-xml-base (get-xml-base property
+						     :old-base fn-xml-base)))
+		     (let ((datatype
+			    (when (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
+			      (absolutize-value
+			       (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
+			       prp-xml-base tm-id)))
+			   (parseType (get-ns-attribute property "parseType"))
+			   (nodeID (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+			   (resource (get-ns-attribute property "resource"))
+			   (UUID (get-ns-attribute property "UUID"
+						   :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
+		       (or (or datatype
+			       (string= parseType "Literal"))
+			   (not (or nodeID resource UUID parseType)))))
+	      collect (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text property))
+			    (prp-xml-base (get-xml-base property
+							:old-base fn-xml-base))
+			    (ID (get-ns-attribute property "ID"))
+			    (prp-name (get-node-name property))
+			    (prp-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+			    (child-xml-lang
+			     (get-xml-lang property :old-lang fn-xml-lang)))
+			(let ((full-name (concatenate-uri prp-ns prp-name))
+			      (datatype
+			       (if (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
+				   (absolutize-value
+				    (get-ns-attribute property "datatype")
+				    prp-xml-base tm-id)
+				   *xml-string*))
+			      (text
+			       (cond
+				 ((= (length content) 0)
+				  "")
+				 ((not (stringp content)) ;must be an element
+				  (let ((text-val ""))
+				    (loop for content-node across
+					 (dom:child-nodes property)
+				       do (push-string
+					   (node-to-string content-node)
+					   text-val))
+				    text-val))
+				 (t content))))
+			  (list :type full-name
+				:value text
+				:ID ID
+				:lang child-xml-lang
+				:datatype datatype))))))
+      literals)))
+(defun get-type-of-node-name (node)
+  "Returns the type of the node name (namespace + tagname)."
+  (let ((node-name (get-node-name node))
+	(node-ns (dom:namespace-uri node)))
+    (concatenate-uri node-ns node-name)))
+(defun get-types-of-node-content (node tm-id xml-base)
+  "Returns a list of type-uris that corresponds to the node's content
+   or attributes."
+  (let ((fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base)))
+    (let ((attr-type
+	   (if (get-ns-attribute node "type")
+	       (list
+		(list :value (absolutize-value (get-ns-attribute node "type")
+					       fn-xml-base tm-id)
+		      :ID nil))
+	       nil))
+	  (content-types
+	   (loop for child across (child-nodes-or-text node)
+	      when (and (string= (dom:namespace-uri child) *rdf-ns*)
+			(string= (get-node-name child) "type"))
+	      collect (let ((nodeID (get-ns-attribute child "nodeID"))
+			    (resource (if (get-ns-attribute child "resource")
+					  (absolutize-value 
+					   (get-ns-attribute child "resource")
+					   fn-xml-base tm-id)))
+			    (UUID (get-ns-attribute child "UUID"
+						    :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*))
+			    (ID (get-ns-attribute child "ID")))
+			(if (or nodeID resource UUID)
+			    (list :value (or nodeID resource UUID)
+				  :ID ID)
+			    (let ((child-xml-base
+				   (get-xml-base child :old-base fn-xml-base)))
+			      (loop for ref in 
+				   (get-node-refs (child-nodes-or-text child)
+						  tm-id child-xml-base)
+				 append (list :value ref
+					      :ID ID))))))))
+      (remove-if #'null (append attr-type content-types)))))
+(defun get-literals-of-property (property xml-lang)
+  "Returns a list of attributes that are treated as literal nodes."
+  (let ((fn-xml-lang (get-xml-lang property :old-lang xml-lang))
+	(attributes nil))
+    (dom:map-node-map
+     #'(lambda(attr)
+	 (let ((attr-ns (dom:namespace-uri attr))
+	       (attr-name (get-node-name attr)))
+	   (let ((l-type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name))
+		 (l-value (if (get-ns-attribute property attr-name
+						:ns-uri attr-ns)
+			      (get-ns-attribute property attr-name
+						:ns-uri attr-ns)
+			      "")))
+	     (cond
+	       ((string= attr-ns *rdf-ns*)
+		(unless (or (string= attr-name "ID")
+			    (string= attr-name "resource")
+			    (string= attr-name "nodeID")
+			    (string= attr-name "type")
+			    (string= attr-name "parseType")
+			    (string= attr-name "datatype"))
+		  (push (list :type l-type
+			      :value l-value
+			      :ID  nil
+			      :lang fn-xml-lang
+			      :datatype *xml-string*)
+			attributes)))
+	       ((or (string= attr-ns *xml-ns*)
+		    (string= attr-ns *xmlns-ns*))
+		nil);;do nothing, all xml-attributes are no literals
+	       (t
+		(unless (and (string= attr-ns *rdf2tm-ns*)
+			     (string= attr-name "UUID"))
+		  (push (list :type l-type
+			      :value l-value
+			      :ID nil
+			      :lang fn-xml-lang
+			      :datatype *xml-string*)
+			attributes)))))))
+     (dom:attributes property))
+    attributes))
+(defun get-literals-of-node (node xml-lang)
+  "Returns alist of attributes that are treated as literal nodes."
+  (let ((fn-xml-lang (get-xml-lang node :old-lang xml-lang))
+	(attributes nil))
+    (dom:map-node-map
+     #'(lambda(attr)
+	 (let ((attr-ns (dom:namespace-uri attr))
+	       (attr-name (get-node-name attr)))
+	   (let ((l-type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name))
+		 (l-value (if (get-ns-attribute node attr-name :ns-uri attr-ns)
+			      (get-ns-attribute node attr-name :ns-uri attr-ns)
+			      "")))
+	     (cond
+	       ((string= attr-ns *rdf-ns*)
+		(unless (or (string= attr-name "ID")
+			    (string= attr-name "about")
+			    (string= attr-name "nodeID")
+			    (string= attr-name "type"))
+		  (push (list :type l-type
+			      :value l-value
+			      :ID nil
+			      :lang fn-xml-lang
+			      :datatype *xml-string*)
+			attributes)))
+	       ((or (string= attr-ns *xml-ns*)
+		    (string= attr-ns *xmlns-ns*))
+		nil);;do nothing, all xml-attributes are no literals
+	       (t
+		(unless (and (string= attr-ns *rdf2tm-ns*)
+			     (string= attr-name "UUID"))
+		  (push (list :type l-type
+			      :value l-value
+			      :ID nil
+			      :lang fn-xml-lang
+			      :datatype *xml-string*)
+			attributes)))))))
+     (dom:attributes node))
+    attributes))

Modified: trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/rdf/rdf_tools.lisp	Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@
+		absolutize-id
-		push-string)
+		push-string
+		node-to-string)
   (:import-from :xml-importer
@@ -44,6 +46,18 @@
 (in-package :rdf-importer)
+(defvar *rdf-types* (list "Description" "List" "Alt" "Bag" "Seq"
+			  "Statement" "Property" "XMLLiteral"))
+(defvar *rdf-properties* (list "type" "first" "rest" "subject" "predicate"
+			       "object"))
+(defvar *rdfs-types* (list "Resource" "Literal" "Class" "Datatype"
+			   "Container" "ContainerMembershipProperty"))
+(defvar *rdfs-properties* (list "subClassOf" "subPropertyOf" "domain"
+				"range" "range" "label" "comment"
+				"member" "seeAlso" "isDefinedBy"))
 (defun _n-p (node-name)
   "Returns t if the given value is of the form _[0-9]+"
@@ -62,51 +76,28 @@
 (defun parse-node-name (node)
   "Parses the given node's name to the known rdf/rdfs nodes and arcs.
    If the given name es equal to a property an error is thrown otherwise
-   there is displayed a warning."
+   there is displayed a warning when the rdf ord rdfs namespace is used."
   (declare (dom:element node))
   (let ((node-name (get-node-name node))
-	(node-ns (dom:namespace-uri node)))
+	(node-ns (dom:namespace-uri node))
+	(err-pref "From parse-node-name(): "))
     (when (string= node-ns *rdf-ns*)
-      (when (or (string= node-name "type")
-		(string= node-name "first")
-		(string= node-name "rest")
-		(string= node-name "subject")
-		(string= node-name "predicate")
-		(string= node-name "object"))
-	(error "From parse-node-name(): rdf:~a is a property and not allowed here!"
-	       node-name))
+      (when (find node-name *rdf-properties* :test #'string=)
+	(error "~ardf:~a is a property and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref node-name))
       (when (string= node-name "RDF")
-	(error "From parse-node-name(): rdf:RDF not allowed here!"))
-      (unless (or (string= node-name "Description")
-		  (string= node-name "List")
-		  (string= node-name "Alt")
-		  (string= node-name "Bag")
-		  (string= node-name "Seq")
-		  (string= node-name "Statement")
-		  (string= node-name "Property")
-		  (string= node-name "XMLLiteral"))
-	(format t "From parse-node-name(): Warning: ~a is not a known rdf:type!~%"
-		node-name)))
+	(error "~ardf:RDF not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref))
+      (unless (find node-name *rdf-types* :test #'string=)
+	(format t "~aWarning: ~a is not a known RDF type!~%"
+		err-pref node-name)))
     (when (string= node-ns *rdfs-ns*)
-      (when (or (string= node-name "subClassOf")
-		(string= node-name "subPropertyOf")
-		(string= node-name "domain")
-		(string= node-name "range")
-		(string= node-name "label")
-		(string= node-name "comment")
-		(string= node-name "member")
-		(string= node-name "seeAlso")
-		(string= node-name "isDefinedBy"))
-	(error "From parse-node-name(): rdfs:~a is a property and not allowed here!"
-	       node-name))
-      (unless (and (string= node-name "Resource")
-		   (string= node-name "Literal")
-		   (string= node-name "Class")
-		   (string= node-name "Datatype")
-		   (string= node-name "Cotnainer")
-		   (string= node-name "ContainerMembershipProperty"))
-	(format t "From parse-node-name(): Warning: rdfs:~a is not a known rdfs:type!~%"
-		node-name))))
+      (when (find node-name *rdfs-properties* :test #'string=)
+	(error "~ardfs:~a is a property and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref node-name))
+      (unless (find node-name *rdfs-types* :test #'string=)
+	(format t "~aWarning: rdfs:~a is not a known rdfs:type!~%"
+		err-pref node-name))))
@@ -117,7 +108,12 @@
   (let ((ID  (get-ns-attribute node "ID"))
 	(nodeID (get-ns-attribute node "nodeID"))
 	(about (get-ns-attribute node "about"))
-	(err-pref "From parse-node(): "))
+	(err-pref "From parse-node(): ")
+	(resource (get-ns-attribute node "resource"))
+	(datatype (get-ns-attribute node "datatype"))
+	(parseType (get-ns-attribute node "parseType"))
+	(class (get-ns-attribute node "Class" :ns-uri *rdfs-ns*))
+	(subClassOf (get-ns-attribute node "subClassOf" :ns-uri *rdfs-ns*)))
     (when (and about nodeID)
       (error "~ardf:about and rdf:nodeID are not allowed in parallel use: (~a) (~a)!"
 	     err-pref about nodeID))
@@ -130,43 +126,161 @@
     (handler-case (let ((content (child-nodes-or-text node :trim t)))
 		    (when (stringp content)
 		      (error "text-content not allowed here!")))
-      (condition (err) (error "~a~a" err-pref err))))
+      (condition (err) (error "~a~a" err-pref err)))
+    (when (or resource datatype parseType class subClassOf)
+      (error "~a~a is not allowed here!"
+	     err-pref (cond
+			(resource (concatenate 'string "resource("
+					       resource ")"))
+			(datatype (concatenate 'string "datatype("
+					       datatype ")"))
+			(parseType (concatenate 'string "parseType("
+						parseType ")"))
+			(class (concatenate 'string "Class(" class ")"))
+			(subClassOf (concatenate 'string "subClassOf("
+						 subClassOf ")")))))
+    (dolist (item *rdf-types*)
+      (when (get-ns-attribute node item)
+	(error "~ardf:~a is a type and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref item)))
+    (dolist (item *rdfs-types*)
+      (when (get-ns-attribute node item :ns-uri *rdfs-ns*)
+	(error "~ardfs:~a is a type and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref item))))
+(defun get-node-refs (nodes tm-id xml-base)
+  "Returns a list of node references that can be used as topic IDs."
+  (when (and nodes
+	     (> (length nodes) 0))
+    (loop for node across nodes
+       collect (let ((fn-xml-base (get-xml-base node :old-base xml-base)))
+		 (parse-node node)
+		 (let ((ID (when (get-ns-attribute node "ID")
+			     (absolutize-id (get-ns-attribute node "ID")
+					    fn-xml-base tm-id)))
+		       (nodeID (get-ns-attribute node "nodeID"))
+		       (about (when (get-ns-attribute node "about")
+				(absolutize-value
+				 (get-ns-attribute node "about")
+				 fn-xml-base tm-id)))
+		       (UUID (get-ns-attribute node "UUID" :ns-uri *rdf2tm-ns*)))
+		   (or ID nodeID about UUID))))))
+(defun parse-property-name (property)
+  "Parses the given property's name to the known rdf/rdfs nodes and arcs.
+   If the given name es equal to an node an error is thrown otherwise
+   there is displayed a warning when the rdf ord rdfs namespace is used."
+  (declare (dom:element property))
+  (let ((property-name (get-node-name property))
+	(property-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+	(err-pref "From parse-property-name(): "))
+    (when (string= property-ns *rdf-ns*)
+      (when (find property-name *rdf-types* :test #'string=)
+	(error "~ardf:~a is a node and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref property-name))
+      (when (string= property-name "RDF")
+	(error "~ardf:RDF not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref))
+      (unless (find property-name *rdf-properties* :test #'string=)
+	(format t "~aWarning: ~a is not a known RDF property!~%"
+		err-pref property-name)))
+    (when (string= property-ns *rdfs-ns*)
+      (when (find property-name *rdfs-types* :test #'string=)
+	(error "~ardfs:~a is a type and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref property-name))
+      (unless (find property-name *rdfs-properties* :test #'string=)
+	(format t "~aWarning: rdfs:~a is not a known rdfs:type!~%"
+		err-pref property-name))))
+  t)
+(defun parse-property (property)
+  "Parses a property that represents a rdf-arc."
+  (declare (dom:element property))
+  (let ((err-pref "From parse-property(): ")
+	(node-name (get-node-name property))
+	(node-ns (dom:namespace-uri property))
+	(nodeID (get-ns-attribute property "nodeID"))
+	(resource (get-ns-attribute property "resource"))
+	(datatype (get-ns-attribute property "datatype"))
+	(type (get-ns-attribute property "type"))
+	(parseType (get-ns-attribute property "parseType"))
+	(about (get-ns-attribute property "about"))
+	(subClassOf (get-ns-attribute property "subClassOf" :ns-uri *rdfs-ns*))
+	(literals (get-literals-of-property property nil))
+	(content (child-nodes-or-text property :trim t)))
+    (when (and parseType
+	       (or nodeID resource datatype type literals))
+      (error "~awhen rdf:parseType is set the attributes: ~a => ~a are not allowed!"
+	     err-pref
+	     (append (list (cond (nodeID "rdf:nodeID")
+				 (resource "rdf:resource")
+				 (datatype "rdf:datatype")
+				 (type "rdf:type")))
+		     (map 'list #'(lambda(x)(getf x :type)) literals))
+	     (append (list (or nodeID resource datatype type))
+		     (map 'list #'(lambda(x)(getf x :value)) literals))))
+    (when (and parseType
+	       (not (or (string= parseType "Resource")
+			(string= parseType "Literal")
+			(string= parseType "Collection"))))
+      (error "~aunknown rdf:parseType: ~a"
+	     err-pref parseType))
+    (when (and parseType
+	       (or (string= parseType "Resource")
+		   (string= parseType "Collection")))
+      (dom:set-attribute-ns property *rdf2tm-ns* "UUID" (get-uuid)))
+    (when (and parseType (string= parseType "Resource") (stringp content))
+      (error "~ardf:parseType is set to 'Resource' expecting xml content: ~a!"
+	     err-pref content))
+    (when (and parseType
+	       (string= parseType "Collection")
+	       (stringp content))
+      (error "~ardf:parseType is set to 'Collection' expecting resource content: ~a"
+	     err-pref content))
+    (when (and nodeID resource)
+      (error "~aondly one of rdf:nodeID and rdf:resource is allowed: (~a) (~a)!"
+	     err-pref nodeID resource))
+    (when (and (or nodeID resource type)
+	       datatype)
+      (error "~aonly one of ~a and rdf:datatype (~a) is allowed!"
+	     err-pref
+	     (cond
+	       (nodeID (concatenate 'string "rdf:nodeID (" nodeID ")"))
+	       (resource (concatenate 'string "rdf:resource (" resource ")"))
+	       (type (concatenate 'string "rdf:type (" type ")")))
+	     datatype))
+    (when (and (or type nodeID resource)
+	       (> (length content) 0))
+      (error "~awhen ~a is set no content is allowed: ~a!"
+	     err-pref
+	     (cond
+	       (type (concatenate 'string "rdf:type (" type ")"))
+	       (nodeID (concatenate 'string "rdf:nodeID (" nodeID ")"))
+	       (resource (concatenate 'string "rdf:resource (" resource ")")))
+	     content))
+    (when (and (or type
+		   (and (string= node-name "type")
+			(string= node-ns *rdf-ns*)))
+	       (not (or nodeID resource))
+	       (not content))		    
+      (dom:set-attribute-ns property *rdf2tm-ns* "UUID" (get-uuid)))
+    (when (or about subClassOf)
+      (error "~a~a not allowed here!"
+	     err-pref
+	     (if about
+		 (concatenate 'string "rdf:about (" about ")")
+		 (concatenate 'string "rdfs:subClassOf (" subClassOf ")"))))
+    (dolist (item *rdf-types*)
+      (when (get-ns-attribute property item)
+	(error "~ardf:~a is a type and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref item)))
+    (dolist (item *rdfs-types*)
+      (when (get-ns-attribute property item :ns-uri *rdfs-ns*)
+	(error "~ardfs:~a is a type and not allowed here!"
+	       err-pref item))))
+  t)
-(defun get-literals-of-node (node)
-  "Returns alist of attributes that are treated as literal nodes."
-  (let ((attributes nil))
-    (dom:map-node-map
-     #'(lambda(attr)
-	 (let ((attr-ns (dom:namespace-uri attr))
-	       (attr-name (get-node-name attr)))
-	   (cond
-	     ((string= attr-ns *rdf-ns*)
-	      (unless (or (string= attr-name "ID")
-			  (string= attr-name "about")
-			  (string= attr-name "nodeID")
-			  (string= attr-name "type"))
-		(push (list :type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name)
-			    :value (get-ns-attribute node attr-name))
-		      attributes)))
-	     ((or (string= attr-ns *xml-ns*)
-		  (string= attr-ns *xmlns-ns*))
-	      nil);;do nothing, all xml-attributes are no literals
-	     ((string= attr-ns *rdfs-ns*)
-	      (if (or (string= attr-name "subClassOf")
-		      (string= attr-name "Class"))
-		  (error "From get-literals-of-node(): rdfs:~a is not allowed here"
-			 attr-name)
-		  (push (list :type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name)
-			      :value (get-ns-attribute node attr-name
-						       :ns-uri attr-ns))
-			attributes)))
-	     (t
-	      (push (list :type (concatenate-uri attr-ns attr-name)
-			  :value (get-ns-attribute node attr-name
-						   :ns-uri attr-ns))
-		    attributes)))))
-     (dom:attributes node))
-    attributes))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp
--- trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/xml/xtm/tools.lisp	Wed Jul 29 10:53:52 2009
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
-	   :push-string))
+	   :push-string
+	   :node-to-string))
 (in-package :xml-tools)
@@ -65,13 +66,24 @@
       (concatenate 'string prep-ns separator value))))
-(defun absolutize-value(value base tm-id)
-  "Returns the passed value as an absolute uri computed
+(defun absolutize-id (id xml-base tm-id)
+  "Returns the passed id as an absolute uri computed
    with the given base and tm-id."
+  (declare (string id tm-id))
+  (let ((prep-id (if (and (> (length id) 0)
+			  (eql (elt id 0) #\#))
+		     id
+		     (concatenate 'string "#" (string-left-trim "/" id)))))
+    (absolutize-value prep-id xml-base tm-id)))
+(defun absolutize-value(value xml-base tm-id)
+  "Returns the passed value as an absolute uri computed
+   with the given xml-base and tm-id."
   (declare (string value tm-id))
     (unless (absolute-uri-p tm-id)
       (error "From absolutize-value(): you must provide a stable identifier (PSI-style) for this TM: ~a" tm-id))
-  (when (> (count #\# value) 2)
+  (when (> (count #\# value) 1)
     (error "From absolutize-value(): value is allowed to have only one \"#\": ~a" value))
   (if (absolute-uri-p value)
@@ -80,8 +92,8 @@
 		 (string-left-trim "/" value)
-	     (if (> (length base) 0)
-		 (string-right-trim "/" base)
+	     (if (> (length xml-base) 0)
+		 (string-right-trim "/" xml-base)
 	(let ((fragment
 	       (if (and (> (length prep-value) 0)
@@ -323,4 +335,27 @@
   (loop for child-node across (dom:child-nodes elem)
      unless (or (dom:text-node-p child-node)
 		(dom:comment-p child-node))
-       collect child-node))
\ No newline at end of file
+       collect child-node))
+(defun node-to-string (elem)
+  "Transforms the passed node element recursively to a string."
+  (if (dom:text-node-p elem)
+      (dom:node-value elem)
+      (let ((node-name (dom:node-name elem))
+	    (attributes (dom:attributes elem))
+	    (child-nodes (dom:child-nodes elem))
+	    (elem-string ""))
+	(push-string (concatenate 'string "<" node-name) elem-string)
+	(dom:map-node-map
+	 #'(lambda(attr)
+	     (let ((attr-name (dom:node-name attr))
+		   (attr-value (dom:node-value attr)))
+	       (push-string (concatenate 'string " " attr-name "=\""
+					 attr-value "\"")
+			    elem-string)))
+	 attributes)
+	(push-string ">" elem-string)
+	(loop for child-node across child-nodes
+	   do (push-string (node-to-string child-node) elem-string))
+	(push-string (concatenate 'string "</" node-name ">") elem-string))))
\ No newline at end of file

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