[iolib-devel] Patches to make multiplexer use easier

Vladimir Sedach vsedach at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 20:11:56 UTC 2009

Here's a corrected patch for 0005 that supersedes the one in my
previous message.


2009/11/16 Vladimir Sedach <vsedach at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> Here are some patches that make it easier to just use the multiplexer
> object without having to go through the provided event loop/timer
> machinery. This is done in three steps: make the monitor/harvest etc.
> methods on multiplexer accept just file descriptors as well as
> FD-ENTRYs (note that I've only done that for epoll in this set of
> patches, others to come!), export the handler methods, and add an
> optional flags parameter to the MONITOR-FD method (really useful for
> epoll, the other backends I'm not sure about).
> Let me know what you think. I'd like to get these patches (or at least
> the equivalent functionality of being able to use the multiplexer
> without having to make FD-ENTRYs) into IOlib as I'm about to release
> some software that uses it.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
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