[iolib-devel] New releases: iolib-posix-0.5.4 and iolib-0.5.3

Stelian Ionescu sionescu at common-lisp.net
Sun Jun 3 03:30:51 UTC 2007

I've just made a new round of releases.
Changes WRT the previous version are:

* NET.SOCKETS: TCP socket options for Linux and FreeBSD have been added,
  so now you can set options like TCP_MAXSEG and TCP_NODELAY

* NET.SOCKETS: calling BIND-ADDRESS on active sockets now works,
  although probably it is seldom needed

* NET.SOCKETS: the function MAKE-SOCKET have been renamed to
  CREATE-SOCKET, and an implementation of MAKE-SOCKET compatible with
  Allegro 8 has been added basically you can now do something like this:
  (make-socket :address-family :internet :type :stream
               :connect :passive :reuse-address t
               :local-host host :local-port port)

* NET.SOCKETS: it is now possible to specify an active socket's external
  format in MAKE-SOCKET and setting it through (SETF EXTERNAL-FORMAT-OF)
  works better; accepted values are:
    - keywords: either :default or the name of an encoding, :utf-8 or
      :ascii for instance
    - lists specifying the encoding and the end-of-line flavour(:unix,
      :mac or :dos): '(:utf-8 :line-terminator :dos)
    - EXTERNAL-FORMAT structures, as returned by IOENC:MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT

* a modified version of CL-SMTP has been added in package NET.SMTP-CLIENT
  the system depends on CL-BASE64 and has only one external symbol: the
  function SEND-EMAIL

* NET.SOCKETS: the INVALID-ADDRESS condition has been eliminated, the address
  conversion functions(like DOTTED-TO-VECTOR, VECTOR-TO-COLON-SEPARATED ...)
  now signal only TYPE-ERROR or PARSE-ERROR

* IO.MULTIPLEX: EVENT-DISPATCH has been improved, and two more functions
  have been exported: EXIT-EVENT-LOOP and EVENT-BASE-EMPTY-P(which
  returns T when no events are being monitored by an event base)
  A special variable *MAXIMUM-EVENT-LOOP-TIMEOUT* has been exported: it
  serves to limit the poll time of the event loop in case a thread other
  than the one of the event loop accesses the event base. Defaults to
  1 (in seconds) but can also be bound to NIL which means no timeout(or

(sign :name "Stelian Ionescu" :aka "fe[nl]ix"
      :quote "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.")
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