[imago-devel] convolve.lisp

Thibault Langlois tl at di.fc.ul.pt
Mon Jun 18 15:40:21 UTC 2007

> Are you sure this version of the source code is up to date? I have
>   (let ((colormap (make-array 256 :element-type 'rgb-pixel)))
> instead...

You are right I fetched the latest cvs and there is no problem.

I noticed two minor issues.
- there is a 'g' char at the begining of  convert.lisp

- regarding the convert methods, what should happen to the alpha
channel ? Before loading the latest version I had modified some
methods like this one:

(defmethod convert-to-grayscale ((image rgb-image))
  (let* ((width (image-width image))
           (height (image-height image))
           (pixels (image-pixels image))
           (result (make-instance 'grayscale-image
                                :width width :height height))
           (result-pixels (image-pixels result)))
    (dotimes (i (* width height))
      (setf (row-major-aref result-pixels i)
            (make-gray (color-intensity (row-major-aref pixels i))
                               (color-alpha (row-major-aref pixels i)))))

what do you think ? should we have both kinds of convertion methods ?


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