[Gsll-devel] Build problems

Liam Healy lhealy at common-lisp.net
Wed Jun 24 02:05:09 UTC 2009


I was going to add a message to you on my reply to Jason, but
since you've sent a separate message, I'll reply here.  I understand
you use OSX.  This is a little bit different because I don't use
OSX, but nevertheless my answer is the same.

Simply put, CFFI-grovel doesn't "think to look" anywhere, it looks
where the application author (me, in the case of GSLL) tells it.  I
put the #+darwin conditional in libffi-unix.lisp based on a Mac-using
colleague's report that he found ffi.h in ffi/ffi.h (sorry I don't
know the full path).  That clause works for him.  I understand that
people can install from Darwin ports, fink, etc., but libffi in
particular is an Apple standard library so I used the location Apple
seems to use.

So I'm going to rely on your Mac expertise here (because I have none)
but can you answer the questions I asked of Jason?  (modified suitably
for OS X).  What was the path you gave it?  Why isn't ffi.h in the
Apple-defined place?  etc.  You say in your other message "...I have
for a long time had to do this for any system that uses cffi-grovel,
since I often have libraries in only somewhat standard places under OS
X."  If they are in different places because of the semi-standard
install (e.g. Darwin ports), arguably we should have that in GSLL.  If
on the other hand you have a unique organization, you're going to have
to make your own modifications to each system.  I don't know of a way
to supply a list of possibilities to search in cffi-grovel, but even
if that's possible, I'd only make use of it for semi-standard


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Zach<elzacho at gmail.com> wrote:
> I haven't been able to build a fresh clone of GSLL for a while now (maybe
> never?).  This has already floated up on this list before, but
> GSLL/CFFI-GROVEL don't know where to find header files.  There seems to be
> no way to tell them other than changing the source and passing a special
> :cc-flags on the groveler line.  I also have to do this with FSBV.  It would
> be nice if there was something in CFFI-GROVEL that allows you to say "check
> here, here, and here for my header files."  I'm talking about something like
> CFFI:*FOREIGN-LIBRARY-DIRECTORIES*.  I am bringing it up here first since I
> might be mistaken about the state of things.  Any other people out there
> have headers in places CFFI-GROVEL doesn't think to look?  Do you have a
> better solution?
> Zach
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