[fomus-devel] understanding "backend_ly.lisp"

andersvi at extern.uio.no andersvi at extern.uio.no
Fri Oct 19 07:40:07 UTC 2007

>>>>> "p" == padovani  <josepadovani at yahoo.com.br> writes:

    p> I have two questions...
    p> 1. What  is - or where is defined - the function "xxx" - from (xxx di
    p> str) ... it should get the values ":up" or ":down", right?

The (xxx di str) inside the loop clause is a "destructuring pattern" -
meaning here that the 3 variables xxx, di & str will get their values
from the subsequent expression.

(loop repeat 1 for (a b c) = '(1 2 3)
      collect (+ a b c))

=> 6     

    p> 2. I tried to create a third - empty - direction, ":justplace", to
    p> place whatever texts I wanted...
    p> (ecase di (:up "^") (:down "_") (:justplace nil)) ....
    p> Then I have recompiled fomus but it doesn't work... Why? Should I
    p> define it in other places? Where?

What do you want to do?  Putting nil in there does nothing.  Ie:

(conc-strings "hi" "ho")
=> "hiho"
(conc-strings nil "ho")    
=> "ho"

You'll also have to add your mark to various places to make fomus
beleive you're not mistyping, ie in +notemark-type+ and possibly other

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