[fomus-devel] Re: :staff
rob canning
robcanning at eircom.net
Wed Jun 20 14:58:41 UTC 2007
hi david,
this example using :staff doesn't seem to work as i think it should...
it seems that it doesn't obey the :staff mark unless there is nothing
going on at the same offset time - at the last note for example. i have
even tried putting the parts in different voices but they still seem to
interfere with one another.
(init :output ((:musicxml-finale :filename "test.xml")(:lilypond :view
t)) :filename "test" :title "test" :subtitle
:composer "rob canning" :auto-accidentals NIL :auto-cautionary-accs
t :tuplet-style :ratio :verbose 2 :max-tuplet 11);
part 1 :name "harpsichord" :abbrev "harpsichord" :instr :harpsichord
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 0 :dur 0.25 :notes (84) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 0 :dur 0.5 :notes (81) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 0.25 :dur 0.25 :notes (85) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 0.5 :dur 0.25 :notes (83) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 0.5 :dur 0.25 :notes (86) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 0.75 :dur 0.25 :notes (84) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 0.75 :dur 0.25 :notes (87) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 1 :dur 0.25 :notes (86) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 1 :dur 0.25 :notes (88) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 1.25 :dur 0.25 :notes (89) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 1.25 :dur 0.25 :notes (89) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 1.5 :dur 0.25 :notes (80) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 1.5 :dur 0.25 :notes (90) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 1.75 :dur 0.25 :notes (81) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 1)));
(note 1 :voice 2 :off 1.75 :dur 0.25 :notes (91) :marks (:staccato
:ppp (:staff 2)));
(note 1 :voice 1 :off 2 :dur 0.25 :notes (83) :marks (:staccato :ppp
(:staff 1)));
dpsenick at uiuc.edu wrote:
> Rob,
> The lisp documentation won't be helpful at all unless you work with lisp--lisp
> has a built in function "describe" that calls up brief documentation strings for
> functions if they exist
> You can force the staff using a :STAFF mark (like this: (:staff 1) or (:staff 2)
> --you should also be able to specify a choice (:staff 1 2) (:staff 2 3) (maybe
> useful for notating a piano part onto 3 staves, etc..) Soon it'll get easier as I put
> some of these things into parts and instruments--right now you have to stick it
> in every note or put (:startstaff- 1) in the very first note
> I'll put more examples up soon (plus organize the ones that are there now) The
> examples pages will soon evolve into an indexed list with keywords (click on
> "staves" and see three or four examples of how to control staves, etc..)
> Since I'm (slowly) getting in the last of the main feature I originally wanted to
> put in, I'd be curious to know what I should start improving in general (besides
> documentation)... Here is my list in more or less order of priority:
> Finishing up:
> Polymeters (I'm getting to this now...)
> "Chunks" (should be working now--can use them to output different sections of
> the score with completely different settings)
> Improvements:
> tuplets (finding, notating correctly, etc.)
> speed (large orchestra-size score still can take a while, especially if the notation
> is complex--I've thought of porting the whole program but I don't think it's
> worth the effort)
> Additions:
> FOMUS as a Finale plugin (as an alternative to XML importing)
> GUI interface showing updated score samples
> structures such as "chord," "sequence" or other similar structures that will make
> it easier to specify information more efficiently
> -David
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:25:45 +0000
>> From: rob canning <robcanning at eircom.net>
>> Subject: :staff
>> To: David Psenicka <dpsenick at uiuc.edu>
>> Cc: fomus-devel at common-lisp.net
>> hi!
>> i can't figure out how to get at the lisp documentation (i never use
>> lisp directly)
>> could someone help me out with an example...
>> how to force the low A appearing in the lower staff to appear in the
>> upper staff with the relevant clef change
>> part 1 :name "harpsichord" :abbrev "harpsichord" :instr :harpsichord;
>> (note 1 :voice 2 :off 0 :dur 0.25 :notes (45) :marks (:staccato :ppp));
>> (note 1 :voice 2 :off 0.5 :dur 0.25 :notes (86) :marks (:staccato));
>> can this be done as a :mark or does it have to be set as an :init default
>> it would nice to see an example of a bar of single line cross stave
>> writing followed by a bar of two part :staff forced writing with both
>> staffs exploiting both bass and treble clef
>> thanks
>> rob
>> David Psenicka wrote:
>>> v0.2.26
>>> Improvements to spanners
>>> Some documentation that can be called up by the Lisp DOCUMENTATION
>>> function
>>> :STAFF, :STARTSTAFF-, :STAFF-, :ENDSTAFF- marks to override staff
>>> choices
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