[flexi-streams-devel] Issue with flexi-streams

rpgoldman at real-time.com rpgoldman at real-time.com
Tue Jun 13 22:23:07 UTC 2006

I have been having some trouble using the publicly available
flexi-streams package (http://www.cliki.net/flexi-streams).  The
flexi-streams package is described as follows:

FLEXI-STREAMS is a library which implements "virtual" bivalent streams
that can be layered atop real binary/bivalent streams. It can be used
to read and write character data in various single- or multi-octet
encodings which can be changed on the fly. It also supplies in-memory
binary streams which are similar to string streams.

Here's the problem:  the flexi-stream library defines a flexi-stream
class which ISA stream and has an EXTERNAL-FORMAT slot (and an
:external-format initarg):

(defclass flexi-stream (trivial-gray-stream-mixin)
  ((stream :initarg :stream
           :reader flexi-stream-stream
           :documentation "The actual stream that's used for
input and/or output.  It must be capable of reading/writing
octets with READ-SEQUENCE and/or WRITE-SEQUENCE.")
   (external-format :initform (make-external-format :iso-8859-1)
                    :initarg :external-format
                    :accessor flexi-stream-external-format
                    :documentation "The encoding currently used
by this stream.  Can be changed on the fly.")
   (element-type :initform #+:lispworks 'lw:simple-char #-:lispworks 'character
                 :initarg :element-type
                 :accessor flexi-stream-element-type
                 :documentation "The element type of this stream.
Must be a subtype of CHARACTER."))
  (:documentation "A FLEXI-STREAM object is a stream that's
`layered' atop an existing binary/bivalent stream in order to
allow for multi-octet external formats.  FLEXI-STREAM itself is a
mixin and should not be instantiated."))

Flexi-streams allow this initarg to be a list of symbols.
Unfortunately, calling MAKE-INSTANCE on a flexi-stream blows up on ACL
because ACL has a :BEFORE method for (setf external-format) on STREAM,
which rejects the flexi-stream lists that are supplied as initargs.  I
am not entirely sure why this is being triggered.  

Here is an email that specifies what is going wrong, with a simple
test case that you can cut out and run under ACL, and a response from
the flexi-stream builder.

>>>>> "RPG" == rpgoldman  <rpgoldman at real-time.com> writes:

>>>>> "EW" == Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> writes:
    RPG> [...snip...]

    EW> On Thu, 1 Jun 2006 14:35:26 -0500, "Robert P. Goldman"
    EW> <rpgoldman at sift.info> wrote:

    >>> I just pulled a copy of flexi-streams, using asdf-install, and
    >>> had a couple of minor problems:

    RPG> [...snip...]

    >>> 2.  Making a flexible stream with an external format blows up
    >>> for me on ACL.  E.g., cl-irc tries to make a flexi-io-stream
    >>> with external format (:utf-8 :eof-type :crlf)
    >>> This value is stuffed into the flexi-stream slot
    >>> EXTERNAL-FORMAT.  Unfortunately, IIUC, this also triggers an
    >>> Allegro-specific method as follows:
    >>> This method checks to make sure that the value you are setting
    >>> as a stream-external-format is an excl:external-format object.
    >>> In this case, it clearly isn't, so the :before method hurls an
    >>> error.
    >>> I believe that this error is triggered because a
    >>> flexi-io-stream ISA fundamental-binary-input-stream which ISA
    >>> stream.
    >>> I confess I'm not really sure what to do about this
    >>> problem....

    EW> Hmm, at first glance I'd say that this is either an AllegroCL
    EW> bug or it is not related to FLEXI-STREAMS at all.  The slot
    EW> you're talking about above is called
    EW> FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT, its name is not exported from
    EW> the package.  I can't see why setting the value of this slot
    EW> should trigger an Allegro-specific method.

    EW> (Note that on AllegroCL EXCL:EXTERNAL-FORMAT is accessible in
    EW> various packages, including CL-USER.  Maybe you're seeing a
    EW> package conflict?)

    RPG> The problem is not the FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT symbol,
    RPG> but the use of :external-format as an initarg, IIUC.  See the
    RPG> (relatively) simple test case below for more details.

    EW> It'd be nice if you could provide a simple test case which
    EW> provokes this error message, so we can see what's really going
    EW> on.

    RPG> OK.  Understand that I don't really know how flexi-streams
    RPG> are supposed to work --- I just stumbled into this because I
    RPG> use BEIRC, which uses CL-IRC, which (newly) uses
    RPG> FLEXI-STREAMS.  So I'm pretty far from understanding things,
    RPG> and some of the things that I give may not be bugs; they may
    RPG> be me using the package wrong.

    RPG> My first shot at causing an error is the following:

    RPG> (defpackage :flexi-test (:use :common-lisp :flex))
    RPG> (in-package :flexi-test) (setf foo (open "/tmp/foo"
    RPG> :direction :io)) (setf bar (make-flexi-stream foo)) Error:
    RPG> :DEFAULT is not known to be a name for an external format.

    RPG> Restart actions (select using :continue):
    RPG>  0: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart).  1: Abort
    RPG>  entirely from this (lisp) process.
    RPG> [1] FLEXI-TEST(18): :bt Evaluation stack:

    RPG>   MAKE-FLEXI-STREAM <- [... EXCL::%EVAL ] <- LET* <-
    RPG>   [... EXCL::%EVAL ] <- EVAL <-

    RPG> [I'm honestly not sure where the :default value comes from,
    RPG> and it may be that I am simply committing an error here and
    RPG> that the :external-format keyword is mandatory, rather than
    RPG> optional, as I have treated it.]

    RPG> So I tried to do what cl-irc does:

    RPG> (defun external-format-fixup (format)
    RPG>   (let ((new-format (copy-list format)))
    RPG>     (setf (getf (cdr new-format) :eol-style) :crlf)
    RPG>     new-format))
    RPG> (defun mock-connect (&key (server "irc.freenode.net")
    RPG> 					  (port 6667)
    RPG> 					  (connection-type
    RPG> 					  'connection)
    RPG>                      (logging-stream t))
    RPG> 		  (let* ((stream (socket-connect server port))
    RPG> 			 (connection (make-connection
    RPG> 			 :connection-type connection-type
    RPG>                                       :network-stream stream
    RPG>                                       :client-stream
    RPG>                                       logging-stream
    RPG>                                       :server-name server)))
    RPG> 		    (values connection stream)))
    RPG> (defun make-connection (&key (connection-type 'connection)
    RPG>                              (user nil) (password nil)
    RPG>                              (server-name "") (server-port
    RPG>                              nil) (network-stream nil)
    RPG>                              (outgoing-external-format
    RPG>                              *default-outgoing-external-format*)
    RPG>                              (client-stream t) (hooks nil))
    RPG>   (let ((output-stream (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream
    RPG>                          network-stream :element-type
    RPG>                          'character :external-format
    RPG>                          (external-format-fixup
    RPG>                          outgoing-external-format))))
    RPG> 	output-stream))
    RPG> ;; overlooked this dependency....
    RPG> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :trivial-sockets) (defun
    RPG> socket-connect (server port)
    RPG>   "Create a socket connected to `server':`port' and return
    RPG>   stream for it."  (trivial-sockets:open-stream server port
    RPG>   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
    RPG> (setf *default-outgoing-external-format* '(:utf8)) That gets
    RPG> me the error: FLEXI-TEST(62): (mock-connect) Error:
    RPG> `:EOL-STYLE' does not name an external-format.
    RPG>   [condition type: NO-EXTERNAL-FORMAT-ERROR]

    RPG> Restart actions (select using :continue):
    RPG>  0: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart).  1: Abort
    RPG>  entirely from this (lisp) process.
    RPG> [1] FLEXI-TEST(63): :bt Evaluation stack:

    RPG>   (:EFFECTIVE-METHOD 2 T ...) 0) <- (METHOD

    RPG> The error happens when making the flexi-io-stream class.  It
    RPG> triggers this ACL :before method that checks the value of the
    RPG> stream-external-format, and which seems to be seeing the
    RPG> '(:utf8 :eol-style :crlf) value that cl-irc is stuffing into
    RPG> the flexi-stream constructor.

    RPG> ACL has a method that evidently checks the assignment to
    RPG> stream-external-format for every stream to make sure that it
    RPG> is a legitimate excl-external-format, IIUC.  A flexi-stream
    RPG> ISA stream, so somehow this is triggered.  Your email seems
    RPG> to suggest that you did NOT expect the flexi-stream-value to
    RPG> become the stream-external-format, right?  But this is the
    RPG> make-instance call:

    RPG>  #<MULTIVALENT stream socket connected from
    RPG>  # to
    RPG>    kornbluth.freenode.net/6667 @ #x71dc7412>
    RPG>  :CRLF))

    RPG> So even though flexi-streams::external-format is not
    RPG> exported, flexi-streams is using the :external-format keyword
    RPG> in its make-instance call, and that is triggering the ACL
    RPG> code.  Would it be enough to fix things to change the
    RPG> :initarg to ":flexi-stream-external-format"?  That seems
    RPG> cumbersome, though.  I don't know another way to keep ACL
    RPG> from grabbing up the :external-format keyword arg, though...
    RPG> But again, I have not thought deeply about this.

>>>>> "EW" == Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> writes:

    EW> I think you're basically right and what happens is this:

    CL-USER> (defclass foo (excl::fundamental-character-stream)
    EW>                 ((bar :initarg :external-format
    EW>                       :initform (error "No external
    EW>                       format."))))
    CL-USER> (make-instance 'foo)
    EW>   #<FOO @ #x2122c9aa>
    CL-USER> (slot-value * 'bar)
    EW>   :DEFAULT

    EW> So, it looks like there's some :AROUND method within AllegroCL
    EW> which modifies the initargs before the FOO instance is
    EW> initialized.  I couldn't find a place in their documentation
    EW> where they explicitely talk about the :EXTERNAL-FORMAT
    EW> initarg, and I'm hesitant to rename it in FLEXI-STREAMS
    EW> because it is the right name, isn't it?

    EW> At least, before I do that, it'd be nice if you could ask
    EW> Franz about their take.

    EW> Cheers, Edi.

Robert P. Goldman
Senior Scientist
Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)

211 N. First St., Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Voice:	(612) 384-3454
Email:    rpgoldman at SIFT.info

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