[fetter-devel] Visual C++ ABI references

John Pallister john at synchromesh.com
Wed Oct 19 09:00:29 UTC 2005

Hi Rayiner,

I've been trying to learn about C++ ABIs on Windows for an FFI project of my own 
(for which Verrazano would be an almost ideal component). While the GCC 
interface is well-defined (cxxabi.h and a multi-vendor spec, what more could you 
ask for?), I haven't had as much luck with the Visual C++ ABI.

I've found this MSDN article called "C++ Under the Hood" 
from 1996 (i.e. Visual C++ 4.2), and a few nuggets from Raymond Chen's weblog 
(http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/default.aspx), but not much else.

Can you suggest any additional references (preferably online)? I'm posting this 
to the list so that this can all be added to the general historical record.

Trying out Vzn and CFFI on Corman Lisp is on my to-do list 
(http://johnp.net/blog/2005/10/16#corman-projects), but I don't know when I'll 
get to it...

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

John :^P
John Pallister
john at synchromesh.com

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