[fetter-devel] Quick CFFI update

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Mon Jul 4 04:49:39 UTC 2005

Luis Oliveira wrote:

> [Rayiner/Kenny these mails should be sent to cffi-devel only right? If 
> you agree, I'll be sending future mails about CFFI to cffi-devel only.] 

As long as Rayiner is tracking cffi-devel. I will sign up shortly. I do 
not think we need to worry about spamming fetter-devel yet with cffi chat.

> It works with sbcl/openmcl/clisp/cmucl (actually I haven't tested with 
> clisp yet) but requires a patch to clisp[1] and to sbcl[2] too.
> I'm interested in your comments, and I had few questions in my notes 
> but I'll leave those for tomorrow as I'm a bit tired (and sore, and 
> dizzy) atm because I had a little problem today with a bike[3], a 
> stairway and the desire to jump the latter using the former with too 
> much speed and little experience/skills. :-)
> Ah yes, the semantics of cffi-sys:foreign-var-address aren't well 
> defined yet. Namely when the var doesn't exist different things happen 
> with different lisps.
> Do you think I should work on porting the existing features to other 
> lisps to answer your previous concerns, Kenny? 

Well, ya got me laughing over here. What happens after you have ported 
it to all but two Lisps and then discover it won't fly on those? What 
stops you from simply eyeballing the different Lisps to see if they have 
the necessary hooks?

btw, Are all patches already determined to be necessary going to be 
accepted by the maintainers of the Lisp in question?

Basically it sounds like you are somehow confident this story will have 
a happy ending, and I get the feeling that even if not, not much time 
will have been lost, so I am shaking my head but not worried.

How long /will/ this exercise take?


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