[fetter-devel] Quick CFFI update

Luis Oliveira luismbo at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 03:44:50 UTC 2005

[Rayiner/Kenny these mails should be sent to cffi-devel only right? If 
you agree, I'll be sending future mails about CFFI to cffi-devel only.]


I pushed my preliminary support for foreign globals to my darcs CFFI 


It works with sbcl/openmcl/clisp/cmucl (actually I haven't tested with 
clisp yet) but requires a patch to clisp[1] and to sbcl[2] too.

I'm interested in your comments, and I had few questions in my notes 
but I'll leave those for tomorrow as I'm a bit tired (and sore, and 
dizzy) atm because I had a little problem today with a bike[3], a 
stairway and the desire to jump the latter using the former with too 
much speed and little experience/skills. :-)

Ah yes, the semantics of cffi-sys:foreign-var-address aren't well 
defined yet. Namely when the var doesn't exist different things happen 
with different lisps.

Do you think I should work on porting the existing features to other 
lisps to answer your previous concerns, Kenny?


[2] James nicely told me how to patch clisp for global lookup
     to work. I'm attaching the patch..
[3] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.steel-bank.general/813
     Someone sent me a fix, which didn't make it to mailing list
     for some reason. (I attached it)
[3] http://www.unionbike.net/MONDRAKER/imagenes1/level.jpg

Luís Oliveira
Equipa Portuguesa do Translation Project
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