[eurolisp] Only 10 places left for European Common Lisp Meeting

Toomas Altosaar Toomas.Altosaar at hut.fi
Sat Feb 19 14:26:24 UTC 2005

>>there are only 10 seats left
>Did I say 10?  I meant 5 ;-)

You are obviously charging too little! ;-)

Good work! Will you have a live web-feed?

Seriously though: have you thought of recording the presentations 
onto video tape/hard disk and making the talks available on the net 
somehow? Not only would it serve a useful purpose in promoting Lisp 
but would also document eurolisp's activities in a more permanent 
way. A simple iSight camera, Apple's free Broadcast sw so that you 
could dump to disk, and a powerbook with lots of free space to save 
the mpeg4. As long as the audio is clean and understandable then it 
would make a valuable archive; video quality at 320x240 or even 
160x120 would suffice.

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