[eurolisp] Web Application Frameworks in Smalltalk and Common Lisp

Pascal Costanza pc at p-cos.net
Fri Apr 15 07:50:44 UTC 2005

On 14 Apr 2005, at 15:49, Pascal Costanza wrote:

> On 14 Apr 2005, at 14:32, Marco Baringer wrote:
>> "Marco Baringer" <mb at bese.it> writes:
>>> Pascal Costanza <pc at p-cos.net> writes:
>>>> Web application frameworks in Smalltalk and Common Lisp
>>> i really (_really_) wish I could be there.
>> [hit C-c C-c prematurly]
>> Will slides (or videos) be available?
> We haven't considered this yet. I will ask the other organizer whether 
> we could do this. If anyone else wants to videotape the event and make 
> it available afterwards, we can surely arrange this (given that Avi 
> and Marc agree, of course).

Roel Wuyts, the other organizer, can convert an svideo signal to 
mgep-2, so we can provide the digitalization of whatever someone has 
taped. We woul still need someone who has a videocamera and wants to 
record the event.


2nd European Lisp and Scheme Workshop
July 26 - Glasgow, Scotland - co-located with ECOOP 2005

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