[eurolisp] Re: More parallel/concurrent stuff

Mario S. Mommer mario.mommer at gmx.net
Tue Oct 19 06:41:09 UTC 2004

Dirk Gerrits <dirk at dirkgerrits.com> writes:
> mario.mommer at gmx.net (Mario S. Mommer) writes:
>> Look at what I found here:
>> http://labs.google.com/papers/mapreduce.html
> At first glance this looks somewhat similar to Connection Machine Lisp,
> but at a larger scale.

Aha... *lisp, you mean?

This one seems to me particularily interesting, among other things
because it is actually in use. If I understand it correctly, these
folks (at google) are using one absolutely monstruous cluster of
comodity boxes with this.

Also, AFAICT, this is very close to the example given in the NetCLOS
paper (longer version).

> Which reminds me, I still have some more references to put on my
> site...  In any case, I hope I speak for everyone when I say: thanks
> for yet another one. :)

Oh, you are welcome. :-)

This is all very interesting for me.


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