[eurolisp] Introductory text

Pascal Costanza pascal at p-cos.net
Mon Nov 1 13:52:44 UTC 2004

Hi everybody,

I have promised to write an introductory text for the eurolisp mailing 
list. Unfortunately, it has taken me more time to actually start to do 
it than I have originally planned. Fortunately, it was less work than I 
expected, especially because Atrhur has already provided a very good 
first step in a recent posting.

So I have actually created a eurolisp page at 
http://alu.cliki.net/eurolisp and started with his text and a few minor 
modifications. I hope it represents the ideas of this mailing list 
well, including (but not limited to) the ideas of using multiple 

If people have suggestions for improvement, I would ask them to just 
edit that page (that's what a wiki is there for), but make a small 
announcement in this mailing list as well. If someone could provide a 
French translation that would be great. This would allow our French 
fellows to directly link to that site.


Tyler: "How's that working out for you?"
Jack: "Great."
Tyler: "Keep it up, then."

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