[elephant-devel] bdb licensing text from section 9.4

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Thu Apr 22 07:35:46 UTC 2010

quasi wrote:

> Is Oracle is still using the Sleepycat licence or have they changed it
> ?  I was planning to build a website with a berkeley db backend using
> Elephant. Is this not recommended due to licensing issues ? This would
> be a commercial website and I would not want to release the code.

I'm not a lawyer, but here are some hints:

  * the license is controversial in this regard but the general consensus
    seems to be that Oracle doesn't charge licensing fees from web sites
    using BDB.

  * they seem to have changed their licensing FAQ, but I remember the
    old one saying that your app is not affected by BDB's license if
    it is using a library that in turn uses BDB.

  * to get more reliable information, write to berkeleydb-info_us at oracle.com

Hope that helps...


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