[elephant-devel] Optimization

Elliott Slaughter elliottslaughter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 09:15:59 UTC 2009

Thanks for your comments. Let me try to provide you with a little more

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 4:38 AM, Ian Eslick <eslick at media.mit.edu> wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2009, at 3:22 AM, Elliott Slaughter wrote:
> > Another issue is that the cache-style declaration in persistent
> > classes doesn't get inherited by default. This particularly annoying
> > since this throws an error merely by inheriting cached slots from a
> > superclass.
> Hmmmm...it should inherit by default unless you are overriding the
> base class slot.  I'll look into this too.

It looks like cache-style is inherited when no new cached slots are
declared. But when new cached slots are declared, it produces a rather
strange error. I have attached a test case for you to examine.

> That said, I could probably avoid reading indexed slots if I used
> > the query language discussed on another thread. (Currently I use get-
> > instances-by-value to cons a list of objects, and then sort by the
> > indexed slot to effectively iterate over two sorted slots.)
> The query system would basically do this:
> (let ((a (map-inverted-index #'identity 'slot1 :collect t :oids t))
>       (b (map-inverted-index #'identity 'slot2 :collect t :oids t)))
>   (mapcar #'elephant::controller-recreate-instance
>          (merge-unique (sort a #'<) (sort b #'<))

What I need to do is more like

(let ((list (map-inverted-index #'identity 'slot1 :value foo :collect t)))
  (sort list #'< :key #'slot2))

which is effectively what I am currently doing with get-instances-by-value.
Is there a better way to efficiently iterate over one value in the first
slot, with the ordering of the second slot? (Should I look into creating
another level of btree for holding each subset of object in order?)

You can also do map-inverted-index and accumulate only values matching
> the second value as discussed earlier using an accumulation closure as
> an argument.  For small sets on the first slot, this is probably
> faster.  In general mapping is always more efficient than get-
> instances...

Most of the time, the sets will be close in size. Less frequently, the
second set will be much larger.

> I get roughly the same results as you on the micro-benchmarks. When
> > using checkout caching in the game, I get about a 2x speed increase.
> > It is still about 3x slower than no database.
> It would be interesting to see some profile data on this to see what,
> if anything, in BDB/Elephant could be improved.

Do you want profile results from my package, or from Elephant internals?
Either way, I have attached to profile reports. I hope you find them

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:02 AM, Ian Eslick <eslick at media.mit.edu> wrote:

> By the way, a write through mode is complex because if a transaction
> is rolled back your index could differ from your memory state so you
> would then have to keep track if slot writes to undo them on rollback...

I don't currently (or expect to) rollback changes, so this isn't an issue
with my particular application.

Are you caching blocks of objects for short term operations or long
> term ones?

I would like to cache all objects in the current room, so the only major
context switches should be when the player moves between rooms. So long

Elliott Slaughter

"Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere." - Frank
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