seconds | consed | calls | sec/call | name ----------------------------------------------------------- 1.233 | 19,183,304 | 97,294 | 0.000013 | IMAGE 1.095 | 8,122,056 | 97,285 | 0.000011 | OFFSET 1.012 | 62,808,984 | 55,894 | 0.000018 | RECT 0.718 | 14,013,416 | 56,156 | 0.000013 | GET-INSTANCES-BY-VALUE 0.603 | 6,208,360 | 27,738 | 0.000022 | UPDATE 0.490 | 4,677,144 | 64,998 | 0.000008 | ELEVATION 0.241 | 2,653,496 | 28,970 | 0.000008 | VELOC 0.222 | 6,730,720 | 1 | 0.222339 | MAIN 0.156 | 8,248,720 | 1 | 0.156000 | CREATE-DATABASE 0.135 | 2,400,888 | 13,800 | 0.000010 | VISIBLE 0.077 | 216,976 | 41,538 | 0.000002 | RENDER 0.056 | 1,069,024 | 13,800 | 0.000004 | ACCEL 0.049 | 581,072 | 41,747 | 0.000001 | SURFACE 0.031 | 1,072,024 | 1 | 0.031000 | SETUP-REPL-STREAMS 0.016 | 49,128 | 1 | 0.016000 | CLOSE-DATABASE 0.016 | 957,280 | 208 | 0.000076 | GET-INSTANCE-BY-VALUE 0.016 | 352,600 | 102 | 0.000155 | ENTER 0.015 | 973,016 | 1 | 0.015000 | HANDLE-KEY-DOWN 0.000 | 0 | 1 | 0.000000 | TITLE-CAPTION 0.000 | 0 | 372 | 0.000000 | VELOC-X 0.000 | 0 | 313 | 0.000000 | VELOC-Y 0.000 | 0 | 1 | 0.000000 | USE-ROOT 0.000 | 8,192 | 28,078 | 0.000000 | CHILDREN 0.000 | 0 | 2 | 0.000000 | SIZE 0.000 | 69,552 | 201 | 0.000000 | ACTIVE 0.000 | 8,184 | 102 | 0.000000 | LEAVE 0.000 | 0 | 1 | 0.000000 | EXIT 0.000 | 0 | 478 | 0.000000 | ROOT 0.000 | 0 | 84,319 | 0.000000 | Y 0.000 | 16,352 | 84,429 | 0.000000 | X 0.000 | 0 | 142 | 0.000000 | INPUT-MODE 0.000 | 0 | 1 | 0.000000 | KEY-REPEAT ----------------------------------------------------------- 6.182 | 140,420,488 | 737,975 | | Total estimated total profiling overhead: 0.58 seconds overhead estimation parameters: 0.0s/call, 7.8200003e-7s total profiling, 3.38e-7s internal profiling Short description of the first several most expensive functions: image: Slot read containing a persisted vector, which is then accessed. offset: Slot read containing a complex number. rect: Transient slot operation. get-instances-by-value: From Elephant. update: Iterates over objects with a certain slot value (after sorting them according to a second slot), and recursively calls update on each. Additional before and after methods may do several slot reads or writes.