[elephant-devel] Quick hack for lisp backend.

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Fri May 16 08:57:53 UTC 2008

> I had never looked at Rucksack before. The code is very well
> structured indeed!

Yes, we're lucky.

> A couple of thoughts:
> 1. Could the Rucksack B-Tree code be separated out, abstracted a
> little and put in a separate project (eg, a cl-btree, or ldb for
> example)? This would allow other lisp projects that are also looking
> for a native B-Tree backend to make use of it. And all those projects
> would benefit from the work done.

I have stated my desire for this in the past. Would you like to
work on it?

> 2. It appears that Rucksack is still be developed. Could the author
> (s) be contacted and see if they are interested in creating a
> universal lisp backend that could be shared between Elephant and
> Rucksack (more rows in the water so to speak)?

Why not, give it a try. :)

> 3. I think that if the Rucksack B-Tree can be used in some way its
> the fastest way to get the project off the ground and get some
> momentum behind it.

Yes. I have feared that the dream of a Lisp btree backend will
take a long time to become true, but with the already existing
code we might get started really fast.


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