[elephant-devel] Next issue, this time with Postmodern backend

Ian Eslick eslick at media.mit.edu
Thu Feb 28 17:14:08 UTC 2008

Sounds like we want to add bordeax threads to the elephant dependency  
list so we have a proper interface to threads for testing and some of  
the other stuff (thread-alive-p) that we currently hack up in the  
elephant utils.

Any objections?


On Feb 28, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Leslie P. Polzer wrote:

>> 	I'm imagining something that spins up 100 simultaneous threads and  
>> does
>> something to elephant from within each thread.  Following the mantra
>> "red, green, refactor", it would be lovely to see things seize up and
>> then see that your patch fixes it.  It would also be a starting point
>> for other concurrency related tests in the future. (It might be  
>> useful
>> for the CL-SQL guys, as well.)
> Note that this test case doesn't match the problem with Postgres which
> my patch resolves. The problem is not a high number of threads  
> accessing
> the database, but a lot of dangling connections that do not get closed
> when the thread terminates.
> Although it would be most sensible to have the test you proposed,
> I'd rather make up the test case that actually fits here first
> and then maybe implement the other test.
>  Leslie
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