[elephant-devel] SQLite locking error / BDB multi-image support

Leslie P. Polzer leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Tue Feb 26 18:42:44 UTC 2008

> I just pushed a patch that should automatically manage two processes
> connecting to the same environment.  You typically have to coordinate
> who is the master user and who is the slave so that you don't try to
> recover an environment that is already in use by another process.
> This causes that first process to fail, I believe, because it
> discovers it's pointers into the environment are 'corrupted'.

Doesn't do it for me. Opening two stores is fine, and I believe even
reading. But writing messes the other process up.

Without attempting recovery, everything seems to be fine.
I must live with that for now, since I ran out of backend choices...


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