[elephant-devel] Cross-references and SETF SLOT-VALUE
Ian Eslick
eslick at media.mit.edu
Thu Feb 21 02:38:41 UTC 2008
Ok, this is an architectural issue that wasn't completely thought
out. Currently class indexing effectively limits instances of a class
to a specific store. The first time an instance is saved, the current
*store-controller* is used to create the class index tying the class
to that store.
I have a local patch which changes this behavior to create a class
index for each store's objects. For example, in your test code, if
you call get-instances-by-class in the context of *sc1*, you'll get
nothing, in the context of *sc2* you'll get the instance you created
in *sc2*. Each store has it's own local set of class indices.
The problem here is that there are quite a few assumptions baked into
class indexing that ties a given class to a given store:
- The class object has an index cache which can only point to one
store at a time.
- The list of indexed slots in-memory can be synchronized to a store's
version when the class is first used (to avoid losing track of
existing indices of objects); two stores with two different versions
of indexed slots would create very complex behavior
- What if one store is created with one definition of a class, but
another store is created with different defintion? If the classes are
both indexed and have the same class name, one store's data may be
overwritten by the definition created for another.
The solution is probably to ensure that the class behaves differently
in the context of a given store, but then I imagine we'd have to keep
a per-store list of indexed slots and dispatch writes based on those
I'm concerned there are other areas where the policy choice becomes
difficult. My inclination is to assert that if you want to index
persistent objects in multiple stores, you should plan for that
explicitly and not use the class indexing mechanism.
I'm willing to be argued in the other direction, but I'm not terribly
motivated to chase down all the possible corner cases at this point.
On Feb 20, 2008, at 10:49 AM, Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
> This concerns indexed classes.
> Observe:
> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'elephant)
> (defpackage #:ele-test (:use :cl :elephant))
> (in-package :ele-test)
> (defvar *sc2* nil)
> (defvar item nil)
> (defpclass myclass ()
> ((testslot :accessor testslot :initarg testslot :index t)))
> (open-store '(:BDB "/tmp/db1") :recover t)
> (setf *sc2* (open-store '(:BDB "/tmp/db2") :recover t))
> (let ((*store-controller* *sc2*))
> (setf item (make-instance 'myclass)))
> (setf (testslot item) 5)
> ; ==> Attempted to write object #<MYCLASS oid:100> with home store
> ; #<BDB-STORE-CONTROLLER /tmp/db2> into store #<BDB-STORE-
> CONTROLLER /tmp/db1>
> (close-store)
> (close-store *sc2*)
> Intuitively, the SLOT-VALUE writer should have figured out the
> correct store controller on its own, by simply looking up ITEM's
> home controller. Instead, one has to specify it explicitly:
> (let ((*store-controller* *sc2*))
> (setf (testslot item) 5)) ; works
> Is there any sensible reason for this behaviour?
> Is my suspicion correct that multi-store operation is a point that
> isn't
> covered well by the unit tests and experience?
> Leslie
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