[elephant-devel] some comments about cvs

Henrik Hjelte henrik at evahjelte.com
Fri Mar 9 16:55:40 UTC 2007

Here are some observations on the latest cvs version.
/Henrik Hjelte

Testmigration, line 182:

(:dbcn-spc-pst (elephant::%index-cache (find-class 'ipfoo)))))
should be:
(elephant::dbcn-spc-pst (elephant::%index-cache (find-class 'ipfoo)))))

Also, bdb doesn't compile on linux/sbcl/amd64:

; $ gcc -L//usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/lib//
-I//usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.5/include// -shared -march=x86-64 -fPIC -Wall
-O3 /home/henrik/lisp/vc/elephant/src/db-bdb/libberkeley-db.c
-o /home/henrik/lisp/vc/elephant/src/db-bdb/libberkeley-db.so -lm
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldb45
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I just did this change in ele-bdb.asd to make it compile:

(defmethod compiler-options ((compiler (eql :gcc)) (c bdb-c-source) &key
  (append (library-directories c)
	  #-linux (list "-ldb45")

All tests work for the clsql backend.
Currently 17 tests fail with bdb, like this:
Test GET-FIRST failed
                        (WITH-BTREE-CURSOR (C INDEX1)
                                               (HAS K V)
                                               (CURSOR-FIRST C)
                                             (DECLARE (IGNORE HAS V))
                                             (= K 4))))
Expected value: T
Actual values: T

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