[elephant-devel] <kein Betreff>

Frank Schorr franks-muc at web.de
Mon Feb 26 21:56:44 UTC 2007

I saw the changes to elephant.asd directed to mswindows and had a 
try with ACL 8 Free Edition. 

run-shell-command generated an error because the output stream was 
the lisp listener pane what is not allowed ??

The docs say that excl.osi:command-output should be used now.
It also allows to set the current working directory for gcc. 

This creates libmemutil.o in the same directory where .c is (correct ?):

(let ((command (format nil "~A ~{~A ~}"
                 (c-compiler-path c)
                 (compiler-options (c-compiler c) c
                                   :input-file (format nil "\"~A\"" (namestring pathname))
                                   :output-file nil
                                   :library nil))))
  (multiple-value-bind (stdout-lines stderr-lines exit-status) 
      (excl.osi:command-output command :directory (directory-namestring pathname)) 
    (unless (zerop exit-status)
      (error 'operation-error :component c :operation o))))

,replacing: (unless (zerop (run-shell-command ...

checked: If gcc reports an error exit-status is not 0, 
stdout-lines, stderr-lines and commandd can be inspected.

excl.osi:command-output is ACL specific. LispWorks doesn't have it.
I will try LW tomorrow, now it's late.


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