[elephant-devel] SQLite 3 support - fixed
Dan Knapp
dankna at accela.net
Tue Nov 22 09:27:51 UTC 2005
Enclosed, find my patch against SQL-BACK-END to make Elephant work
with SQLite 3. I have also attached the detailed notes I took while
debugging, since they'll probably be of interest to Robert. There
may be a couple small changes in the patch not explained in the
notes... ask me if it's unclear. The notes are stream-of-
consciousness stuff, so don't expect them to be concise or direct.
The main problem was a bug in how slot values were decoded. The
actual connecting to the database and exchanging sql with it went
without a hitch.
I needed the Berkely DB support to continue working, so that I
could migrate my data, so I fixed one small bug there and changed the
library path to where fink installs it - I used the "db43*" packages.
I tested this all on OS X:
Darwin mt-kukulu.local 8.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.2.0: Fri Jun 24
17:46:54 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.2.4.obj~3/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
I used clsql-3.4.6, uffi-1.5.7, and the version of sqlite which
came with the OS,
Tell me how it works for you!

-- Dan Knapp
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