EclAndroid-0.0.1 on Android 6.0 ?

Daniel Kochmański daniel at
Wed Mar 9 16:00:04 UTC 2016

Hello Helmut,

I haven't tried it on Android 6.0 (maybe someone else?). It would be
helpful though if you could send some more detailed description of
crashing (how does it crash, what is the logcat output, did you build
apk by yourself or you have downloaded apk etc), then maybe I'll be able
to infere the problem from it.


Helmut Jarausch writes:

> Has anybody tried EclAndroid-0.0.1 on Android 6.0 ?
> Here on my Galaxy S5 with rooted Android 6.01 it crashes during start  
> up.
> Many thanks for some info,
> Helmut

Daniel Kochmański ;; aka jackdaniel | Poznań, Poland
TurtleWare - Daniel Kochmański      |

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