Sleeping process not reported as sleeping
Elias Pipping
pipping.elias at
Wed Aug 3 20:52:34 UTC 2016
Dear list,
I’m trying to find out how different lisp compilers handle external processes(*). As a part of that, I’ve created a short piece of code that launches an external process, sends it SIGSTOP, asks its about its well-being, and allows its to go about its business again by sending SIGCONT.
I would expect that ext:external-process-status consequently reports
(1) :running before SIGSTOP is sent
(2) then :stopped
(3) then :running again once SIGCONT was received
(4) and finally :exited.
Indeed, that is what `ps` would do if you ran it on the command line (so I’ve added that to the example for comparison). Here’s the output of my script:
external status: [S] (expected: [S])
internal status: RUNNING (expected: running)
external status: [T] (expected: [T])
internal status: RUNNING (expected: stopped)
external status: [S] (expected: [S])
internal status: RUNNING (expected: running)
external status: [ ] (expected: [] or [Z])
internal status: EXITED (expected: exited)
My expectations aren’t met in (2) and (3): Even though according to
the status of a process can be :stopped, and the process is clearly stopped, it is not reported as such.
So I’d like to ask: Is this a bug or intentional?
Elias Pipping
(*) I’ve already sent very similar messages to openmcl-devel and sbcl-devel.
PS: Here’s the script that I used (the aforementioned messages used an earlier version):
;; careful with cmucl. it doesn't actually sleep when external processes
;; are around
#+clozure (use-package :ccl)
#+sbcl (use-package :sb-ext)
#+cmu (use-package :ext)
#+clozure (setf (fdefinition 'process-output) #'external-process-output-stream)
#+ecl (setf (fdefinition 'process-output) #'ext:external-process-output)
#+ecl (setf (fdefinition 'run-program) #'(lambda (&rest rest)
(nth-value 2 (apply #'ext:run-program rest))))
(defconstant +sigstop+
#+clozure (symbol-value (read-from-string "#$SIGSTOP"))
#+cmu (unix:unix-signal-number :sigstop)
#+ecl ext:+sigstop+
#+sbcl (progn (require :sb-posix)
(symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :sigstop)
(find-package :sb-posix)))))
(defconstant +sigtstp+
#+clozure (symbol-value (read-from-string "#$SIGTSTP"))
#+cmu (unix:unix-signal-number :sigtstp)
#+ecl ext:+sigtstp+
#+sbcl (progn (require :sb-posix)
(symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :sigtstp)
(find-package :sb-posix)))))
(defconstant +sigcont+
#+clozure (symbol-value (read-from-string "#$SIGCONT"))
#+cmu (unix:unix-signal-number :sigcont)
#+ecl ext:+sigcont+
#+sbcl (progn (require :sb-posix)
(symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name :sigcont)
(find-package :sb-posix)))))
(defun internal-status (process)
#+clozure (external-process-status process)
#+(or sbcl cmu) (process-status process)
#+ecl (ext:external-process-status process))
(defun external-kill (pid signal)
(run-program "/usr/bin/env" (list "kill"
(format nil "-~a" signal)
(format nil "~a" pid))))
;; ecl does not support writing to a string stream
(defun external-status (pid)
(let* ((arg-list (list "ps" "-h" "-p" (format nil "~a" pid) "-o" "state"))
(process (run-program "/usr/bin/env" arg-list :output :stream))
(output (process-output process))
; we expect a single letter
(target (make-string 1)))
(read-sequence target output)
(defun get-pid (process)
#+clozure (ccl::external-process-pid process)
#+ecl (ext:external-process-pid process)
#+(or sbcl cmu) (process-pid process))
(let* ((p (run-program "/usr/bin/env" '("sleep" "3") :wait nil))
(pid (get-pid p)))
(format t "external status: [~a] (expected: [S])~%" (external-status pid))
(format t "internal status: ~a (expected: running)~%" (internal-status p))
(external-kill pid +sigstop+)
(sleep 1)
(format t "external status: [~a] (expected: [T])~%" (external-status pid))
(format t "internal status: ~a (expected: stopped)~%" (internal-status p))
(external-kill pid +sigcont+)
(sleep 1)
(format t "external status: [~a] (expected: [S])~%" (external-status pid))
(format t "internal status: ~a (expected: running)~%" (internal-status p))
(sleep 3)
(format t "external status: [~a] (expected: [] or [Z])~%" (external-status pid))
(format t "internal status: ~a (expected: exited)~%" (internal-status p)))
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