[Ecls-list] Fwd: [maintainership]

Evrim Ulu evrimulu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 05:39:04 UTC 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evrim Ulu <evrimulu at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Ecls-list] [maintainership]
To: Daniel Kochmański <jackdaniel at hellsgate.pl>

Hello, this tests are very nice.


I've fixed autotools finally. Here is the patch:


My sf account is evrimulu. If you provide me write access, i'll glad to push it.


On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 9:34 PM, Daniel Kochmański
<jackdaniel at hellsgate.pl> wrote:
> Hello,
> Anton Vodonosov writes:
>> Hello Daniel,
>> My main wish to you: the most important criterion - don't break ECL,
>> don't make it worse than it is today.
> Thank you. I do agree, it's most important case and my greatest concern
> about whole thing.
>> And thanks for your initiative to take care about the project.
>> From your list of goals, I think new release is the most important,
>> because HEAD is quite different from the last release. Juan Jose
>> didn't released his last changes, so probably the HEAD is
>> in some work-in progress state.
>> I can help with testing using cl-test-grid - we build all the libraries
>> from quicklisp on old release, and with new release and compare results
>> to detect regressions, like this:
>> https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/ecl/ecl-diff-2-lisp-to-c.html
> Thank you. I saw you already submitted some test results. I'll take a
> closer look at whole procedure as next thing.
> BR,
> Daniel
> ps. sorry for resend - i had problems with mu4e configuration (wrong
> e-mail sender address, and mail didn't came through to mailing list).
>> 21.02.2015, 09:51, "Daniel Kochmański" <jackdaniel at hellsgate.pl>:
>>> Hello,
>>> it's saturday and nobody has risen concerns about new maintainership, so
>>> I assume it's ok with you all - thanks for putting trust on unknown
>>> person.
>>> For start I need admin privileges on SF, and on wikispaces (which also
>>> requires subscription renewal). My user name on both portals is
>>> dkochmanski.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Daniel
>>> Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll writes:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> first of all thanks for taking me into consideration and for volunteering
>>>> to continue the project. I was overoptimistic in assuming that I could even
>>>> continue fixing bugs or reading the mailing list at all. I therefore
>>>> welcome any initiative to have a stable team that works on bugs and keeps
>>>> the project alive and useful. Just let me know what you need, such as
>>>> adding you to the Admin list and perhaps updating or giving you access to
>>>> other resources.
>>>> Since I do not have much time to read these threads, I would appreciate a
>>>> warning when the issue has been settled by the community, with a list of
>>>> steps that I should take.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Juanjo
>>>> On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 10:00 PM, ZhanLin Shang <shangzhanlin at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>> I agree with your opinion, I know some C (I've been playing around with C
>>>>> for 5 years but not embedding) and some CL (which is the language I use the
>>>>> most), I will try to help if I can.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Z.Shang
>>>>> On Sun Feb 15 2015 at 8:56:01 PM Daniel Kochmański <
>>>>> jackdaniel at hellsgate.pl> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> most of you have probably noticed, that ECL is unmaintained for quite a
>>>>>> while. Some spontaneous attempts are made, like submitting a patch, or
>>>>>> answering question - what is great, but insufficient. Many important bug
>>>>>> fixes last on git head, a few potential improvements wait in patch
>>>>>> queue. The other words - ECL starts to smell funny, what's a shame,
>>>>>> since it's a great project.
>>>>>> I'm writing to mailing list to volunteer myself as projects
>>>>>> maintainer. I'm sure there are people better suited for such role, but
>>>>>> since nobody asks for it, I do. Please reply to this message with
>>>>>> protests or support, if any. I'm full time embedded engineer with strong
>>>>>> C background, and solely speaking - CL new-be. Since I'm full time
>>>>>> worker, I can spare only a few hours a week, but I'm sure it would be
>>>>>> sufficient for start.
>>>>>> Short plan of things, which have to be done (any help welcome) - in
>>>>>> descendent order:
>>>>>> ** Roll out a new release
>>>>>> Many bug-fixes lie on git, and are absent on current release. It is
>>>>>> really important to make a new release.
>>>>>> 1. Introduce new branching model
>>>>>> http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
>>>>>> 2. Move development to gitorious
>>>>>> Split separate projects into separate repositories (libffi, gmp)
>>>>>> 3. Patch submissions
>>>>>> I think it would be plausible to move patch submissions to
>>>>>> mailing list, so they can be commented.
>>>>>> ** Refresh
>>>>>> 1. Website
>>>>>> I find it counter-intuitive and hard to navigate. Sitemap should
>>>>>> be rearranged, and maybe even moved from SF.
>>>>>> 2. Materials
>>>>>> Wiki's subscription is ended now. It should be brought back.
>>>>>> Usage examples should be easier to find and study.
>>>>>> It would be nice to have tutorials describing, how to install and
>>>>>> embed ECL in project.
>>>>>> 3. Patch/feature/bug queues (as started by Arto)
>>>>>> Decide, which patches need to be merged into ECL, reject the
>>>>>> rest. Same with feature requests - if something is beyond our
>>>>>> reach for now, should be tagged as won't do. Bug reports should be
>>>>>> checked for these already fixed, not-bugs and some which won't be
>>>>>> fixed anytime soon.
>>>>>> 4. Actualizing ECL support libraries - libffi breaks on build for
>>>>>> armv5 (new version works like a charm). It is also at least worth
>>>>>> considering switching to lgpl3 (for pragmatic reasons) - this one
>>>>>> requires further discussion, but first things first.
>>>>>> ** Evolve
>>>>>> 1. Third party libraries
>>>>>> - Use most recent libraries (asdf, quicklisp, swank, etc)
>>>>>> - Treat libffi as separate project /move to more recent version/
>>>>>> - Treat libgc as separate project /consider lgplv3/
>>>>>> 2. Make more ports
>>>>>> - Android (merge patches, write nice tutorial)
>>>>>> - NaCL
>>>>>> - Minix
>>>>>> 3. Regression / testing / deployment
>>>>>> - vagrant
>>>>>> - automated reports
>>>>>> - suggestions?
>>>>>> 4. ECL java application for android
>>>>>> ============================
>>>>>> I already wrote similar mail to Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll (attached as
>>>>>> reference), and he suggested to write to mailing list.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Daniel Kochmański
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> my name is Daniel Kochmański, and I want to say, that I am really
>>>>>>> impressed by your work on Embeddable Common Lisp, and I want to thank
>>>>>>> you for it. I find ecl nice piece of software and consider it a great
>>>>>>> opportunity to learn.
>>>>>>> I'm writing to you, because I want to be maintainer of it. I have strong
>>>>>>> C background, and I'm learning Common Lisp, so it wouldn't be very good
>>>>>>> pick if project is actively developed, but since it starts to smell
>>>>>>> funny (pun intended), I think it won't be a bad idea. I'm full time
>>>>>>> embedded systems engineer, so I can spare only few hours a week, but I'm
>>>>>>> convinced it would be sufficient for start.
>>>>>>> First thing I'd like to do is to roll out a new release, since git head
>>>>>>> has many improvements over current release (especially bugfix for
>>>>>>> bordeaux-threads), and cleanup of feature-requests and bug-reports on
>>>>>>> SourceForge.
>>>>>>> Then I plan to move development to gitorious, and host third party
>>>>>>> libraries as separate projects. Also, branching model would change -
>>>>>>> current commits will land on "develop", and "master" will be kept for
>>>>>>> releases only. I'm also considering reorganizing, or even moving ecl
>>>>>>> site from SourceForge, because I find it really hard to navigate. There
>>>>>>> is also problem with wiki, where subscription has ended, and needs
>>>>>>> reactivation by one of the wiki organizers (according to wikispaces).
>>>>>>> Next thing would be actualizing libffi (build breaks on armv5 on old
>>>>>>> sources included with ECL), and merging patches for android and nacl
>>>>>>> builds - I'm working on it on my local repository lately. After that to
>>>>>>> attract more people, I think that would be a nice idea to make android
>>>>>>> app, which will bring ECL to android devices.
>>>>>>> What do you think about this proposition? I was convincing myself to
>>>>>>> write this mail for few weeks from now, but I'm still not sure if I
>>>>>>> should write to mailing list first. Anyways, again, thank you for
>>>>>>> keeping this project alive for so many years.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Daniel Kochmański
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Daniel Kochmański | Poznań, Poland
>>>>>>> ;; aka jackdaniel
>>>>>>> "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Daniel Kochmański | Poznań, Poland
>>>>>> ;; aka jackdaniel
>>>>>> "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
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>>>>>> look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>> --
>>> Daniel Kochmański | Poznań, Poland
>>> ;; aka jackdaniel
>>> "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
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> --
> Daniel Kochmański | Poznań, Poland
> ;; aka jackdaniel
> "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
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