[Ecls-list] [PATCH] Sync CLX to crhodes darcs tree at http://common-lisp.net/~crhodes/clx. Add extensions to build process.

Julian Stecklina js at alien8.de
Sun Mar 14 17:27:05 UTC 2010

 src/clx/clx.asd          |    4 +-
 src/clx/demo/hello.lisp  |    4 +-
 src/clx/screensaver.lisp |   69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/clx/text.lisp        |   27 ++++++-------
 src/clx/xinerama.lisp    |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/clx/xrender.lisp     |    4 +-
 src/compile.lsp.in       |   10 +++++
 7 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/clx/screensaver.lisp
 create mode 100644 src/clx/xinerama.lisp

diff --git a/src/clx/clx.asd b/src/clx/clx.asd
index e83e611..a1ad6fb 100644
--- a/src/clx/clx.asd
+++ b/src/clx/clx.asd
@@ -74,7 +74,9 @@
                (:file "glx")
                (:file "gl" :depends-on ("glx"))
 	       (:file "dpms")
-               (:file "xtest")))
+               (:file "xtest")
+               (:file "screensaver")
+               (:file "xinerama")))
      (:module demo
 	      :default-component-class example-source-file
diff --git a/src/clx/demo/hello.lisp b/src/clx/demo/hello.lisp
index 8b1a710..a3fbd88 100644
--- a/src/clx/demo/hello.lisp
+++ b/src/clx/demo/hello.lisp
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 (in-package :xlib)
-(defun hello-world (&optional host &rest args &key (string "Hello World") (font "fixed"))
+(defun hello-world (host &rest args &key (string "Hello World") (font "fixed"))
   ;; CLX demo, says STRING using FONT in its own window on HOST
   (let ((display nil)
 	(abort t))
-	  (setq display (if host (open-display host) (open-default-display)))
+	  (setq display (open-display host))
 	    (let* ((screen (display-default-screen display))
 		   (black (screen-black-pixel screen))
diff --git a/src/clx/screensaver.lisp b/src/clx/screensaver.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3605d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clx/screensaver.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: XLIB; -*-
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;     Title: X11 MIT Screensaver extension
+;;;   Created: 2005-08-28 01:41
+;;;    Author: Istvan Marko <mi-clx at kismala.com>
+;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;  (c) copyright 2005 by Istvan Marko
+;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use,
+;;; copy, modify, and distribute this software, provided that this
+;;; complete copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact, in
+;;; all copies and supporting documentation.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Description:
+;;; This is a partial interface to the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
+;;; extension. Only the ScreenSaverQueryVersion and
+;;; ScreenSaverQueryInfo requests are implemented because I couldn't
+;;; think of a use for the rest. In fact, the only use I see for this
+;;; extension is screen-saver-get-idle which provides and easy way to
+;;; find out how long has it been since the last keyboard or mouse
+;;; activity.
+;;; A description of this extension can be found at
+;;; doc/hardcopy/saver/saver.PS.gz in the X11 distribution.
+(in-package :xlib)
+(export '(screen-saver-query-version
+	  screen-saver-query-info
+	  screen-saver-get-idle)
+        :xlib)
+(define-extension "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER")
+(defun screen-saver-query-version (display)
+  (with-buffer-request-and-reply (display (extension-opcode display "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER")
+                                          nil)
+    ((data 0)
+     (card8 1) ;client major version
+     (card8 0) ;client minor version
+     (card16 0)) ; unused
+    (values
+     (card16-get 8) ; server major version
+     (card16-get 10)))) ; server minor version
+(defun screen-saver-query-info (display drawable)
+  (with-buffer-request-and-reply (display (extension-opcode display "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER")
+                                          nil)
+    ((data 1)
+     (drawable drawable))
+    (values
+     (card8-get 1) ; state: off, on, disabled
+     (window-get 8) ; screen saver window if active
+     (card32-get 12) ; tilorsince msecs. how soon before the screen saver kicks in or how long has it been active
+     (card32-get 16) ; idle msecs
+     (card8-get 24)))) ; kind: Blanked, Internal, External
+(defun screen-saver-get-idle (display drawable)
+  "How long has it been since the last keyboard or mouse input"
+   (multiple-value-bind (state window tilorsince idle kind) (screen-saver-query-info display drawable)
+     (declare (ignore state window kind))
+     (values idle tilorsince)))
diff --git a/src/clx/text.lisp b/src/clx/text.lisp
index 8eb6af4..08c9973 100644
--- a/src/clx/text.lisp
+++ b/src/clx/text.lisp
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
 	   (inline graphic-char-p))
   (declare (clx-values integer (or null integer font) (or null integer)))
-  (let ((min-char-index (xlib:font-min-char font))
-        (max-char-index (xlib:font-max-char font)))
+  (let ((min-char-index (and font (xlib:font-min-char font)))
+        (max-char-index (and font (xlib:font-max-char font))))
     (if (stringp src)
 	(do ((i src-start (index+ i 1))
 	     (j dst-start (index+ j 1))
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	  (declare (type array-index i j))
 	  (setf char (char->card8 (char src i)))
-	  (if (or (< char min-char-index) (> char max-char-index))
+	  (if (and font (or (< char min-char-index) (> char max-char-index)))
 	      (return i)
 	      (setf (aref dst j) char)))
 	(do ((i src-start (index+ i 1))
@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@
 	  (setq elt (elt src i))
 	  (when (characterp elt) (setq elt (char->card8 elt)))
 	  (if (or (not (integerp elt))
-		  (< elt min-char-index)
-		  (> elt max-char-index))
+                  (and font
+                       (< elt min-char-index)
+                       (> elt max-char-index)))
 	      (return i)
 	      (setf (aref dst j) elt))))))
@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@
       (setf (aref vector 0) elt)
       (multiple-value-bind (new-start new-font translate-width)
 	  (funcall (or translate #'translate-default)
-		   vector 0 1 (gcontext-font gcontext t) vector 1)
+		   vector 0 1 (gcontext-font gcontext nil) vector 1)
 	;; Allow translate to set a new font
 	(when (type? new-font 'font) 
 	  (setf (gcontext-font gcontext) new-font)
@@ -549,8 +550,7 @@
 	 (length (index- src-end src-start))
 	 (request-length (* length 2))		; Leave lots of room for font shifts.
 	 (display (gcontext-display gcontext))
-	 ;; Should metrics-p be T?  Don't want to pass a NIL font into translate...
-	 (font (gcontext-font gcontext t)))
+	 (font (gcontext-font gcontext nil)))
     (declare (type array-index src-start src-end length)
 	     (type (or null array-index) next-start)
 	     (type display display))
@@ -652,8 +652,7 @@
 	 (length (index- src-end src-start))
 	 (request-length (* length 3))		; Leave lots of room for font shifts.
 	 (display (gcontext-display gcontext))
-	 ;; Should metrics-p be T?  Don't want to pass a NIL font into translate...
-	 (font (gcontext-font gcontext t))
+	 (font (gcontext-font gcontext nil))
 	 (buffer (display-tbuf16 display)))
     (declare (type array-index src-start src-end length)
 	     (type (or null array-index) next-start)
@@ -759,7 +758,7 @@
       (setf (aref vector 0) elt)
       (multiple-value-bind (new-start new-font translate-width)
 	  (funcall (or translate #'translate-default)
-		   vector 0 1 (gcontext-font gcontext t) vector 1)
+		   vector 0 1 (gcontext-font gcontext nil) vector 1)
 	;; Allow translate to set a new font
 	(when (type? new-font 'font) 
 	  (setf (gcontext-font gcontext) new-font)
@@ -836,8 +835,7 @@
   (declare (clx-values (or null array-index) (or null int32)))
   (do* ((display (gcontext-display gcontext))
 	(length (index- end start))
-	;; Should metrics-p be T?  Don't want to pass a NIL font into translate...
-	(font (gcontext-font gcontext t))
+	(font (gcontext-font gcontext nil))
 	(font-change nil)
 	(new-start) (translated-width) (chunk))
        (nil) ;; forever
@@ -902,8 +900,7 @@
   (declare (clx-values (or null array-index) (or null int32)))
   (do* ((display (gcontext-display gcontext))
 	(length (index- end start))
-	;; Should metrics-p be T?  Don't want to pass a NIL font into translate...
-	(font (gcontext-font gcontext t)) 
+	(font (gcontext-font gcontext nil)) 
 	(font-change nil)
 	(new-start) (translated-width) (chunk)
 	(buffer (buffer-tbuf16 display)))
diff --git a/src/clx/xinerama.lisp b/src/clx/xinerama.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee688e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clx/xinerama.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
+;;; Copyright (C) 2008, Julian Stecklina
+;;;   ((
+;;;    ))     This file is COFFEEWARE. As long as you retain this notice
+;;;  |   |o)  you can do whatever you want with this code. If you think,
+;;;  |___|jgs it's worth it, you may buy the author a coffee in return.
+;;; Description:
+;;; This is an implementation of the XINERAMA extension. It does not
+;;; include the obsolete PanoramiX calls.
+(defpackage "XLIB.XINERAMA"
+  (:use "COMMON-LISP" "XLIB")
+  (:nicknames "XINERAMA")
+  (:import-from "XLIB"
+		"DATA"
+		"CARD8" "CARD8-GET"
+		"CARD16" "CARD16-GET"
+		"CARD32" "CARD32-GET"
+		"INT16" "INT16-GET")
+  (:export "SCREEN-INFO"
+           "SCREEN-INFO-NUMBER"
+           "SCREEN-INFO-X"
+           "SCREEN-INFO-Y"
+           "SCREEN-INFO-WIDTH"
+           "SCREEN-INFO-HEIGHT"
+           "XINERAMA-IS-ACTIVE"
+(in-package "XINERAMA")
+(define-extension "XINERAMA")
+(defun xinerama-opcode (display)
+  (extension-opcode display "XINERAMA"))
+(defconstant +major-version+ 1)
+(defconstant +minor-version+ 1)
+(defconstant +get-version+ 0)
+(defconstant +get-state+ 1)
+(defconstant +get-screen-count+ 2)
+(defconstant +get-screen-size+ 3)
+(defconstant +is-active+ 4)
+(defconstant +query-screens+ 5)
+(defstruct screen-info
+  (number 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
+  (x 0 :type (signed-byte 16))
+  (y 0 :type (signed-byte 16))
+  (width 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
+  (height 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16)))
+(defun xinerama-query-version (display)
+  (with-buffer-request-and-reply (display (xinerama-opcode display) nil)
+    ((data +get-version+)
+     (card8 +major-version+)
+     (card8 +minor-version+))
+    (values
+     (card16-get 8)                     ; server major version
+     (card16-get 10))))                 ; server minor version
+(defun xinerama-is-active (display)
+  "Returns T, iff Xinerama is supported and active."
+  (with-buffer-request-and-reply (display (xinerama-opcode display) nil)
+    ((data +is-active+))
+    (values
+     ;; XCB says this is actually a CARD32, but why?!
+     (boolean-get 8))))
+(defun xinerama-query-screens (display)
+  "Returns a list of screen-info structures."
+  (with-buffer-request-and-reply (display (xinerama-opcode display) nil)
+    ((data +query-screens+))
+    (values
+     (loop
+        with index = 32
+        for number from 0 below (card32-get 8)
+        collect (prog1
+                    (make-screen-info :number number
+                                      :x (int16-get index)
+                                      :y (int16-get (+ index 2))
+                                      :width (card16-get (+ index 4))
+                                      :height (card16-get (+ index 6)))
+                  (incf index 8))))))
+;;; EOF
diff --git a/src/clx/xrender.lisp b/src/clx/xrender.lisp
index 9f6f94e..bb605da 100644
--- a/src/clx/xrender.lisp
+++ b/src/clx/xrender.lisp
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ by every function, which attempts to generate RENDER requests."
-(defun render-trapezoids-1 (picture op source src-x src-y format coord-sequence)
+(defun render-trapezoids-1 (picture op source src-x src-y mask-format coord-sequence)
   ;; coord-sequence is  top bottom
   ;;                    line-1-x1 line-1-y1 line-1-x2 line-1-y2
   ;;                    line-2-x1 line-2-y1 line-2-x2 line-2-y2 ...
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ by every function, which attempts to generate RENDER requests."
       (card16 0)                        ;pad
       (resource-id (picture-id source))
       (resource-id (picture-id picture))
-      (picture-format format)
+      ((or (member :none) picture-format) mask-format)
       (int16 src-x)
       (int16 src-y)
       ((sequence :format int32) coord-sequence) )))
diff --git a/src/compile.lsp.in b/src/compile.lsp.in
index e699de9..ec3bd10 100755
--- a/src/compile.lsp.in
+++ b/src/compile.lsp.in
@@ -260,6 +260,16 @@
+                          "src:clx;shape.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;big-requests.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;xvidmode.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;xrender.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;glx.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;gl.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;dpms.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;xtest.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;screensaver.lisp"
+                          "src:clx;xinerama.lisp"
        (c::*cc-flags* (concatenate 'string c::*cc-flags* " -Zm150")))

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