[Ecls-list] Question #1

Matthew Mondor mm_lists at pulsar-zone.net
Tue Feb 16 06:15:18 UTC 2010

On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 21:23:37 +0100
Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:

> It has been suggested to me that I should use a version number with a finer
> granularity than the current release code, ideally increasing with _every_
> commit.

I don't think that is necessary personally, people can use checkout
dates to refer to a particular time when a bug appeared, or can use git
or cvs tags and IDs (I guess that this can be harder in the case of git
than cvs when refering to specific file versions, though, and harder
for cvs when refering to a particular full snapshot).

I have no strong opinion about this though.  Some projects also decide
to make more frequent automated snapshot-level "releases" even if
they're unstable ones, which is another possible option for people who
need to refer strictly to a particular tree/version and not track the
latest changes...

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