[Ecls-list] "In function TEST, checking types of arguments FN."

Tobias C. Rittweiler tcr at freebits.de
Sun Feb 7 16:13:01 UTC 2010

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll writes:

> > Another thing:
> >
> > I find the "Invoking external command" notes just noise.
> Use .ecl or .eclrc and add COMPILER-NOTE to the type
> C:*suppress-compiler-messages* (this is a lisp type specifier, not a list)
> which represents the type of notes and messages that are suppressed, or set
> C::*SUPPRESS-COMPILER-NOTES* to T and get rid of everything which is not a
> warning or an error.

Well, it's a question of sensible default values. At the moment,
compilation results in quite some amount of noise with questionable use
-- making actual user mistakes hard to spot.

"Questionable", and "noise" subject to my personal sense, of
course. It's you who makes the decisions, but please take notice that
these notes may be considered detrimental to readability.

Just look at the build log when building swank.


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