[Ecls-list] Invalid octet sequence -> SIMPLE-ERROR

Matthew Mondor mm_lists at pulsar-zone.net
Mon Aug 3 04:19:39 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2 Aug 2009 23:12:46 +0200
Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com> wrote:

> > However, since ECL does support unicode, it might be good to be able to
> > access the invalid bytes like SBCL allows
> I take note. Sorry, but you may have guessed that I am right now busy
> with more basic things :-)

Absolutely, thanks for caring :)

> Regarding buffers, ECL does not implement buffering itself. We use the
> C library (FILE *) for that. In particular, the sockets library uses
> fdopen() around the sockets that are created, so I do not know why
> your particular version uses syscalls for every character read.
> Perhaps setvbuf does not work well in your system :-/

I never noticed this problem with stdio and have code using setvbuf(3)
since forever, but I'll check, it's quite possible that there was a
libc regression.

> Regarding errors, maybe we can provide a custom condition for illegal
> sequences. Please understand that this kind of things are implemented
> as needed and so far there was no need for it. You seem to have
> special requirements. Please provide a description of how the
> condition should look like and what would be the expected behavior --
> continuable error, what kind of restarts, etc -- and I will look into
> a possible implementation.

I guess that there are two solutions: to allow access to illegal
sequences so software can interpret them as wanted (i.e. a-la-SBCL via
the condition system), or to automatically interpret these as
iso8859-15 (or another single-byte encoding) when the system is
configured to, and use the condition system when this can't be done or
auto-fallback is disabled.

When I have more time I might look more closely at the implementation
and possibly submit suggestion diffs.

Thanks again,

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