[Ecls-list] Invalid octet sequence -> SIMPLE-ERROR

Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll juanjose.garciaripoll at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 2 21:12:46 UTC 2009

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 10:55 PM, Matthew Mondor<mm_lists at pulsar-zone.net> wrote:
> After implementing custom-read-line I realized how handling non-utf8
> sequences was different on every implementation [...]
> However, since ECL does support unicode, it might be good to be able to
> access the invalid bytes like SBCL allows

I take note. Sorry, but you may have guessed that I am right now busy
with more basic things :-)

Regarding buffers, ECL does not implement buffering itself. We use the
C library (FILE *) for that. In particular, the sockets library uses
fdopen() around the sockets that are created, so I do not know why
your particular version uses syscalls for every character read.
Perhaps setvbuf does not work well in your system :-/

Regarding errors, maybe we can provide a custom condition for illegal
sequences. Please understand that this kind of things are implemented
as needed and so far there was no need for it. You seem to have
special requirements. Please provide a description of how the
condition should look like and what would be the expected behavior --
continuable error, what kind of restarts, etc -- and I will look into
a possible implementation.


Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC
c/ Serrano, 113b, Madrid 28006 (Spain)

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