[Ecls-list] [Maxima] Maxima/Ecl on 32-bit machine cannot evaluate "apply(union, listify({{..}}))"

Robert Dodier robert.dodier at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 04:12:09 UTC 2008

I'm forwarding a bug report from the Maxima mailing list.
The problem is that a Lisp function is being called with 64 arguments
and the last one is trashed, which causes an error.
The error doesn't occur in interpreted code, only in compiled code
(and then only on one system so far as we know).

Despite the lack of detail it seems pretty obviously a bug in
ecl/src/c/apply.d which has separate cases for 64 arguments or less
and more than 64.

Oliver, if you can please supply additional information about your
system including the gcc version, and any flags specified to
./configure for ECL, and the Maxima input which triggered the error,
and anything else you think is relevant, that would be very helpful.


Robert Dodier

PS. On 9/2/08, Oliver Kullmann <O.Kullmann at swansea.ac.uk> wrote:

>  2) trace(union) yields
>  1" Enter "union" "[{-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1},{-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,1},{-6,-5,-4,-3,-1,2},{-6,-5,-4,-3,1,2},{-6,-5,-4,-2,-1,3},
>  {-6,-5,-4,-2,1,3},{-6,-5,-4,-1,2,3},{-6,-5,-4,1,2,3},{-6,-5,-3,-2,-1,4},{-6,-5,-3,-2,1,4},
>   {-6,-5,-3,-1,2,4},{-6,-5,-3,1,2,4},{-6,-5,-2,-1,3,4},{-6,-5,-2,1,3,4},{-6,-5,-1,2,3,4},
>   {-6,-5,1,2,3,4},{-6,-4,-3,-2,-1,5},{-6,-4,-3,-2,1,5},{-6,-4,-3,-1,2,5},{-6,-4,-3,1,2,5},
>   {-6,-4,-2,-1,3,5},{-6,-4,-2,1,3,5},{-6,-4,-1,2,3,5},{-6,-4,1,2,3,5},{-6,-3,-2,-1,4,5},
>   {-6,-3,-2,1,4,5},{-6,-3,-1,2,4,5},{-6,-3,1,2,4,5},{-6,-2,-1,3,4,5},{-6,-2,1,3,4,5},
>   {-6,-1,2,3,4,5},{-6,1,2,3,4,5},{-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,6},{-5,-4,-3,-2,1,6},{-5,-4,-3,-1,2,6},
>   {-5,-4,-3,1,2,6},{-5,-4,-2,-1,3,6},{-5,-4,-2,1,3,6},{-5,-4,-1,2,3,6},{-5,-4,1,2,3,6},
>   {-5,-3,-2,-1,4,6},{-5,-3,-2,1,4,6},{-5,-3,-1,2,4,6},{-5,-3,1,2,4,6},{-5,-2,-1,3,4,6},
>   {-5,-2,1,3,4,6},{-5,-1,2,3,4,6},{-5,1,2,3,4,6},{-4,-3,-2,-1,5,6},{-4,-3,-2,1,5,6},
>  {-4,-3,-1,2,5,6},{-4,-3,1,2,5,6},{-4,-2,-1,3,5,6},{-4,-2,1,3,5,6},{-4,-1,2,3,5,6},{-4,1,2,3,5,6},
>  {-3,-2,-1,4,5,6},{-3,-2,1,4,5,6},{-3,-1,2,4,5,6},{-3,1,2,4,5,6},{-2,-1,3,4,5,6},{-2,1,3,4,5,6},
>  {-1,2,3,4,5,6},?\#\<illegal\ pointer\ bfff0e28\>]""""
>  Function union expects a set, instead found ?the\-trace\-apply\-hack

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