[Ecls-list] deftype propagation in the ECL compiler

Gabriel Dos Reis gdr at cs.tamu.edu
Sat Nov 1 16:40:39 UTC 2008

Hi Juanjo,

  I finally got around to produce a small enough testcase
for the deftype propagation problem I mentioned in another
thread a couple of weeks ago.

  Attached are two Lisp source files (machine generated from
Boot, the home-grown language we use to write the OpenAxiom
compiler).  The ECL compiler complains with

;;; The built-in class (#<The BUILT-IN-CLASS T>) cannot be instantiated

when compiling the function applyMapping.

To reproduce the problem, at ECL toplevel, do:

    (compile-file "types.clisp")
    (load "types")
    (compile-file "compiler.clisp")

Note that If I replace

  (DEFTYPE |%Triple| () '(CONS |%Code| (CONS |%Mode| (CONS |%Env| NULL))))


  (DEFTYPE |%Triple| () 'LIST)

then everything is OK -- but it is less precise.

-- Gaby

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