[Ecls-list] Problems with GMP on Win32

Robin Lee Powell rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org
Tue Aug 5 19:31:27 UTC 2008

On Sat, Aug 02, 2008 at 03:36:17PM +0200, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 1:07 AM, Robin Lee Powell
> <rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org> wrote:
> > Then it did this: [...]
> > ../../src/c/file.d(49) : fatal error C1021: invalid preprocessor command 'defien'
> I have just upgraded the MSVC port to fix the following problems:
> - A typo in file.d
> - MSVC does not have the C99 macro isfinite()
> - Using "nmake clean" left some files behind
> - The compiler farms were actually _not_ using ECL_THREADS=1
> When the compiler farm failed to build a windows port, it did not
> reflect in the logs. That cause the previous problems to survive
> for a few days without being detected.

It works great with msvc now, thank you!

I'm trying to build CLOCC now, and I'm really not sure what to do
with this error:

Type :h for Help.  Top level.
> (in-package :cl-user)
#<"COMMON-LISP-USER" package>
> (setq *clocc-root* ".\\")
> (compile-file (concatenate 'string *clocc-root* "clocc"))
;;; Loading #P"C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOOKSMART_SF/Desktop/cygwin/ecl
;;; Loading #P"C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOOKSMART_SF/Desktop/cygwin/ecl
;;; Compiling clocc.
;;; Compiling (DEFVAR *CLOCC-ROOT* ...).
;;; End of Pass 1.
;;; Note: Replacing variable G130 by its value
;;; Calling the C compiler...
;;; Note: Invoking external command:
;;; cl  /MD /EHsc /DGC_DLL /nologo  -O2 -I"C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOO
KSMART_SF/Desktop/cygwin/ecl/ecl/msvc/package/" -w -c "C:/Documents and Settings
/rpowell.LOOKSMART_SF/Desktop/cygwin/tui/clocc/clocc.c" -Fo"C:/Documents and Set
;;; Note: Invoking external command:
;;; cl -Fe"C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOOKSMART_SF/Desktop/cygwin/tui/clo
cc/clocc.fas" "C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOOKSMART_SF/Desktop/cygwin/tui
/clocc/clocc.obj"  /LD /MD /link /nologo /nodefaultlib:libcmt /nodefaultlib:libc
mtd /nodefaultlib:libc /nodefaultlib:libd ecl.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib shell32.
lib /EXPORT:init_fas_CODE /LIBPATH:C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOOKSMART_S
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'ecl.lib'
;;; The C compiler failed to compile the intermediate file.
Filesystem error with pathname #P"C:/Documents and Settings/rpowell.LOOKSMART_SF
 1) the file does not exist, or
 2) we are not allow to access the file, or
 3) the pathname points to a broken symbolic link.
Broken at SI:BYTECODES.No restarts available.

I don't know why it's trying to get ecl.lib rather than ecl.dll;
like I said, I don't know anything about linking on windows.


Lojban Reason #17: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_buffalo
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